View Full Version : I Hate The Human Race!!!

11-14-2003, 02:42 AM
ok before i start please let me say a few things

1. i am a very nice guy will help anyone and anything
2. almost impossible to get me mad
3. not racist in anyway
4. this all takes place at my work ( walmart )

ok now i start first story from today

ok first i get to work no big deal anyways ive been working at walmart the last 6 weeks now yeah it sucks and all but its still a job. anyways about a week after i started my fingers started to get extremely dry and as of recently started to split and bleed. well today i decided upon my moms and friends request to talk to the head manager about my situation with my fingers. well to make things hopefully more sympathetic towards me i took the bandaids off and used a papertowel to collect the blood that dripped off 2 of my fingers that had recently split open again after taking a shower just before going to work... well i talk to him show him my hands tell him its been a month like this and his responce " wear gloves " now what kind of answer is that escpecially when its walmarts fault for not properly protecting us from the poisens in the back the halogen light bulb dust and all the crappy wooden palets i have to deal with everyday

now onto story number 2 from today

well after talking about my hands i ask how to transfer to another store as i work in a walmart about 15 minutes from my house and at the time i got hired they started to build one in my home town no biggie but i needed a job then so i asked before i even signed any papers that "can i transfer to the burlington store as soon as possible" answer i got then "yes" well so i ask about a transsfer today to find out from my main manager that NO i cant becuase i havent worked at walmart for 6 months and to top it off if i want to go to the walmart in my town i have to wait at least the 6 months before i transfer or if i quit and go apply it wont work cuase i cant work for walmart or any of its other stores (ie: sams club) for at least a year after termination or quitting


ok 15 minutes into work i find out walmart doesnt give a horses **** about me and they lied to me


ok now onto story number 3 from today

well like number 1 and 2 above say im a really nice guy and if you make me mad you pushed all the right buttons... well anyways i was out in the aisles just roaming around cuase the truck was late tonight and well i see a lady in a wheelchair so i go up and ask if she needed anyhelp... she turns and says in her im god your worthless now server me voice " how comes you didnt get any of this paper in" kinda shocked at how she said it i just answer im not sure why its emptywe usually have everything in stock so i go check the back and come back and tell her no were completely out of the paper she was looking for. so now shes mad oh and by the way this isnt a truly handicapped person this is just one of those fat peices of crap that are to lazy to use there own legs anyways she starts yelling at me becuase "i didnt order any" i mean im a pawn to walmart why would i order the load well im still trying to be nice and i say well ill tell management about it and thats all i could do and as i walk away after explaining everything to her i hear "worthless peice of S***"


one thing that pisses me off besides lieing and cheating is when some one thinks there gods gift to earth... i seriously wanted to kick that lady in the head and throw her wheel chair


now stay with me only 2 more stories from my one hellova day

alright my friends come in we go get supper i chear up and fealling a little good anyways after supper i see a nice looking girl just kinda staring at products so me being kinda cheerfull at the moment decides why not go help her so i walk up and politly with a smile on my face say "hello, how are you tonight? may i help you find something?" picture perfect text book style to you want to know what she did? she turned and slapped me in the face! now what the hell did i do or say to deserve that? that sent me over the edge of course i didnt say anything i just kinda looked at her shocked shook my head and walked back to the break room


i got slapped for no damn reason! now im mad i never get mad right? anyways !!! dont want to go on more about this one might get banend


well last and final story from today

alright first before i start this one... i took spanish 2 years in highschool never really paid attention but i picked up a few things and learned the swearwords and bad words cuase what guy in highschool doesnt lol anyways im bring stuff onto the floor i drop off a palet start walking back anyways theres a (for political purposes and not to offend anyone) latino group in the way 2 girls one guy all speaking spanish and had no cares in the world... i politly say "excuse me" so i could continue on with my work... well i finally just kinda force my self into them as im in no mood to wait for them and as i walk by i hear some words and from what i heard i could make out " fat, peice, S*** and head " now i wouldnt really care cuase 2 months ago i was 6 foot 205 now im down to 6 foot 175 (thanks) anyways i turn around with thinking and said " go back to mexico you damn spic " and like i said im no rascist but i just snapped. so i turned and went back to the backroom

anyways when i said that my manager just so happen to be sitting right behind me when i snapped and now i got a 3 day referral meaning 3 day vacation with no pay and one more outbreak im terminated just great

well who ever reads this whole thing i applaud you cuase i wrote alot


anyways say or write what you want... im out of jouranl pages so i figured id share with the world

11-14-2003, 02:56 AM
People suck :(
I liked my old job, if someone cursed at your or somthing you were encouraged to do it back :)

11-14-2003, 03:05 AM
that sucks bro, what a crappy day. i can't believe that girl slapped you for just asking her if she needed help. If you want to get out some of that anger listen to In Flames

11-14-2003, 03:06 AM
pyro, what job was that?

i had the same shis happen to my hands from work. it sucks.

11-14-2003, 03:12 AM
Trevor, is that same thing happening to anybody else's hands?

I feel for you, man. Maybe that girl was having that same kind of day, huh? :p

11-14-2003, 03:30 AM
yeah its happening to this kid named justin but not as bad even the one of the trainee managers thought my hands looked gross imma try and get pics of my hands tomorrow cuase there that bad.

na no in flames for me dead poetic is hitting the spot right now

and i sure hope i see that girl again i wanna know why she slapped me that caught me completely off gaurd

11-14-2003, 03:34 AM
Welcome to retail and catering to the masses. :)

I was surprised by this as well when I first encountered it. It happens A LOT. I never got used to it, but realize that you're not doing anything wrong.

