View Full Version : wow. Old Mag add in magazine.

Mag Master 04
11-15-2003, 01:14 AM
i was looking at old APG magazines today and i saw the origional ad that turned me on to the automag. it was an ad by paintball games dallas...i payed $444 for my mag with p/f, gravity hopper,single trigger frame, bottom line ASA and a pro power sniper barrel, and 12 ounce c02 tank...haha, $444 thats alot of $ for back in the day this was back in 1999. i upgraded from a spyder compact A w/ a single trigger. i was looking at some of the articles and new products (of the time) some of which you dont see or hear of anymore, its just crazy even for me being 17 and to see so many changes in the sport, i cant even imagine what the vets of the sport feel like, it just made me feel good to look back on all those old magizines and to read some of them articles and look at those pictures, even in my 5 years of play i have seen alot and i think its headed in the right direction. something else that cought my eye was the old RT ads, the sweaty bad *** looking dude holding the RT, haha i used to drool over that gun all the time, and now you barely see em anymore, i dont see mch of any AGD things anymore besides here, its sad, cuz AGD makes such fine products and ppl just dont know what they are capible of, i also had to watch the old classic tech video and tom rippin it up at the end w/ the minimag...haha wow, paintball goodness!

11-15-2003, 12:34 PM
The first ad that even considered me getting a different gun (which eventually led to my automag) was an ad in APG of the Emag :)

11-15-2003, 12:54 PM
I bet Tom feels all fuzzy when he hears that. :p

11-15-2003, 01:23 PM
I think what spun me onto the mag was HL-PB.. The RT Mag was the fastest mechanical gun in the game, and I dont think the model of the gun was very accurate, but it sure as hell looked cool! Soooo for christmas, a mag I got.

11-15-2003, 03:06 PM
I was turned onto the mag because of its sheer size and and was just impressed with the simplicity of the marker.

I still don't see what could truly be better.

Mag Master 04
11-15-2003, 05:09 PM
yes the godfather is a force to be reckoned with, AGD has always been there, for as long as i can remember, i just wanna hear from some of the older members on AO, what they think, i find stories like that interesting. i cant even imagine how you vets of the sport feel, maybe even a word from tom and his input

11-15-2003, 05:25 PM
got my 1st mag back in 93...i upgraded from a vm68...it was a used mag because the guy wanted to get a cocker.....it had 3 feet of steal braided hose wrapped up on its side that acted like an expansion chamber. i remember that it was the coolest looking gun around..i put on green wooden grips, got a VL3000 and went to town. oddly enough i still shoot that mag..its my primary gun...mind you its gone through many changes but its still the same valve, now with LX :D hell when i gt te LX put in i still had the spring in the power tube...the guy at the 1st shatner (where i got the LX) looked at me like i was crazy, but it still rocked

11-15-2003, 05:35 PM
'99 isnt "back in the day" lol. Yeah, I remember the early 90's...I had a bushmaster, with an autotrigger (if you remember the OLD bushys, then you qualify as "back in the day"), and got schooled by some guy with a mag. I do recall people having several coiuls of braided hose too...lol...wow, that all brings back memories.
I actually didnt purchase my first mag until 99 though. I was out of PB from 93-98...got back into it...then went REAL quick through guns, culminating in my X-mag. I currently own that, my first automag, a GZ Timmy, a 2k3 impy, a spanky cocker, a couple of spyders and tippys in various stages of disassembly. But, I trust and use my X most of all. You cant really beat the simplicity of design. Why tinker for an hour or so, when you have a gun where, with 95% of the problems, it is oil or Orings? Guess people just like hype over function.

Mag Master 04
11-15-2003, 05:36 PM
i still have my 1st mag too, i had the old style powertube and the round spring, lol it also has gone though many changes i have a pic im ny sig, even that pic is outdated, i have a Y grip and ULT and a dye gas thru foregrip now for the ppl that looked

11-15-2003, 05:39 PM
AO turned me to automags.

