View Full Version : Shipping markers to Canada, any issues?

11-14-2003, 09:32 PM
I received an offer from Canada for the Mag I have for sale. I vaguely remember a thread where a marker took something like 3 months to reach its buyer.

If you have shipped a marker to Canada, or if you live in Canada and have bought one from a seller in the US, did you have any hassles? What method did you use to ship it? how long did it take to arrive? Would you do it again?

I'd like to sell, but if its going to be more hassle than what its worth, I'll have to seriously think about it.


11-15-2003, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by Blennidae
I received an offer from Canada for the Mag I have for sale. I vaguely remember a thread where a marker took something like 3 months to reach its buyer.

If you have shipped a marker to Canada, or if you live in Canada and have bought one from a seller in the US, did you have any hassles? What method did you use to ship it? how long did it take to arrive? Would you do it again?

I'd like to sell, but if its going to be more hassle than what its worth, I'll have to seriously think about it.

I have heard nightmare stories about shipping markers (and other things) to Canada. I however, have shipped to Canada many times. I have shipped markers, and other products. And every time went smooth as silk. The shipping times were actually faster than both myself and the customer expected. They were just slightly longer than normal shipping times here in the states.

Now, with this said, I want to make sure folks don’t think I am saying things WILL go smooth… only that for me they always have.

Also, use “Sporting Equipment” on the customs declaration, not “Paintball Gun”.

11-15-2003, 09:00 AM
I have shiped back and forth across the boarder with relitive ease, the only thing I have run into is Inport taxes, and bonds

UPS is the worst for this stuff, they charge a small fortune to do the borcorage.

FED-EX although not great for domestic stuff is excelent in the international market, there easy to get along with and relitivly good in priceing.

USPS- is by far the best way to have it shipped, there cheap, have good insurence, great delivery times, depending on shipping methode they switch to a Canadian shipping comopany that speeds things up, ther brocerage fee;s ar small, and ther alot less of a hastle then UPS

In my opinion, service wise, and after about 8 years of shipping things back and forth across the boarder, I would use USPS then FedEx and finaly and only if you have to UPS.

that all I can say.

11-15-2003, 12:56 PM
Living here in Canada, I order a lot of parts from the states, they usually teek a week or so, sometimes less.

11-15-2003, 03:04 PM
I have shipped a few markers to Canada, one with UPS (was soooo expensive and took almost 2 weeks) and one with USPS Express (took 3 days and only cost $20 with $1000 insurance).

So yeah, I think if you just use USPS when it comes to getting your gun to Canada you shouldnt have a problem.

11-15-2003, 03:06 PM
Thanks for all the information. I guess I was just being paranoid about shipping to Canada. Thanks for the tip on calling it "sporting equipment". Hopefully it wont be too expensive.

11-15-2003, 03:09 PM
Oh yeah, list the item as a gift, this is uber-important because it saves the guy you are sending the gun too money for import taxes and fees and all that junk.

11-15-2003, 03:53 PM
ive bought things off american sites (a tippmann 98) and i never had any problem at all. I got my order about 2 weeks after ordering it, and everything was right. The only thing was i had to pay some tax for crossing the border... but oh well:)