Just wait until they threaten bodily harm upon you. :p If you have to deal with money and returns and stuff... it happens. I used to get threatened all the time when I would not refund stuff over the due date, or replace stuff they destroyed. If I do, it comes out of my commission check.

They will come in drunk and obnoxious. They will come jacked on drugs... no joke. These people have problems. They take it out on you.

I had to call the cops a few times, once because one of their civilian workers threatened to ticket me if I didn't give him a discount... flashing me his security badge which I knew wasn't a cop badge. Went to their internal affairs to get interviewed... he eventually got fired.

If you see someone steal something... let them. Report it to security and do not confront the person.

Unfortunately, you'll have to expect more of the same while working somewhere... where the masses are allowed in. If you are young, they will do this to you more often. They will treat you like an idiot, call you an idiot, try to get you in trouble. Gotta learn to ignore it... but it's hard. You have to understand what the "general population" actually is... how stupid they are... and how dumb average and lower IQ really is. These are people off the streets... gotta remember that, cuz it's true. Worthless people who are just leeches.

You will want to kill people eventually, and you won't be as eager to help people. Also, if a customer is being abusive to you... you don't have to deal with them.

If they are pissed off at you for whatever crack-head reason, they will also be pissed off when they talk to manager or whatever... and won't help their case. If your manager is an ***, he might punish you for what these crackheads claim that you did. I used to piss off customers on purpose, and send them fuming to the asshat manager... ALL the time... then I'd step outside and do my disappearing trick. He finally caught on to it... :p


I've walked away right as they were squaking lots of times. Or... I'd tell them I'd get right on whatever demand they had, walk across the street, bring back food, and ask them, "You're still here? Wow!" If you think this is bad to do, just wait until you've worked there longer. Short of killing customers, what you do to them ain't bad considering circumstances. :p Just don't get in trouble... and make friends with people who can get you in trouble, even if you don't like them.

Another thing you'll learn is that these customers try to provoke a response from you, they get their kicks by going to stores and pestering employees. Remember: They've done this before to many other people and have a certain reaction that they expect... they get off on this. Don't give it to them. Throw them a curve ball. :p

Speaking of killing customers, one of my co-workers flipped out one day cuz a customer was calling him a liar. He chased the customer with a big piece of foam that he swung around saying... "I'll KILL you! I'll KILL you MFer!" No joke. Some people crack and go wacky one day cuz of these freakin people. Normally I did ok, but when you get one crack head after another... about the third one in quick succession is when I could snap.

I HATE name badges cuz people get obnoxious with your name. Also, they know who to complain about. I used to have a thing to clip on a regional manager's name on my badge... so they would complain using his name. Also, they would describe person as young Asian guy which we both were. :) I didn't like that manager anyway. A lot of employees would use bogus names so when people reported us to corporate, nobody in corporate knew who it was... those idiots would go by what customers had to say, which 99.5% was some made up story that just tried to get people in trouble for some crackhead reason. They would deduct from your commission and bonuses and stuff...

It is very beneficial for you to learn how shady people are. You will develop means to detect them, and deal with them. It will help you later in life... trust me. :p

There is a TON of crap you will have to deal with. Welcome to the real world. It doesn't stop here. There will be crackheads everywhere you work, learn to handle them now... it's a useful skill.

And remember... there's a small percentage of the human race that are not worthless pieces of crap. You will just have to deal with the rest more often.

11-14-2003, 03:43 AM
and send them fuming to the asshat manager...

how comes i cant say that word now :(

anyways i realize people are dumb i feal my self dumbening everytime i step foot in the store whether just to shop or not its that bad up here in wisconsin

usually the days are nice and easy only 1 or 2 pricks i have to deal with and i always throw the curveball im good at that :p but today they were out to get me

well i just got done playing about an hours worth of counterstrike so im fealing better read over my first post realized how bad i type when im not thinking haha anyways i miscue i know lots of the tricks my favorite is to say hold on let me go get the manager and just never come back or get anyone i guess being a receiving associate meaning im in the back all the time and im usually not wearing my vest i get away with alot of stuff but like i said today the world was after me

11-14-2003, 04:58 AM

ditto everything that miscue said minus the bit about commission. what's that? as a retail worker you are expected to know all and see all, have power over space and time, and be completely subservient to total idiots. and holiday season is coming up. lucky you!

here's a few of the most common things i had to deal with.
sam's club - member sees me (i work in computers and office supplies) walks past the three huge aisles full of candy and asks me where the candy aisle is.

whenever anything isn't on the shelves they ask if there's any in the backroom. this is a warehouse store. there is no backroom.

whenever asked to do something impossible and telling them i can't they always want to speak to the manager. the best one was trying to get an item we don't carry that is no longer being manufactured.

target - why isn't the item in stock? it was in the ad! how could you advertise it if you don't have any! (for some reason this always made people extremely angry. as if i or my store had anything to do with the ad.)

people don't like being made to feel like idiots. so if you have to explain something to them try not to make it sound obvious. if it's complicated then it's ok that they didn't know it. if they're not made to feel stupid they won't get mad and take it out on you. example: try explaining the fact that headphone jacks come in two sizes to someone. they had previously bought a pair of headphones and they didn't fit. (i have my suspicions about that) so trying to be helpful i tell him to buy one that comes with an adapter. that way it'll definitely work. so i give them to him and send him on his way. he comes back 15 mins later screaming "YOU TOLD ME THESE WOULD FIT! THEY DIDN'T! RAAAAAARGH!" "sir may i see the headphones? thank you. now i told you these had an adapter." at which point i pull the adapter off. he snatches it and goes "NICE ATTITUDE!" storms off. he had interrupted me in the middle of helping two nice old ladies decide on a boombox for a little girl. i turn to them and shrug. you just can't help some people.

