View Full Version : Wreckless drivers, not getting enough attention or something? sheesh

11-13-2003, 04:55 PM
I was on my way to school the other day in the morning, when I saw a nice clean VW jetta at a stop sign perpendicular to the road I'm on, with 2 teenagers in it.

I can see them point at my awesome car *cough* and conversate....

But as soon as I hit the stop light a mile down, I see them fly through the green left turn arrow, power sliding their car, and almost spinning out through the median into oncoming traffic. I means what the hell?

Maybe these kids have watched Initial D too much, and thought it would be cool to show off to my white comet of akagi. I really really wish I could of got the license plate number. Hopefully one of the many people at the intersection got it.

I'M TELLING YOU THOUGH!!! There is a new era of rice, and it's DRIFT-RICERS. Ricers used to terrorize the street, illegally drag racing their 20 second cars, now they are sliding all over the place, and flying down cliffs on mountain passes.


11-13-2003, 04:57 PM
They are angry that you stole all their attention with a real car and are desperate

11-13-2003, 05:14 PM
Yeah, what I hate is when these people with Esclades with 22" Giovannas stop and look at my pimp mini van and they wish they could have my mini van with power door and but they cant so they get mad and try to show off. :p

11-13-2003, 06:05 PM
i can garentee they wernt drift driving. most teens dont even know how to do it properly, they just skid... take this from a teen driver who got 130 days or imediate threat.:D

11-13-2003, 06:50 PM
The other night it was raining I was at an intersection stopped at a light, I see a kid in a civic starting to make a right hand turn going about 40. Now when its dry out I take it at 35-40 and the rear swings around a little. Fortunatly there were no cars comming so I went through the intersecton, and he ended us doing a 540 and stopped right where I was stopped.

11-13-2003, 07:09 PM
Whenever I take the Stang out I get 5-6 Moron kids trying to race me. At just about every light I stop at some idiot in a honda with a 2 story wing and a fart cannon revs at me. Most of the time I just laugh, something tells me those kids cant quite keep up with a 400+hp Rustang....

11-13-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag
i can garentee they wernt drift driving. most teens dont even know how to do it properly, they just skid... take this from a teen driver who got 130 days or imediate threat.:D

Yeah, they definately weren't drifting if it was in a Jetta consdering they are front wheel drive. Just a shame that those idiots gotta ruin the reputation of us dub owners.

11-13-2003, 09:00 PM
Don't be dissin gotenks! I'm going to take down your akagi white comet with my fujiwara akina hachiroku!!! (but it's a coupe instead of a hatch...:()
I know a few racers... they are damn crazy drivers but they know their limits at least. They don't do stupid crap while just driving casually.

11-13-2003, 09:03 PM
i tell you

there is something wrong with america, some people cant drive, cant keep a constant speed, cause use their mirrors, cant use their turn signals, cant drive in a straight line, cant read traffic signs, cant look more than 6 feet ahead of them, cant turn their damn blinkers off, cant use the proper lane, cant make up their minds, cant talk on cell phones, cant get their kids out of the front seats, cant look out for other drivers, cant watch motorcycles, cant keep their eyes out of the mirrors, cant drive and listen to the radio at the same time, cant keep out of my way, and in general CANT DRIVE.

i call these people, everybody but me

11-13-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Cliffio
i tell you

there is something wrong with america, some people cant drive, cant keep a constant speed, cause use their mirrors, cant use their turn signals, cant drive in a straight line, cant read traffic signs, cant look more than 6 feet ahead of them, cant turn their damn blinkers off, cant use the proper lane, cant make up their minds, cant talk on cell phones, cant get their kids out of the front seats, cant look out for other drivers, cant watch motorcycles, cant keep their eyes out of the mirrors, cant drive and listen to the radio at the same time, cant keep out of my way, and in general CANT DRIVE.

i call these people, everybody but me

Man, that has to sum up all my feelings about drivers in america except for myself of course:D

11-13-2003, 09:42 PM
gotta love the Bimmer. :) im a good driver now. ;) :D

11-13-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by PolishSausage
Whenever I take the Stang out I get 5-6 Moron kids trying to race me. At just about every light I stop at some idiot in a honda with a 2 story wing and a fart cannon revs at me. Most of the time I just laugh, something tells me those kids cant quite keep up with a 400+hp Rustang....

I would love that, lol

11-13-2003, 10:21 PM
I am l33t Drivz0r.

11-13-2003, 11:45 PM
What gets me is the people who drive with a dog in their lap...besides being generally stupid, you've got to wonder what happens when the airbag goes off. Maybe they end up with a few of their dog's ribs stuck in their chest...

11-14-2003, 12:02 AM
Oh you should have seen my father when I was learning to drive. He would hold onto this handle on the dash in some wierd way as his imaginary brake. I kept telling him that if I actually did get into an accident thats about the worst thing he would do because his arms would get caught and break.

11-14-2003, 11:47 AM
You wanna drive yourself crazy? Go the speed limit.

No, I'm serious. For like the last two years, I have decided not to speed...not even 5 over. I set my cruise when the speed limit is 45 or over. And I set it right at the limit.

It was really hard for me to do at first. I always had someone tailgating me. Then, I got to thinking about it. The other drivers were mad at ME, when I was the one obeying the law! And I was feeling guilty for holding people up eventhough I am was obeying the law.

But now, I love it. Go ahead, tailgate me. I don't care. Because over the past two years, I have come to realize something. Obeying the speed limit doesn't make me a better person or a better driver than anyone else, but it does FREE me from any concern with getting pulled over. I used to instinctively hit my brakes every time I saw a cop, now I just wave. It's not an issue, no question, no worry.

