View Full Version : Define what apaintball poser is....

11-15-2003, 03:20 AM
Ok after some brief lurking at PBN (shoot me now), i come a cross a thread about paintball posers. Unaturally, the thread didnt turn to a flame fest, but a noob bashing one. There is a corellation i suppose...anyway.

I figure screw PBN, i wanna know what/how AO members "define" what a paintball poser is.

11-15-2003, 04:04 AM
i think a pb poser is somebody that acts and talks like their the best at paintball when they're really not. thats a poser to me.

Goldie D Pimp
11-15-2003, 08:52 AM
Or a guy like me who has spent a ton of money on gear, yet only gets to play a couple times a year! :(

11-15-2003, 08:54 AM
Someone who pretends to be a good paintballer, and when they lose(which they usually do)they acuse everyone else of cheating. It is also some one who shows up to a speedball tourney in full camo with a Tippmann 98 Sniper(proteam stock, flatline, remote air) and starts trash talking the high end guns because the are so shiny that he'll be able to see them coming.

11-15-2003, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by Goldie D Pimp
Or a guy like me who has spent a ton of money on gear, yet only gets to play a couple times a year! :(

^what he said.

or someone who only played once. and tells you this story how he killed so many people in the game. over and over again.

11-15-2003, 09:17 AM
Same as a poser in any other sport,doesn't really play and talks alot of crap.Usually doesn't even realize that EVERYONE knows he's full of it.

I don't like that "buys expensive stuff" nonsense.That's just sour grapes from jealous people who can't afford the same stuff.If you "could" have got an Angel for your first gun,you darn well would have and you all know it.;)


11-15-2003, 09:18 AM
reminds me of my friend vincent. he played one game at my friend's house last march. i sold him a gun a week later. i dont think hes played since.

11-15-2003, 11:05 AM
a)someone who really sucks, and says there great
b)someone who will argue over a spyder being better than a mag.
c)someone who has never played and talk like they have been playing for years.

11-15-2003, 11:29 AM

1) Talks smack that their but can't cash

2) Gives into all of the hype *cough* PBN *cough*

3) Has very miniscule knowledge of the game, but acts like they know everything

11-15-2003, 11:30 AM
the kid with the angel, angel air, halo, and a freak system, in all dye clothing...that totally sucks at paintball becuase they never play. they just sit and hide behind their bunker then brags how long he stayed in the game. when in reality the only reason he was in the game at all was because he didn't even poke his head out cause he's too damn afraid. why buy all that equipment if you don't actually use it? yes, they have an angel, but it's too much gun for them. that's my definiton of a poser

11-15-2003, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by TheJester
the kid with the angel, angel air, halo, and a freak system, in all dye clothing...that totally sucks at paintball becuase they never play. they just sit and hide behind their bunker then brags how long he stayed in the game. when in reality the only reason he was in the game at all was because he didn't even poke his head out cause he's too damn afraid. why buy all that equipment if you don't actually use it? yes, they have an angel, but it's too much gun for them. that's my definiton of a poser

I bunker people who do that. BAD like bleeding bad...

11-15-2003, 11:58 AM
I feel that it's the person that does more talking about the awesomeness of his gun more than actually playing.

Wearing all the fancy jersey and stuff but only playing rec-ball and really sucking at it.

Basically, Glory Boy Wannabes. :D

11-15-2003, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by penguinepunk555

I bunker people who do that. BAD like bleeding bad...

I tell you what is better is making the guy surender when you are about 15ft from him.

I think there are all kinda of paintball losers but I dont think I want to post all that nasty stuff.

My fav is the poser that is "sponsered." A budand I, bright on AO, went to play at a local place about a month ago. There was a "sponsered" team there practicing. They watched us play and asked if we wanted to join them. So we grabbed 2 scrubs like us playing rec and whipped thier butts up and down the feild the rest of the day. I think the best part was when we would start to get 1 or 2 of thier guys out they would just start to panic. IT was wild like they were in the middle of the Iraqi desert just screaming at the top of thier lungs! Offcourse then came the cussing and general poor sportsmenship I had seen in a while. I think what made it great was the fact that they wore these smurf blue jerseys and pants. Kinda fun when you can yell to your other teamates "whats the count on those smurfs?"