11-14-2003, 05:07 AM
yeah its really bad when we get a blitz item or for people that dont work retail thats an item that only so much of are given to the store say 10 xboxs that will be sold for 140$ the day after thanksgiving and then when the item is gone they always want a rain check and they never understand no matter how much you try to explain to them that only so many of that item could be sold and that the blitz item is only used like that to get you into the store and spend money on other products

oh well i feel much better now. now only if i could get some sleep

11-14-2003, 05:08 AM
oh and by the way try saying you hate the human race in front of alot of people lol it always turns heads

11-14-2003, 07:07 AM
Wear gloves and learn to bite your tongue. People are rude and condescending to service people, that's just the way it is. They shouldn't be, but they are. You've just got to learn to not let it bother you.

The slapping thing is out of line though. I've rarely heard of any customer actually hitting an employee.

11-14-2003, 07:26 AM
Retail jobs suck...period. I worked a few weeks at a local FoodLion. Big mistake. First of all, in order to request specific days off, you had to put in a notice a month before hand. Well, being a highschool student, in May(Prom, Exams, AP exams, etc)...I had to do quite a few things spur of the moment. Well, I put in a notice that I would not be able to come in like 4 days one week(AP reviews scheduled after school). Well, my stupid manager schedules me for all 4 days(from 3-8 btw) and I talk to her that afternoon. Apparently, when I put in these requests, they hold no baring on anything. Well, I tell her "Don't plan on letting other people leave early those 4 days, because I'm not coming in" She thinks I'm bluffing. I don't come in ofcourse(lets see, $24 or a 5 on the AP History, your choice). When I come in that saturday to pick up some cereal(not while I'm working mind you), she comes up to me and "demands" that I explain myself. I do and she responds with "I didn't take the AP exams and went to work instead. Whose the manager here now?" It became official, My manager was ridiculous. I put in my two week notice at that moment and went to the Prom that evening/night/next morning.

Moral of the story: Life is to short to waste working a job you hate. If you have talents or abilities, use them to your advantage.

Second moral of the story: Food service jobs, chain retail jobs, jobs that you have to lower yourself to, suck.

11-14-2003, 07:44 AM
This post almost makes me want to tell my 2 year long story... Dont worry I wouldnt want to put people to sleep... here is a line my cousin told me when he worked at wal-mart durring christmas "as i walk through the vally of the shadow of shoping ailes(sp?), i shal fear no customer." and if that doesnt work pull a half baked i quit scene and get a better jod

11-14-2003, 07:57 AM
i would have slapped the hoe back...serirous;y thats not even a joke

11-14-2003, 08:12 AM
I'm in the same boat as you man. I always wondered why Wal-Mart does not have a union. Now I now why, they simply don't give a s**t about the lower end workers(i.e. the recieving crew, stockers). I worked at Wal-Mart for three years now and I'm only making 6.79! I also noticed that those who get all buddy buddy with the assistant managers and manangers tend to get what that want. I've been trying to get moved to another position for the last year and a half and have no luck. Yet someone who started 3 months ago gets moved to another position when they requested it. I come to work clock in, do what I'm asked to do and then some yet I feel like I'm not appreciated.

What I learned over the years is that when a customer gets in your face, don't get rude(they want that and will try to bait you). I just start using large college vocabulary words that they don't understand. It makes them feel stupid but at the same time they can't really run to a manager and said that you outright dissed them. Another thing that I do is wait until I clock out and confront them. Since I'm off the clock I have no problems sinking down to their level.

You should of reported the incident with that girl who slapped you. At least have her kicked out of the store. What she did to you was uncalled for and I don't care if its Wal-Mart's policy that customers comes first. Your a human being and should be treated so.

Working at Wal-Mart for the past 3 years, I'm surprised that I haven't completely went off the deep end. I'm glad I will be graduating from college in a couple of months b/c I don't know how much longer I can put up with this. I've had days where I wish I could just go to the sporting goods section, grab a Remington 870, a box of steelshot and go apes**t on some of the people there. With retail and customer service jobs you just have to have a tough skin.

11-14-2003, 10:03 AM
wow, u should go work some where else, hopfully things get bettr 4 u

11-14-2003, 11:00 AM
Gee, when I was the Sporting Goods department manager, selling multiple firearms each day (especially around hunting season), every customer was pleasant and listened to my replies to their questions.

Here's my Wal-Mart story (very condensed). I was working for Wal-Mart for 3+ years as a sales associate, getting passed up for promotions and getting to work for people that didn't know the first thing about the department instead of me (who did). Finally, while volunteering to do inventory prep at another store when they needed it, I busted my (posterior) for 240 hours in 4 weeks (the last day being a 21.5 hour day), all to get offered a DM position 45 highway minutes from my house (all for $8.75/hr).

When I finally couldn't take working as a department manager for that Wal-Mart anymore, I got a job at the local casino. I wanted to transfer back to the original Wal-Mart I worked at, part time for some extra money. I ended up being offered 5-10 each night, unloading trucks for $7.50/hr (not even a sales associate at one of the deaprtments I'd run at the other store). I did that for 2 months before I quit. Thus ended my illustrious 4.5 year career at Wal-Mart.