11-15-2003, 06:47 PM
I still have my first Automag (although I upgraded to the RetroValve along time ago) I have lots of other markers but when I step on the field 9 times out of 10 it will be with an AGD product. (That damn XMag of mine goes through so much paint that I occasionally switch to a pump or one of my slower markers).

I also have my first Nelspot. I started playing in 86 but didn't purchase a marker until late 86 or early 87. I remember we used to chrono by shooting into some thin wall board. If it splintered we turned it down. I bought a BlackWidow which was a Bushmaster clone and didn't realize how hard it shot. Years later I took it to a field with some old Nelson Oil based paint (the stuff was tough as leather) Whe I fired it over the Chrono the ref turned white when it registered 798 fps. The second shot was pretty close to the same and all he could say was..."you can't paly with that marker here". I changed the springs and got it down to 280 and had a great time. Of course then along came a VM68 and eventually a 68Automag. Then came an RT Classic (which I have also) another RT, 3 Emags (still have two of them) and the X-Mag.

I've heard some detractors on this very board call Automag owners something of a cult. I agree with that to a certain extent. I would propose however that we aren't necessarily a cult but an extended, somewhat dysfunctional family. GO to any event that there is an AGD booth, tell them who you are on this board and I guarantee you will feel like you are being welcomed by members of your long lost family. (Well except when I mention to Tom that I own the Bonta EMags but I promise you Tom I am completely redoing them so that they meet current production specs. About the only original thing about them is the vavle). I also own a Dark Angel and have owned a Speed and never felt welcome at a WDP tent. I do feel comfortable at a WGP tent as Bud Orr is a pretty good guy also and is as approachable as Tom is. I've been to the Smart Parts tents and they can bite my rear end. At one time I was seriously considering buying a Strange Impulse at their tractor trailer and was completely ignored.

Point is the old school guys seem to understand that the average paintball player is their most important customer. Give me the companies where a word and a handshake is how they do business over @$#!@** (insert your favorite expletive here) who only cater to whiny holier than thou professional tourney players.


11-15-2003, 06:59 PM
i rember getting into mags my friend told me about htem and showed me a RT PRO in a action pursuit games magazine i was like holy crap 600 bux for just the gun and then you needed nitro that was back when i had my tippy well when i was looking to get a new gun someone had a old school RT and i bought wiht tank for 350 i was so happy and then eventually i sold it but i might buy it back from the guy i sold it too for like 100 bux :D

11-15-2003, 11:35 PM
I remember seeing my first mag in an apg magazine 3 or 4 years ago with my best friend... we knew absolutely nothing about paintball at the time (alot less than we thought we did, anyways). I actually remember the conversation we had about it...
"wow, look that thing is 350 without a barrel or a bottomline or anything..."
"yeah, i think it's fully automatic or something."
"yeah, that would explain it..."
"i think i'll get a spyder instead... they are cheaper and cooler anyways"
Man, we had alot to learn.

11-15-2003, 11:54 PM
When I was younger I always used to look at paintball guns even though I could never get one. The gun I looked at the most was the mag. I don't even know why. :D

11-15-2003, 11:56 PM
Oh man, the memories this brings back seriously brings a tear to my eye. I really miss those days when THE most respected players used Mags. Everyone else shot spyders, pumps, or Pro-lites.

Man, I'm only 18 and I remember....

When the All-Americans still used Automags
Marty Bush used a Sniper 2
Rocky Cagnoni played for Rage
The AGD tech video was only a few years old
Lots of the professionals had their gun on remote
Mr. Kaye played down in Disney world in SPANDEX :eek:
Robbo played for the AAs
Vents masks were the awsome
Only wearing your goggles(no face mask) was cool
Speedball did not exsist in any form
Nitrogen systems came in like 1200 psi and 2850 psi
The only hopper choice was the Viewloader 2000
You had to check yourself for ticks hourly
The coolest gun to have was the Automag RT or an STO
People had stickers like "Grab a straw cuz you suck"

11-16-2003, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by Woogie12
The gun I looked at the most was the mag. I don't even know why. :D
That must be because of it's dead sexyness.