And another thing I noticed....I have experienced this more times than I can count...it's the turtle and the rabbit theory. I have had so many people fly by me only to get stopped at a light or something and I get to my destination at the same time or just a few moments after them! Crazy.

11-14-2003, 12:05 PM
It takes my father about 5 hours to get to my colege, and I do it in about 4 :)

Will Wood
11-14-2003, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by beam
You wanna drive yourself crazy? Go the speed limit.

No, I'm serious. For like the last two years, I have decided not to speed...not even 5 over. I set my cruise when the speed limit is 45 or over. And I set it right at the limit.

It was really hard for me to do at first. I always had someone tailgating me. Then, I got to thinking about it. The other drivers were mad at ME, when I was the one obeying the law! And I was feeling guilty for holding people up eventhough I am was obeying the law.

But now, I love it. Go ahead, tailgate me. I don't care. Because over the past two years, I have come to realize something. Obeying the speed limit doesn't make me a better person or a better driver than anyone else, but it does FREE me from any concern with getting pulled over. I used to instinctively hit my brakes every time I saw a cop, now I just wave. It's not an issue, no question, no worry.

And another thing I noticed....I have experienced this more times than I can count...it's the turtle and the rabbit theory. I have had so many people fly by me only to get stopped at a light or something and I get to my destination at the same time or just a few moments after them! Crazy.

I agree with you, I tried going the speed limit a few times. It was.. well.. really hard to do. It seemed so tedious. I got passed probably 3 times on my 45 minute trip.. and tailgated to heck.

But somehow I can't bring myself to do this all the time. I just want to get to my destination as fast as possible... even if I don't really want to go there heh.

I will never pass someone going the speed limit however. It just seems way to ignorant to me. If they are going like 5 under.. that's a whole 'nother story :)

As for the breaking for cops thing... Only a short burst of breaks, then let up. You can't let them see your break lights ;) They'll know something is up and will turn around :)

Suprisngly, I didn't get a ticket when I was pulled over for speeding Haloween night. I didn't have my insurance with me either. Oh yea.. my tail lite doesn't work.

11-14-2003, 03:08 PM
well see i lost my license for over 3 months, and payed well over 1000$ to get it back adn spent 8 hours in criminal drivers ed. on my saterday. so when some one tailgates me i slow down. iv gotten down to 10 mph on a 40 mph road. when some one beats having payed 1000$ and 3 1/2 months of not driving,and still want to speed, then they can tailgate me.

11-14-2003, 03:20 PM
As far as slowing down when someone tailgates you goes...
Someone was tailgating my stepmother so she slowed down to 10 in a 35. About a minute later she discoveres she was being tailgated by a cop when the lights came one. Anyway she got a ticket for driving too slow.

11-14-2003, 03:42 PM
well... i mean.

11-14-2003, 03:45 PM
You guys should see me doing donuts in my moms mini van with power door and OMG the power door makes it that much better.

11-14-2003, 03:49 PM
How does one do donuts in a FWD car?

11-14-2003, 04:47 PM
pyro you have to do them in reverse :cool:

11-14-2003, 04:47 PM
Do them in reverse. (tanks beat me)

Hoppy, not sure about the exchange rate but I've got to be close to being allowed to tailgate you. Not sure if that's really something to brag about though.


11-14-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag
i can garentee they wernt drift driving. most teens dont even know how to do it properly, they just skid... take this from a teen driver who got 130 days or imediate threat.:D

EXACTLY! They were NOT drifting, not even close, but they were obviously trying, and taking the wrong approach.

Thats why I call them "Drift-Ricers" its a new era of lameness ;)

11-14-2003, 11:48 PM
Your mustang has nothing. 400hp is no match for an acura. That thing has like 200hp, then the fartcan ads another 18%, so now its got so now its 236hp, then his K&N filter ads another 15% so now its 266hp, plus another 10 hp because you have both so he has 277hp, and front wheel drive makes your car faster, plus his car was lighter than yours. So your mustang has nothing on an integra.

This is the reasoning of someone in my high school last year. I wanted to smack him so many times.

i like tictacs
11-15-2003, 12:03 AM
Whenever I'm going to the field, I get some wiggers come up next to me in their rice, against my ranger...i still burn them, no matter how many stickers or coffee cans they have on it. It's quite funny, the look in their eyes when i blow by them.

11-15-2003, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by Quiet
Do them in reverse. (tanks beat me)

Hoppy, not sure about the exchange rate but I've got to be close to being allowed to tailgate you. Not sure if that's really something to brag about though.


actualy i dont mind braging about it...:D

11-15-2003, 01:16 AM
I challange you to a donut contest :)

11-15-2003, 04:16 AM
i just love to watch people in there dodge neons and sunfires think there god on the roads lol around my town ever kids first car considering there parents buy it for them is either a kia YAY or a sunfire or neon and then they think there bad *** and fast when they pull up to me hmmm who would of thought a thunderbird could beat a 4 banger obviously not the kids next to me haha i love morons

11-15-2003, 01:15 PM
what year T-bird? my moms got a 95 with the V8... MMM Fun. i love V8's even the small ones.

11-15-2003, 01:59 PM
na i got the 94 v6 but still kicks any 4bangers arse and im getting new tires today so no more slipping

11-15-2003, 02:17 PM
Some t-birds were 4 bangers :)

11-15-2003, 05:49 PM
yeah well i got the 3.8 v6 sure its under horsepowered i would say for a v6 only 140 but its still kicks 4bangers lol at least all the ones around me

11-15-2003, 07:23 PM
The 3.8 has more that 140 doesn't it? My 3.1 was suppsoed to have 145.

11-15-2003, 07:30 PM
well the specs on autotrader say 140 but i would easily say 170 though but it still gets upto 80 in about 200 yards or so not sure i never measured to the stop sign