The moral of the story is this: It's Wal-Mart. Use it for long enough to earn some money and gain some experience, then get a good job.

BTW, I currently work at one of the tribal casinos in CT, and I make very good money, and still like my job after 2+ years. :)

11-14-2003, 11:07 AM
I'm kinda rushed right now so I haven't read everyone's responses, but on the cracking fingertips thing.

If Walmart is still not taking appropriate actions to safeguard employees from hazards on the job call OSHA. Nothing scares a company like OSHA. :)

11-14-2003, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Spleen
pyro, what job was that?

i had the same shis happen to my hands from work. it sucks.

I worked at a gas station...
$7 an hour off the books, plus I got $1-3 an hour in tips. When noone was there I got to sit inside and watch movies, do you know what they make per gallon of gas? My boss told me that I can yell back at people and such. But in 2 years I only got 2 people like that I can remember. And one of them I kind of deserved, I had the radio on and some song about gay people came on and some lady had her kids in the car.

11-14-2003, 11:42 AM
Having dealt with OSHA several times I can tell you while this is true ... way too many times OSHA calls ahead to let the store manager (or site manager in the case of construction) know they are coming.

I cannot tell you the number of sites I have worked on that will actually suspend a day of work just tiddy up the place the day before OSHA comes in to inspect.


Originally posted by vf-xx
I'm kinda rushed right now so I haven't read everyone's responses, but on the cracking fingertips thing.

If Walmart is still not taking appropriate actions to safeguard employees from hazards on the job call OSHA. Nothing scares a company like OSHA. :)

11-14-2003, 02:00 PM
lol if you had filed assault charges that would have been classic. From now on carry your cell phone, and call the cops. Even if it wouldn't have gone anywhere, it would still have been funny.

I have been there also. I spent 2.5 years in a credit customer service call center. It sucks. Nothing more to it. Miscue's post nailed it. These people get their kicks doing this stuff, and you simply have to shrug it off as long as you can. Took me 2 years to hate it, and 6 more months to leave the pay.

11-14-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by lopxtc
Having dealt with OSHA several times I can tell you while this is true ... way too many times OSHA calls ahead to let the store manager (or site manager in the case of construction) know they are coming.

I cannot tell you the number of sites I have worked on that will actually suspend a day of work just tiddy up the place the day before OSHA comes in to inspect.


oh god they make us clean the whole store when superiors from outside the store come in i can only imagine what they will do when osha comes in

and with my fingers my mom got me some aquafur and some other stuff that i have yet to read the name of lol but so far over night there looking better cuase of no deadskin but they look like plastic but i acn at least move my fingers again

11-14-2003, 02:30 PM
Well your manager is patitally right. When year dealing with nasty wood or somthing you shoud wear gloves. When I worked at a gas station in the winter I would wear latex gloves under my regular gloves to keep gas off my hands. And in the summer I would just be carefully and wash my hands frequently, that gas smell stays on your hands for like 14 hours or so if you don't get it off really really quickly.
When I work for a construction company, even in the summer in 100 degree weather gloves are a must. I didn't my first day, and you should have seen my hands.

11-14-2003, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
When year dealing with nasty wood or somthing you shoud wear gloves.

11-14-2003, 02:56 PM
i worked at walmart for like 2 months. its no picninc. they are constantly watching everything u do. i was a carage *sp whore and was outside in 15 degree weather. But i cant believe they gave u a3 day suspension when those mexicans started with u. AH well trust me leave walmart and find a new work

11-14-2003, 03:05 PM
im already looking :)

11-14-2003, 03:07 PM
Palettes can eat up your hands, and working around cardboard boxes = nasty cardboard cuts.

Where I was doing sales, the manager wanted us to sign something that said we were responsible for our cash drawers. I had a simple question: "What protects us from the management when they count our drawers behind closed doors?" Basically, if he steals stuff from our drawers I don't want to be liable... because people of low IQs in management will assume that money missing from "my" drawer means "I" took it... which is a bunch of crap.

He said "Do you really think I would steal?" I asked him, "Do you really think I would steal?" And, I know this guy and another manager collectively stole 10's of thousands of dollars of cash and products. Can't prove it because he would mess with the accounting and he had access to all the security tapes.

During this argument, his girlfriend starts to yell at me... telling me how she's worked at K-Mart for 10 years and that's how they do it, or something like that. I had a hard time to keep from laughing when she was explaining how she worked at K-Mart for 10 years... thus she would know. She was there all the time and acted like she owned the store, and she was allowed into the back room all the time where the money and expensive stuff was.

He threatened to fire anyone who did not sign. I successfully rallied everyone not to sign by scaring the crap outta them with all the ways the management could screw them and the blame would be on the employee. He could not fire everyone, and the matter was forgotten.
He eventually got canned because the store had too much theft, and last I heard he sells furniture by the freeway. And guess what... no theft problem ever since besides customers.

I haven't dealt with that guy in a few years, but I'd STILL like to beat the snot outta him and napalm his car that he paid for with stolen money. He did all sorts of horrible things... I could go on for pages.

11-14-2003, 03:12 PM
i'm just gonna say it again. "welcome to retail"

i've worked at a grocery store for a year and a half now. some people are just beyind help. it's gotten to the point where i don't even wear a name tag or uniform shirt that often. pretty much only when the store owner comes in. it doesn't seem to click with customers that the person putting yogurt on the shelf from the giant cart of cases is an employree unless he's wearing a shirt, so i don't get asked many questions.

