View Full Version : good and bad news

11-13-2003, 07:51 PM
Well as some of you know my E-mag was stolen, and the police found it. So I went down there to Identify it and then take it home, when I got down there it took me a while to find my investigator.

When I found him he asked if that was my gun, and so I looked at it and it was. Then he said we got this barrel with it. I said that is not my barrel, and from looking at it I could tell it was bushmaster threading.

The investigator said they thought he stole a b2k2 but they had no proof, becasue he said he bought it. However the atorney of this kid is the one who brout this barrel in.

So the invstigator said ohhhh this changes everything. HE said they would go to court with it and nail this kid more than they alredy did.

So the bad news is that I cant get my gun back because it was apart of this evidence, Now I have to wait a while for this and I have to go to try outs for a team and I dont have my gun.

I geuss I will figure something out. The good news is that they have my gun, but the bad news is I cant have it.

Oh well


11-13-2003, 07:57 PM
Well, at least you got it back. And you are putting that kid through my punishment than before, so thats good :)

11-13-2003, 08:01 PM
thats cool that the police found it. around here the police would not even try

11-13-2003, 08:04 PM
Sounds like not TOO bad of an ending.

11-13-2003, 08:05 PM
I'm honestly surprised they even found it, seeing as how most PD's won't put much time if any into petty theft.

adam shannon
11-13-2003, 08:20 PM
are you kidding most markers these days are well into the felony theft catagory. add that to how he stole it, burglary, burglary from a motor vehicle, etc...and it can add up if the cop really cares enough to investigate it.

11-13-2003, 08:39 PM
Yeah the investigator told me normally they would not find it, but he had nothing else better to do so they got it. And it was stolen right from my bag in a tourny while I was using a friends timmy because I was missing my faom piece for my LX. It was actually the tourny in my sig.

11-13-2003, 08:52 PM
that seems pretty cool to me, im am really surprised they actually found it, what town do u live in? they must really nnot have ne thign better to do, but it works to ur advange

11-13-2003, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by adam shannon
are you kidding most markers these days are well into the felony theft catagory. add that to how he stole it, burglary, burglary from a motor vehicle, etc...and it can add up if the cop really cares enough to investigate it.

See told ya most of the time thye wouldn't spend alot of time finding it.

11-13-2003, 08:57 PM
I live in Ithaca Ny. And actually there is a good amount of crime. Because Ithaca is screwed up. Also the kid that stole my gun and the b2k2 had brought the b2k2 down to our local PB shop and so they arested him for that and then the owner of that gun said he would not press charges if I got my gun back as well. But then thee was this big mix up his his attorney. He was also the only one on probation that was Up at our course that day so he was suspicios. Good thing for liability waivers. So your a little off but the important thing is that I almost have my marker back.