View Full Version : gun advice

11-13-2003, 03:36 AM
I'm sorry if this is getting redundant for some of you fine folks but here goes:

Im returning to paintball after a three year hiatus, the reason I originally stopped playing was cause I got tired of being mr. sniper with my fat butt and my 'cocker. Well i've lost 120 pounds now, I can actually run! On that note I wanted to get back into paintball and for once be one of the guys rushing at match start. I sold my old gun last year and im looking in the market for a new one. I'm hoping your generously offered opinions will guide me towards the right gun. I have a budget of 600 bucks. I'm looking for something light to ultra-lightweight that can fire fast, which is how and why I found this message board since im leaning towards a mag, just I dont know which one...and even if I do know which one, what kind of upgrades to get for it? I would infer from all the hype ive seen, it sounds like this Level 10 bolt is a must.

Answer what you wish, anything is appreciated.

- Droz

11-13-2003, 04:36 AM
does your budget include a tank?

11-13-2003, 05:02 AM
Look in the classified ads in this forum or talk to Tunaman on here. He can hook you right up.

11-13-2003, 05:51 AM
For $600 you could probably come out with a nicely upgraded mechanical mag with tank and maybe a hopper.

Things to look for: X-Valve, Intelliframe / Y-Grip, ULE is always nice, ULT (the new ULE trigger pull kit, good if your not into sweet spotting), and of course a good barrel is pretty key too.

11-13-2003, 12:55 PM
well i assumed 600 would go into just the gun, but i can then later buy a tank (i have a 48 cu but those things run out so fast). Also I was planning on later getting a warpfeed, so I assume it would be silly to get a vertical feed body for a minimag or automag. I hope those warpfeeds are sweet, I always drool over them whenever I see them in pictures.

11-13-2003, 01:03 PM
Here's a lil' something to excite you, as far as warps go :)

And you will DEFINATELY want a bigger tank than 45ci, you might be able to get 300 shots off of that :) My tank of choice is a 91/4500, thats enough to get me through a game, barely!

11-13-2003, 02:20 PM
so is that a powerfeed on the gun body? or is that special feed body you need to buy so you can use a warp?

11-13-2003, 05:10 PM
welcome to AO:D thats just a powerfeed with the plug in the other end, but you can buy warp ULE bodies store.airgun.com

11-13-2003, 05:54 PM
Hey, welcome back to paintball :)

Would you want electric or mechanical do you suppose?

11-13-2003, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by the_next_guy_
welcome to AO:D thats just a powerfeed with the plug in the other end, but you can buy warp ULE bodies store.airgun.com

Wrong. That is a warp left body in the pic of my gun. The powerfeed bodies actually have longer pf tubes, there is barely enough lip to put an elbow on that feed tube.

11-13-2003, 06:14 PM
COngrads on the weight I know that is a hard thing to do, who am I to speak thogh look at my pick below it looks like am anerexic but congradulation and have a fun time the sport has grown alot.

11-14-2003, 12:22 AM
You guys are really nice! There used to be only one field where I live and the staff of that place seemed cold, adversarial. All of the players kind of had that rambo-male-bravado going, and I was a referee too so I got kind of burned out and disenchanted (hence the reason for the hiatus. But theres a new field open that plays only during the night with stadium lighting (which is better than playing during the day in the hot desert). Thanks for being cool guys. Well I assume im going mechanical since it sounds like im going for more bang for buck. I also once had an old shocker 4 x 4 as well and my old cocker. I never got too involved with the technical aspects of the benefits electric over mechanical. I just remember my shocker had a lighter trigger pull than my autococker. right now im thinking of getting a normal mag with a ULE warp feed body, an x-valve, and a y-grip (boy I wish that grip was out when I used to play). However after seeing mr. Fragtek's e-mag.....I have discovered another temptation :) Is it really worth the extra 300 bucks to choose an e-mag over an upgraded automag? What kind of upgrades would the e-mag need? Does it need an x-valve (sorry if im sounding newbish, alot of these advances were after my time)

11-14-2003, 12:35 AM
First, congrats on the weight man. It's a tough thing to do, especially if your genetics are against you. Just do what you can to keep it off as thats a tough part too. Been there myself.

For 600, you can find a pretty sweet, fully loaded ULE mag which is mechanical, but if you planned on putting in even more, check out AKA Vikings, they are sick markers are in that price range. Get WAS board, Humphrey noids, and wicked eyes already installed with covers. If you ask for that specifically you'll be all set. Avoid Nelson items in them, the Nelson board and noid are old.

11-14-2003, 12:45 AM
yea for 600 you can get a nice ule emag for a little more you could go with a used viking w/ was

11-14-2003, 04:51 AM
a ule e-mag for only around 600? i figured a regular mag with the x-valve and body alone would be around 600

11-14-2003, 04:53 AM
Where are you that its desert?? Losts of that around here. Anyhow on to your Q the used gun market is very depressed right now, 600 or less will get you pretty much anything you want if you are patent and look for deals. There are alot of nie LCD Angels floating around out there in that price range. I'd say wait, try some electros out and see what you really want. If you do go mag e or hyper are definantly the way to go. Anyhow good luck with your choice :)

11-14-2003, 05:26 AM
actually mags have low resale right now so if i wanted to sell my mag with xvalve ule trigger i-frame lvl10 id probably get about 350-400 just for the gun. now its a really nice gun but mags just dont sell very good right now

as far as mech vs electro in the mag theres no difference performance wise basically just that the emag you get the mouseclick and optional ACE basically a computer type thing that sees if theres a ball in the chamber but with lvl 10 you dont need it.

so if your going for a mag i would definatly look at Emags cuase if you dont like the E-trigger you can just switch to mechanical mode on those things and you have a tricked mech mag :)

of course you could always look into impulses as you can find nice impulses for 600

mech cockers are great if you know what your doing and seeing that youve had a cocker you do know what your doing you could probably pick up a dye reflex for about 600 if your lucky :)

vikings of couse are nice never shot one but ive heard to much to say anything bad about them lol

out side of that you could get a an angel wich right now are not having the best resale like mags right now you could probably pick up an ir3 for 600 if you find the right seller

all are good guns if you know what your doing
mags have lvl 10 almost impossible to chop paint
cockers - whatever you can do they can do
angels - always nice as long as they work right
impulse - like the angel
vikings - like i said before heard t much good to say one bad

11-14-2003, 07:32 PM
So I went to the local store in town and that have a used angel ir3 in near mint condition for 750, also now my budget has gotten alot better. I can do up to 900 now since this place does 6 month, no interest financing on guns. so now i guess im torn between the emag or an ir3. Does a warp feed work on an ir3?

11-14-2003, 10:36 PM
a warp would work with the angel, or pretty much any other gun, just as long as you get a PTP warp feed, which is pretty much the same thing, but designed to fit guns other than automags.

If I remember correctly, a PTP does run a bit more than a regular warp.