11-14-2003, 03:21 PM
There was a CompUSA next door, and I'd go there sometimes with my work shirt on and name badge. People would pester me like I worked there. Some of them would get pissed because they wanted me to help them and I explained that I did not work at that store. If they were persistent, just for fun I'd just totally piss them off... knowing that I would not have to deal with it. That was entertaining.

"If you're gonna talk to me that way, you can go... and shove... with... up..." :)

"And now you're thinking about complaining to the manager about me. That's great! His name is Jim, and he hates... like you. He will be glad to show you the stick that you can shove... and if you're lucky he'll lube it up some."

Saying something like that is totally out of character for me. But I swear, working retail totally screws up your mind... it eats at you. Eventually you gotta vent or you'll just go nuts and kill someone.

11-14-2003, 04:38 PM
lol !!!


11-14-2003, 04:39 PM
now thast disturbing:D

11-14-2003, 04:45 PM
heh my job is cool. Im a lifegaurd so somebody wont listen tell em to sit out for a certain amount of minutes. And it seems alot of times adults dont like to listen to a 16 year old. So if they wont listen then I just kick them out of the pool.

One time it was wierd though... My boss left and I was the only one workin(small pool) and this guy(probly 30ish) is playing on the baseball field right beside the pool, with a mentaly retarted person named Billy that allways hang around there. But I notice the guy is paying more attention to the girls in the pool(not like hot teenagers , like 10 year olds)
And then he walks away with Billy and Im like o ok. But he then walks in the pool. Of course I get up and tell him sence he is not a member he has to leave. He said "scram kid Ill do what I want"
So I call the police and two of them roll up. And I go outside and talk to them and tell them whats up. And we walk into the pool together , and the guy takes off sprinting. One of the police chace him down and tackle him, cuff him and take him ot the car. Turns out he was wanted for robbin a gas station. lol

11-14-2003, 06:21 PM
LOL, you guys have had some crazy experiences in retail.

In my 9 months working retail, the worst I've had is some drunk guy grab me asking me who I was and what I was doing.

What drove me nuts though, is that people would actually expect the lowly minimum wage earning student to know all about everything.
And you have to watch for the young workers who tell you something, because it might be BS. This one girl I worked with gave some guy (who didn't know what he was doing) what he thought was weed-n-feed - it turned out to be some kind of herbicide that killed his whole lawn, lol. Come one, reading the directions on the back isn't difficult.

Also, I hated working saturdays. It would be so busy, and the store never brought in enough employees so the customers were getting angry when they couldn't get help. I got so sick of people yelling at me, that I'd just go into the back and "look" to see if we had some item a "customer" wanted in stock.

Oh, and one of the classic comments when a customer picks up a wrong item, thinking it is in the flyer - "Thats false advertising!":confused:

11-14-2003, 11:53 PM
Should have slapped that girl back :)

11-15-2003, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Sooky

Oh, and one of the classic comments when a customer picks up a wrong item, thinking it is in the flyer - "Thats false advertising!":confused:

HAHA! used to get that ALL the time! or even if it's not in stock they'll say that. especially funny when it says right there "limited quantities."

11-15-2003, 01:23 AM
You only need to have 1 in stock for it to be legal. The staples by me does that. Someone who worked there told me they would advretise a $50 game for $20, somthing rediculous, but they would make sure they only had 1 in stock first.

11-15-2003, 01:45 AM
We all have bad days:) I'm like you, i'm a nice guy and i always think "calm" and "peacfully" as you might say, but when someone pushes my buttons i get mad. We all have days like these and we really cant do a thing bout them. So why did that girl slap you? :confused:

11-15-2003, 03:59 AM
i honestly have no clue why she slapped me i mean i just walked up to her and said everything text book and nicely wasnt staring at anything other then her face i had a smile im still as mistified as everyone else here as to why i got slapped

11-15-2003, 04:09 AM
Contrary to popular belief, fast food joints are where it's at for teenagers.

At Wendy's I got paid $6.00 an hour to talk about sex with other employees and play put put in the walk in freezer. My friend seems to be having a similar experience at Arby's (try and get some friends to work at the same place). It was a shame I had to quit because of school.:(

11-15-2003, 05:18 AM
wow I can't believe I just read all of that. Srry about what happened, I hate stupid people (chick and ur boss).

11-15-2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by trevorjk
well who ever reads this whole thing i applaud you cuase i wrote alot
No prob! Anyway, I'm like you, I don't get mad easily but if I've had a rough day DON'T PISS ME OFF Because i will snap like a friggin rubbe band. Anyway, I hope it gets better.

11-15-2003, 02:48 PM
The gas station paid $7 an hour off the books, plus $1-3 an hour in tips, about $200 in tips the week before christmas. When I worked alone, my friends came and hung out there with me. Didn't pay labor on getting my car fixed to an extent. When it wasn't busy outside I could watch movies, do whatever I wanted. My boss got DSL for his office upstairs, and I had him talked into running a line down so I could leave an old computer there, but I had to leave for college so it wasn't really going to be worth it. He also got satalite TV about a month after I left. :)

Construction $100 a day for 8 hour days off the books, but that was hard work. Carrying golf bags i got $35-$45 (more on occassion) for a game that would go 3-4.5 hours, plus up to 2 hours of waiting around. The other guys that carried 2 bags (I was too young at the time) made twice that per game, plus they get to use the private gold course for free. Altough I don't play golf, so that was rather useless to me. Selling christmass trees, I got $3 an hour, plus tips, about $800 in two weeks. I foget what other jobs ive had :confused:

