View Full Version : Evlution 2 speed problems?

11-13-2003, 10:09 PM
I just got my Evlution 2 hopper in the mail today. I sanded the neck down to fit and powered it up, I mess with the speed knob but from my ear it sound like it is always going the same speed. I dont have any paint at home and wont get any until tommorow. I just wanted to check first. I dont really care seeing as how I dont want to lower the speed any, except if it conserved battery life.
Is this something that will change once I put paint in. Is the motor speed constant and the only thing that changes being the amount of time it is on?

On a side note, about how many rounds car I get out of 2 brand new duracell batteries?


11-14-2003, 01:40 AM
There is something wrong with your Egg if its not adjusting speed when you turn the speed adjuster, with paint or without it doesnt matter.

But, that just gives you an excuse to put a brand new pimp *** Z-Board inside!

11-14-2003, 01:55 AM
Ok its brand new from action villiage. I will test it tommorow to make sure its broken. But if it is does that mean I can send it back to view loader and get a Z board for free. And what is Z board anyway. Im pretty sure what I have has a Y board but I dont know what that means.

Thanks for the reply.

11-14-2003, 01:58 AM
The Z-Board is the brand new board from VL that auto-adjusts the speed of the motor according to how fast you are shooting... VERY cool.

You will be able to tell if you have a Y-Board if you have a flip switch to turn your Eggo on and off.

I don't know if VL would put a Z-Board in for free, but they would definately replace your Y-Board for you.

11-14-2003, 09:33 AM
My friend was having trouble w/ his egg feeding slow at this tourney
Wouldn't feed more than 13bps

11-14-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by FragTek
The Z-Board is the brand new board from VL that auto-adjusts the speed of the motor according to how fast you are shooting... VERY cool.

thats very.. VERY misleading.
i just got a zboard for my egg and it doens't do that at all.
and it works perfectly.

but its weird, it spins fast, then slows down, and no matter how fast or how slow you break the eyes, it'll speed up to the same speed always, then slow down when movement stops.
if my digi cam recorded sound i'd be able to show instead of describing.
but to me, it doens't 'adjust to the speed'
i know this is a viewloader claim and all, but i dont know, doesn't appear to do it to me.

11-14-2003, 01:04 PM
Thats crazy. I havent had a chance to stick one of those in my Egg yet but I plan too. Is it an improvement over the Y-Board?

11-14-2003, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by FragTek
Thats crazy. I havent had a chance to stick one of those in my Egg yet but I plan too. Is it an improvement over the Y-Board?

to be perfectly honest, i can't tell a difference, but i plan on getting a video of them feeding, with z and without, i can't find my previous videos so.

butiuno really, its weird.

i forgot to mention, the paddles continue to spin a little while after paint has stopped moving. viewloader says this makes it a 'forcefed' which.. no. isn't right lol.

11-14-2003, 01:22 PM
LOL! They say its a forcefeed because its tries to force balls into the chamber AFTER you have stopped shooting. Wow, some geniouses they have at BE :) hehehe

11-14-2003, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by FragTek
LOL! They say its a forcefeed because its tries to force balls into the chamber AFTER you have stopped shooting. Wow, some geniouses they have at BE :) hehehe

lol i know, they're paddles are flexiable of course, and they just flex over the paint, like they say it does so, BUT, when it stops moving, its back to how it was before so whats the difference?
the only real benefit of that is when you're shooting you get the strings of paint instead of the small gaps it may get from paint getting the eye to activate

when i did have paint(can't find any so no video) i compared my halob and zcode to it, well. halo has the burst and the force, where zevo doesn't. it still has that small gap when you simulate a burst, and well, theres no force lol.

side note tho, my xboard revvy died in heavy rain one time, and i jsut gutted it and decided to play around with my old board for the evo2, and the motor and all that works and it spins pretty damn fast. now i just need to find a way to incorporate the evo board into the revy lol

11-14-2003, 02:24 PM
LoL... Lemme know how the R-Evo projects turns out :) I am looking into Intellifeeding my Egg.