11-16-2003, 12:21 AM
Wow....Toms gettin his moneys worth out of that ADD! Even still! :D

11-16-2003, 12:40 AM
Hahaha, no doubt about that. I bought my first new mag(I had had 3 used ones before that) based on an ad I saw in an issue of APG that was about 5 years old at the time(it was 2001 and the ad was from 1996). Actually, now that I think of it, it wasn't an ad, it was simply a picture of some guy using a mag. You can't even see the entire gun(just the back end and part of the frame), but it was enough to make me buy one. I already knew it was awsome gun, it was simply a matter of how cool it would be in use.

11-16-2003, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by Mag Master 04
its just crazy even for me being 17 and to see so many changes in the sport, i cant even imagine what the vets of the sport feel like, it just made me feel good to look back on all those old magizines and to read some of them articles and look at those pictures,

I can relate to that. Was there in 86. Scan that bad boy and post it. Scan all of it. send it to me and i will post em

11-16-2003, 07:03 AM
the first mag i ever saw was live and in person. i was like" wtf?". it'll never catch on....why would anyone want a semi auto when sheridan pump guns ruled?

in retrospect: *doh*!

i remember being totally perplexed when the workings were explained to me.

-the valve comes right out?
-o-rings are all thats needed?
-it's a level what and you're sending it to where to have it turned into a level ??? for free?
-powerfeed? why would you want the feedneck to go across the body to the right side of the gun? how can you see your target like that? it's in the way!

well, i set my annihilater aside, got a vm68 and shortly thereafter wished i had gotten a mag. i soon traded the vm and a couple hundred $$ for a standard feed mag.
i sold that mag and got out of pb for about 5-6 years after a divorce. when i got back in year before last, my first purchase was a powerfeed level 7 mag which is now not the same gun i bought. not a single part remains from the original, and i love it.

even though i recently bought a b2k3, i made sure to get a gear bag that would hold that and mag.

i will always own a mag. the bushy will go if need be, but the annihilater and mag will not.

Mag Master 04
11-16-2003, 12:52 PM
well who changed the title on this thread, i didnt, oh well the ad was in an old APG,

and beemer i dont have a scanner but it is in the june 1999 issue, thats old for me. haha!

11-16-2003, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Mag Master
i cant even imagine what the vets of the sport feel like,

and beemer i dont have a scanner but it is in the june 1999 issue, thats old for me. haha!

Take it down to Kinkos

lol thats funny,I started playing a year before you were born:eek:

Ah so Grasshopper,my experience is great with many stories

11-16-2003, 04:24 PM
Humm lets see, Late Summer 92. Local team comes back from the Amature Open. For some reason I sat in while they had a team meeting about the event. Later I get introducted to them and I see a lot of them are shooting Mags w/ 7oz tanks and loops of hose :)

As the summer when on I mooched every gun I could get my hands on to try. 68 Speacials, Pro Am's VM's, Cocker, Bushmaster, NelSpot, F1 and on it went but I never got to borrow a Mag for some reason. So Dec and Jan roll around I keep seeing more and more of the team guys getting mags. I am at the range shooting a borrowed VM and I had decided to buy that with the Smart Parts Package ( $535 ). A buddy that just picked up a mag said " Hey Shoot this " So I racked off about 10-11 shots at the loader we had hanging up at the range, I hit every one on the first shot shooting slow and aiming. He say " No No man shoot it fast" So I start ripping it and I was in love. I had 2 questions "Where ? " and "How Much ?"

Back then the guns were on an insane back order like 2000-3000 units. How much was looking like $500 - $550 or so for just the base gun. I start saving cash, I also start playing for the team (Avant Guard) because I was killing the regular walk ons. Then the day happened I got word that Smart Parts just got in a few hundred guns, I called and asked if they had any left and got the Yes we do. It was all over from there. $735 late I had my CF062xx gun, with 20oz, Gun, and SP 12" Barrel, I was king. I think I was the first person with an aftermarket barrel an a mag at that point.

First day out with it was Awsome, full 20oz tank on back bottle, 1 1/2 Cacse of Proball White and I lot of toasted walk ons later I has a S eating grin that I still get to this day :D

Still, have that gun, I was still playing tourny ball with it still in an almost stock set up that had not changed in years. Small BM Drop, Proline Expantion chamber as my gas thru grip and my Freddie Shultz 68 3k air system.