11-15-2003, 07:59 PM
night shift oh yea:) it sucks some times I work at a super market and some times drunks come in and will yell at you and S*** and one time this guy brought a bat in and tried to beat up one of the cashiers thats it and I think that you trevor should have filed a law suit on that girl for assult if you have video cameras in your store you can get some money :D well that is what I have to say,

11-15-2003, 08:38 PM
i probably should of but im just not mean like that... if i ever bring some one to court its going to be worth my time otherwise i really dont care... and it wasnt like the slap was real hard or even hurt it just shocked me

11-15-2003, 11:25 PM
graveyard shifts at the ice rink can get pretty enoying too but thats cause i gotta look for holes and no matter how many holes i fill there is always more i didnt see.

genicide is just looking better and better :D j/k

11-16-2003, 12:20 AM
I read your "stories"... Isn't Wal*Mart notorious for crap like this? I remember hearing a while ago that they had people work after they punched out, or something along those lines...

My solution for you? Find a different job. Now. Start looking. Hell, if there's a Wal*Mart closer to you, and you want to work there, I don't see why you just couldn't apply. Any job you take when you're young isn't going to be glorious, 90% of the time. People suck, you have to deal with it, or else you can say goodbye to that nice paycheck of yours.

So, get a different job, or learn to control yourself. After a day like that, you should go to the gym or something so you can cool off. If you can't control yourself, don't work where you're dealing with the public. Welcome to the real world, man.

11-16-2003, 01:48 AM
I started out in retail back in '95 when I started college for some extra spending money, mind you if you knew me in high school you would of never suspected that I would of ended up working in retail. Well I jumped from one retail place to another and that lasted for a total of 7 years. Then it got to the point of not only the customers annoying the hell out of me but the RETARDED management.

During this whole time I was still in school and only a sales associate, but was probably working longer in retail then some of the managers were. Some of my managers were cool and I really liked working with them, but some of them were complete IDIOTS! At one place it got to the point that the store manager (which none of the other managers liked) complained about me to them (I was working at that location longer than she has been in retail) because I never did anything she wanted, the other managers just kinda laughed in their head about it and would tell me about it a week later.

After that job I went to another place where when I had my exit interview my manager (who I hated and she hated me) said I "stole" all the sales. Now the way it worked there was that if we sold X amount of dollars divided by how many hours we worked and if was more than 8/hr we would get the higher amount, but otherwise it would be 8/hr. At that point she was talking crap about me to the other people that worked there. Plus I was only making 8/hr for more than a month, so how could I have been stealing sales if everyone else was making more than I was?! she failed to see that point. I left and moved onto another place literally down the hall and she had the balls to call that store manager and say how I was "too head strong, and assertive" and that she shouldn't hire me. I seriously had grounds to persue a law suit but was so disgusted with the being of her I never ended up doing it.

Moving down the hall... all my managers were totally cool but I did rub some people the wrong way when I started because apparently there was quite the clique going on in the workplace. Eventually the company wasn't making the numbers and people had to let go, I was one of the few remaining and was being worked like a dog. On the up side of that I was making $$$$ in commission because I practically had no internal competition. The parent company wanted to re-org the way of management and the commission program so in the span of two weeks everyone remainig from the old staff put in their 2 weeks notice or just quit on the spot.

About a month later I got a seasonal job, no biggie just something to pass the time for a couple of months and earn some money for the holidays. One of the mangers was really abrasive and when I talked to some of the other people that worked there they had problems with her too. Here's what put me over the edge and made me put in my notice after only working there not even a month. One day some ghetto biatches come in causing an uproar as usually ghetto type customers do, I was in the front while they are doing all their hollaring. I was so fed up with the loudness and rudeness I went in the back and said "they are so ghetto" not meaning "ghetto" in a racial way, the abrasive manager said "you can't say ghetto" and i'm just like are you freaking serious?! and that was a fun argument. Bad environment so I said to myself it just ain't worth it anymore.

The last few retail jobs I had were considered more upscale, but it goes to show that stupidity exists at every level. I experienced more unprofessionalism, immaturity, and ignorance at the higher level stores than when I worked in lower brand stores and thats just talking about the managers. Customers are a whole other story that I won't get into because I'll just end up giving myself carpel tunnel by typing it all. At this point I refuse to work in retail again, but am currently at my mom's restaurant where there is of course stupid people and my mom's retarded brother as a manager. I do more in one day than he does in whole week, so I try to limit my interaction with him and customers to a minimum. I've said this before but people just don't know the type of crap they dish out to people until they are on the recieving end.

11-16-2003, 01:55 AM
word graycie :)

i my self have had problems with the managers everywhere i went i guess since i was faster the everyone else, stocking wise, and i was always done with stuff to do that i was always slacking off hmm so i now i have the "slacker" written on me from my previous job experiences

thats why i never list them for my present employers how ever they can just find that stuff out but im not worried so far ive only gotten good reviews from walmart even though i hate the place with a passion

i am looking but i want a full time job during the week i desperatly want to be home at nights and weekends and lead a normal life i hope thats not to much to ask at 19 anyways it seams that this thread has turned into a "lets vent" and "teach others" thread wich is kinda cool i guess im not the only one who hates most of the human race

11-16-2003, 01:55 AM
i was at a friends house today, and everytime i get made fun of by his brother and he beats on me and crap like that. long story short, i never really hurt him or go after him cause im not that way but today was the day that they pushed me over the edge and i sat on his chest, and crushing him, watching his face get red. after knowing i went to far, i got off him. he goes and gets a belt and then tries to whip me. he got me a little with the belt, and none of it hurt, but i decide to leave. now im getting made fun of for not standing up for myself!