11-14-2003, 03:47 PM
if you had a warp module on an e-mag or x-mag you could run your hopper off of the mag battery, which is bigger and better. i've seen it fitted to eggs and revi's but not halo's. It might work just haven't seen it. Big weight savings too!! Am I right in thinking the hoppers would run a little faster with the bigger battery? With my X-revi on a warp on an X-mag + using the warp module I pulled off 17bps easy on some bps counter my Captain has . Shot buffering is sweet too. That helped.

What guns you guys have will decide whether you can use the warp module.....what do you use?

11-14-2003, 04:49 PM
I just got a couple Z Boards in also and yea...they are what they are. I haven't had a chance to actually field test them but I have a feeling I'm going to be sticking with my Halo Bs and using these Evo II as back up.

My friend who played World Cup basically told me this after using both on his Timmy.

If you don't have either and want to shoot fast get a Halo. If you already have an Evo then get the Z Board.

Oh BTW BE/VL customer service sucks. It will prob take you a month to get your hopper fixed from them.

11-14-2003, 05:07 PM
Grrrrrr, I'm so freakin' tempted to buy another Halo.... But I swear to God if this one breakes within a month, never again will I EVER buy anything from Odyssey.

11-14-2003, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by FragTek
Is [the Z-Board] an improvement over the Y-Board?


The "Y-Board" wasn't even supposed to be an 'upgrade'. BE didnt market it until the word got out that BE had changed boards and then everyone was hailing it as something new and impressive when it wasnt. The "Y-Board" is almost identical to the original factory board

The "Z-Board" however is a new change. It feeds faster and is more efficient. I havnt had a chance to test out the new one yet, so I don't know about the 'speeds up with you' claim, but it is a very nice loader from everyone I've talked too. Much better (Faster) than the Y.

Finally, Yes, BE should replace your Y-Board with a Z-Board if the Y-Board is broken. The Y-Board is discontinued and should not be given out from the factory anymore...however, you'd have to call BE to get a difinitive answer.

11-14-2003, 10:00 PM
I went to maximum paintball today which has certified techs. They said that the board was bad and all i need to do is send it in to either the place i got it from or the manufacter within 60 days. They said they would fix it but they are back ordered on boards at the moment.
So I am gonna use it this weekend. Find out whats wrong with it and who to send it to and then get it fixed. Id love to get a z board. Are you sure they will give me one and that the y board is discontinued?

I tested the hopper some. Damn its fast.

11-14-2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by m20power
I went to maximum paintball today which has certified techs. They said that the board was bad and all i need to do is send it in to either the place i got it from or the manufacter within 60 days. They said they would fix it but they are back ordered on boards at the moment.
So I am gonna use it this weekend. Find out whats wrong with it and who to send it to and then get it fixed. Id love to get a z board. Are you sure they will give me one and that the y board is discontinued?

I tested the hopper some. Damn its fast.

from what Kev said, it sounds like it.

the zboard doesn't have the speed adjuster so if you get it back, dont be mad lol

11-14-2003, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by m20power
I went to maximum paintball today which has certified techs. They said that the board was bad and all i need to do is send it in to either the place i got it from or the manufacter within 60 days. They said they would fix it but they are back ordered on boards at the moment.
So I am gonna use it this weekend. Find out whats wrong with it and who to send it to and then get it fixed. Id love to get a z board. Are you sure they will give me one and that the y board is discontinued?

I tested the hopper some. Damn its fast.

Originally posted by Kevmaster
Finally, Yes, BE should replace your Y-Board with a Z-Board if the Y-Board is broken. The Y-Board is discontinued and should not be given out from the factory anymore...however, you'd have to call BE to get a difinitive answer.

I'm not 100% sure you'd get a Z-Board. However when you CALL BE/VL (1-877-877-GAME) they should be able to tell you. I do not work for BE's tech department and do not know what current specs are. However, I am pretty informed about BE's workings