Am Open 1994 I just switched to a Bottle line CO2 set up :)


and in 1999 at ethe Indoor in TN


In fact I just made the first change to the gun since 94 :) I changed how I ran teh air to the valve ;) As i run my Emags more often now they run teh line around the back and to teh valve, so swapping tanks was a bit of a pita so I just made the Gas Thru a grip and made it so swapping tanks was easier :)


Mag Master 04
11-16-2003, 04:24 PM
i dont even think i have ever seen a kinkos in indiana...but im too lazy anyways even if there was one

Mag Master 04
11-16-2003, 04:30 PM
thats the stories im lookin for...thats a great one, i liked that alot, i wish i would have kept my mag stock, i remember the back bottle adapter, right under the valve, holy cow, and the long long steel hose, dang

11-16-2003, 06:23 PM
Sweet,Rob! My first time ever playing... or even thinking about the sport was in 2001... With my grandpa and his friends at the local field... Well, I had so much fun that I went and bought a Tippmann 98 the day after I played. The Tippmann98 got old after about... 5 weeks. So, I went to the the local proshop and they had this insane looking gun hanging up, 00411 Classic RT. They had it on sale for 250$ because it has sat on the shelf for 2 years... So, I bought it on the spot... Because it looked so cool, and so simple. I didnt know that after that I would never want another paintball gun from another company...

11-16-2003, 08:05 PM
My first experience with a mag?:D

It's 1995 and my church is going paintballing. I had just turned 11 so I was old enough to pay. I went and had a blast. At the end of the day, we agree to have a refs .vs. church game(3 on 19). One of the refs has an extra Automag with a 6+1 harness, VL 2000, some kind of barrel, and a 20 oz. tank on remote. He let me use it because he said "he liked my moves". Well, the game went as predicted, the refs take like 9 of out off the bat. I make it to my tree safely and start shooting. I could hit anything(or atleast I thought I could) and loved it. I managed to get one of the refs out before the other two catch on and get me.

After that game, I had to have an Automag. I had to have one enough that 4 years later, I buy a used one for $200. That was how I got into mags.

50 cal
11-16-2003, 09:56 PM
The first time I saw a mag was at Ft Campbell Ky at the Craig Village shoot around 89 or 90. Jim Lively and Sam Cauldwell had two of the first mags around. I knew I had to have one.
I bought one at the next Masters in Nashville. I've had one ever since. When i finally scored an RT when they came out I thought I was in hog heaven. It had the sweet spot you wouldn't believe. Refs at a field near here were constantly looking my gun over cause they thought it was full auto.

Mag Master 04
11-16-2003, 10:40 PM
i cant even imagine what you RT boys did w out the LX, was it really bad, or way it really bad?:D :p

11-17-2003, 12:12 PM
My mag was purchased in the spring of 93. There was a big backorder on mags due to the want of many. I had researched all the guns on the market because I didn't want to spend my hard earned money on hype. I wanted the best bang for the buck. I read all the articles in the magazines and liked what I saw. Everything pointed to a mag. I made some calls and of course no one had any available for months. I called AGD directly. They were backordered of course, to supply all their dealers, but they did give me a number for a place that they had just shipped a large lot. I ended up calling General Joe's in California and getting a mag immediately for a good price. I had it shipped to the East coast and in my hands for a mere $450.00US ($725.0CAN at the time). They wanted $900.00 locally and you had to wait for months. It had a 12oz backbottle antisphon tank and a crownpoint barrel (wow). I was the envy of every paintballer around my area. No one could match my firepower. By the end of the summer at least 10 people had mags because of seeing mine in action. I still have my mag and it still works amazing.

11-17-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
If you remember the OLD bushys, then you qualify as "back in the day")...

I guess I qualify as I remember when they were the hottest NEW marker out...

11-17-2003, 02:11 PM
Something about that sovereign ad always got me, and the ZXS pos by ZAP.