11-16-2003, 02:44 AM
9 out of 10 managers are buttholes and/or idiots. A good manager is great to have.

11-16-2003, 02:51 AM
I worked in retail for 8.5 years. When I worked for Target, I had a lady come up to me with a complaint. The vacuum that she bought didn't ring up at the price that she thought it should be. Since I was a Cashier Supervisor, my job was to run out on the floor to check out those things when we were so busy that most of the salespeople were running registers. I ran back to check the sign. It said that some Hoover was at that price and she had a Eureka. I went back to the registers and explained the situation to her and she gave me a reply that still mystifies me to this day. She said, "What do you expect me to do, read the whole sign?!?!?" When she said this, I was so dumbfounded, I didn't know what to say! It just showed me that most of the general public has an intelligence level just above sheep.

Still, you shouldn't have said what you did to the Mexicans. I'm sure that you know that. But it did need to be said.


11-16-2003, 02:57 AM
I've had people ask me to call another store for their hours, or to see if they had something in stock... or to price check. :rolleyes:

11-16-2003, 03:13 AM
Originally posted by Miscue
I've had people ask me to call another store for their hours, or to see if they had something in stock... or to price check. :rolleyes:

I've had to do that too!

11-16-2003, 03:14 AM
Originally posted by LoveMyMagMoreThanYou
"What do you expect me to do, read the whole sign?!?!?"

say yes, and ask her if she thinks she is at dollarland.

11-16-2003, 03:30 AM
70 year old man comes in, raises his cane in angst... "You sold me a POS!!!!"

I look at his receipt and the warranty was up like 2 years ago. He gave me the evil eye and just stared at me for a long time... that was rather uncomfortable. Senile, crotchety customers are the best!

"That's not what I was quoted!" "Who quoted it for you?" "I don't know." Trying to play games... with the non-existant employee who promised a better price. I know their tricks... :)

11-16-2003, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by LoveMyMagMoreThanYou
"What do you expect me to do, read the whole sign?!?!?"

can you believe you're not the only one to hear that one? :D i think everyone should be required to work a retail job for one year including all pre-holiday rushes. otherwise they won't be allowed to shop in a physical store unless accompanied by someone with a license who will be held responsible for their behavior.

11-16-2003, 03:37 PM
Hey, i'm nice to retail people, unless they start doing something dirtbaggish to me :)

11-16-2003, 07:21 PM
I worked at A&N for a while...LOATHED it. All screwed up...I was making minimum wage...often left in the store for an hour or two ALONE running the register...(All at 16...that can't be legal...). MAnager was corrupt. Found out that shortly after I quit he got fired for nailing his g/f in the bathroom. Oh and the worst part is...I worked during the holiday season, and they have a district type contest to see which store can do the most sales yada yada...and we won...clearly. Everyone in my store gets the bonus but me.They feed me some crap about not having worked enough hours. Heck I geuss working from 9-9 for 5.15 an hour on christmas eve isn't enough. (I worked a lot more than that but thats just an example of the type of shifts i got). But I digress...they dicked me out of a 50 dollar christmas bonus...thats just wrong.

Next I had a temp job at Pier1...stocking a new store for opening. The job was easy, me and my friend basicly sat on our buts opening up cardboard boxes all day long and bs'ing with the other workers. Management was a problem though, had insane demands from us, and criticised my interior decorating skills (My gay boss).

Thats when i made the jump to the resturaunt business. Something I told myself I would never do. Now I wouldnt work in any chain rest. such as Fridays...but find yourself a nice private owned small resturaunt that does a fair amount of business. I work in a bar/rest now as a busboy, and it is my favorite job yet. Make REALLY good money (like 10-11 bucks an hour), the time goes by really fast, the co-workers are usually really chill, the work is EASY, and you dont have to deal with all those corporate policy bullcrap. Plus its fun talking to the customers in the bar...they never talk down to me and are entertaining (especially when they are drunk). But yeah anyways I thought I would hate working in a resturaunt but so far I love it.

11-17-2003, 03:15 AM
Wow, hearning all these stories actually makes me pretty thankful for my job.

I work at Office Depot, and all the guys I work with are really cool people. Supposedly my general manager is a *****, but I've never stuck around her long enough to find out. She's never in when I'm scheduled, which are closing shifts.

What *DOES* Drive me nuts are customers. When I'm out on the sales floor and I'm not cashiering, I really do try to help people out but, as was previously stated, some people just can't be helped.

Being an office-supply store, I get a lot of older clientel(sp?) in the store.

One older woman was looking for highlighter pens. I said "Aisle 6" and she went off to look for them. She comes back to my register and says "What are these pens like? I don't know, this is a little bit more yellow, but this one looks brighter. What's the differance?"

She then continues to pull out about 3 differant kinds of pens out of her bag and grabs a sheet of paper from me to compare them and show me how one was "A bit more yellow" and the other was more florescent.

Well, thank god, I got lucky. I opened up the first package she put down and let her try it out and she was happy with it. I sold it to her and got her the HELL out of the store.

It's like these people are looking for the most god-forsakenly specific thing on the face of the earth, that it couldn't possibly exist. I had one customer female-dogging me about how they changed the font of the text on a day-timer, and she didn't like the font that they were using.

it was like, "Oh my god, if you're getting this worked up about stupid little things like this, you've got issues"

and people getting pissed off becuase of price discrepancies: 8 cents isn't going to kill you. I mean, yeah, that's your money that you earned, but is it REALLY worth your time to female-dog at me for 15 minutes, make me run back to where the product is, etc.. etc.. for that 8 cents?

Here's the top 3 things that customers apparantly ALWAYS do:

1. Customers can't read signs. no matter what.

2. Customers are completly, 100% incapable of replacing a roll of toilet paper

3. Customers never know what they're looking for, but will be angry that you don't have it.

When I'm able to find that needle in a haystack, which is the reasonable customer, I'm more than happy to help him/her, and it really feels rewarding. It's the other 99.999% of dumb-male-donkeys that make it a nightmare.

11-17-2003, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by .bolink
they dicked me out of a 50 dollar christmas bonus...thats just wrong.

Hmm, by my logic that entitles you to steal 50-100 worth of stuff from the store.

11-17-2003, 10:47 AM
hey joey i've got some amendments to that last bit. :D

"Here's the top 3 things that customers apparantly ALWAYS do:"

"1. Customers can't read signs. no matter what."
they can read signs. but only the wrong ones. and of course only the price. not the item description.

"2. Customers are completly, 100% incapable of replacing a roll of toilet paper"
not only that but they're incapable of understanding how they could be out of paper in the first place "this is a BATHROOM! it should have TP!" and will get angry until someone goes and gets them another roll and replaces it for them.

"3. Customers never know what they're looking for, but will be angry that you don't have it."
100% agreement there. :) i like when they finally decide they want imaginary products.

"When I'm able to find that needle in a haystack, which is the reasonable customer, I'm more than happy to help him/her, and it really feels rewarding. It's the other 99.999% of dumb-male-donkeys that make it a nightmare."
it is sooooo rewarding when you finally find that one custormer who's reasonable and appreciative of your efforts. when a customer would come into my section with a confused, almost pained expression and leave with a package and a huge grin that absolutely made my day.

11-17-2003, 12:00 PM
Hmm, I got yelled at for trying to change the toilet paper. They get angry when you figure out how the latches on the dispersors work :)

11-17-2003, 04:03 PM
you know what really sucks though is when you go to use the restrooms ut only to find out after you finish your business that theres no toilet paper and better yet theres no other rolls in the dispenser

now thats a kick in the butt

well i gots to go to work again now YAY!!!!

11-17-2003, 09:05 PM
So, you take the cardboard in the middle of the roll and use that :)

11-17-2003, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Python14
Retail jobs suck...period. I worked a few weeks at a local FoodLion. Big mistake. First of all, in order to request specific days off, you had to put in a notice a month before hand. Well, being a highschool student, in May(Prom, Exams, AP exams, etc)...I had to do quite a few things spur of the moment. Well, I put in a notice that I would not be able to come in like 4 days one week(AP reviews scheduled after school). Well, my stupid manager schedules me for all 4 days(from 3-8 btw) and I talk to her that afternoon. Apparently, when I put in these requests, they hold no baring on anything. Well, I tell her "Don't plan on letting other people leave early those 4 days, because I'm not coming in" She thinks I'm bluffing. I don't come in ofcourse(lets see, $24 or a 5 on the AP History, your choice). When I come in that saturday to pick up some cereal(not while I'm working mind you), she comes up to me and "demands" that I explain myself. I do and she responds with "I didn't take the AP exams and went to work instead. Whose the manager here now?" It became official, My manager was ridiculous. I put in my two week notice at that moment and went to the Prom that evening/night/next morning.

Moral of the story: Life is to short to waste working a job you hate. If you have talents or abilities, use them to your advantage.

Second moral of the story: Food service jobs, chain retail jobs, jobs that you have to lower yourself to, suck.

You got lectured on success by a manager at your local supermarket. You should keep that knowledge in a special place where you will always remember it.

11-17-2003, 10:55 PM
Customers steal price tags from shelves. It's annoying.

11-17-2003, 11:29 PM
Stealing price tags? Thats a new one.

11-17-2003, 11:38 PM
My god, I feel for all of you! I've never really had too many bad employee/customer encounters, but I have management issues, some 35 yr old redneck who worked the same job as little 20 yr old me thought he could get me fired. Wouldn't ya know that about a month after I quit(summer was over) I got a phone call asking me if this guy had ever threatened me. I said no. This guy has 3 kids to feed, he may deserve it, but they don't.

11-18-2003, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by PyRo
Stealing price tags? Thats a new one.

happens all the time. then they say that it should sell for the price next to it. a little less obvious than actually switching the signs.

11-18-2003, 12:38 AM
Ha, I got away with getting some tools for about 1/3 of what they shoudl cost. I found them behind a shelf, and the guy gave me the price on the package, he said they must have been back there atleast 20 years. :)

12-04-2003, 12:55 PM
i had to revive this thread only becuase of this question that a customer seriously asked me last night

" do you guys carry the toilet paper that i like "

this lady who was about 45 years of age was dead serious when she asked that question now how in the F'ing hell am i suppose to answer that question! lol omg i just stared at her and im like "do you know what kind it is?" she dumbfounded looked back at me and said "yeah you guys carry it" WTF! use your head lol so finally i start to smile and you could tell i was trying to hold back the laugh it was great the woman got aggrevated then finally she said the brand name after about 3 minutes of me trying to figure out what kind it was

seriously some people need to use there freaking head