11-15-2003, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by Goldie D Pimp
Or a guy like me who has spent a ton of money on gear, yet only gets to play a couple times a year! :(

Yay! Go us!

11-15-2003, 12:35 PM
to me its when they have nice stuff and brag about how good they are. then you get on the field and waste them.

11-15-2003, 01:05 PM
Carbon, I think we are safe with this bunch, the anti-posers


11-15-2003, 03:47 PM
A poser is about 99% of the people on PBN.
:D :D ;)

11-15-2003, 03:48 PM
Carbon, I think we are safe with this bunch, the anti-posers

Damn straight! Although i think Steelrat is literally a poser, i belive this one is called "The thinker"... Or the "Did i leave the iron on?" pose.:D

Anyhow my guess is there is a degree of poser-osity. Im thinking it is what you do to gain respect. Some will "throw up a flag" and other will just play. I know not all of us dont want the pseudo title of "paintball embassadors".

-Paintball vandals/drive by assaulters...big time posers

11-15-2003, 04:23 PM
if you're a paintball poser, i hope that you know your self-esteem should reach a new low

11-15-2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by dinger
if you're a paintball poser, i hope that you know your self-esteem should reach a new low

LOL i just wet mypants.:D

11-15-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi
My fav is the poser that is "sponsered." A budand I, bright on AO, went to play at a local place about a month ago. There was a "sponsered" team there practicing. They watched us play and asked if we wanted to join them. So we grabbed 2 scrubs like us playing rec and whipped thier butts up and down the feild the rest of the day. I think the best part was when we would start to get 1 or 2 of thier guys out they would just start to panic. IT was wild like they were in the middle of the Iraqi desert just screaming at the top of thier lungs! Offcourse then came the cussing and general poor sportsmenship I had seen in a while. I think what made it great was the fact that they wore these smurf blue jerseys and pants. Kinda fun when you can yell to your other teamates "whats the count on those smurfs?"

But where in the rule book does it say a sponsored team has to be good?

11-15-2003, 05:42 PM
I am a poser. I have cool ,expensive gear, but I suck. Wait, does admitting youre a poser disqualify you?

11-15-2003, 06:05 PM
IMO, since x-ball has come out, paintball has really turned into the whole MTV look. headbands,baggypants, bright colored jerseys, weird nicknames. also, everyone and their mom shoots either a matrix or a timmy. the players i see in the magazines look like ravers or something. i guess a paintball poser would be someone who dresses like the pro's just to LOOK cool. yet sucks major balls out on the field.

11-15-2003, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Xyxyll

But where in the rule book does it say a sponsored team has to be good?

thats great for the sig!

11-15-2003, 06:47 PM
Paintball posers try to look all flashy by wearing all the latest jerseys and pants and have an all chrome matrix (because it's trendy and it's a cool movie) and talk themselves up and walk the walk, etc, etc when in reality they suck. Basically trying to be someone they are not.

11-15-2003, 08:16 PM
Paintball poser=can talk the talk but cant walk the walk

what a terrible cliche....

I don't think your gear matters because if you got the cash why not spend it?

11-15-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade

If you "could" have got an Angel for your first gun,you darn well would have and you all know it.;)

not true, i had the money for an angel and bought a classic nonpowerfed (sorry, forgot the name) mag...and proceeded to upgrade the **** outta it :D

and in my eyes, a person who's a poser is someone who talks more than plays the game...but bs'ing with friends is a different story. lol.

11-15-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by tony3
Paintball poser=can talk the talk but cant walk the walk

what a terrible cliche....

I don't think your gear matters because if you got the cash why not spend it?
Exactly. I don't see how spending money on paintball gear when you are not good/rarely play makes someone a poser. When I used to be into skateboarding, a poser was someone who just skated for the "bad" image - they didn't really care for the sport. You'd think people would be happy that their money is supporting the industry.

11-15-2003, 09:08 PM
Poser: (adj) All bark, no bite
Poser: (n) trashtalking, flaming, no-skill ignoramous

11-15-2003, 09:38 PM
i wouldnt call myself a poser just because i dont play much at all. since my dad and my financial situation isnt exactly warp speed i spent all my money on a gun and hopper only to relize i was out of cash and couldnt buy anything better than 500 competetive edge:( . i think i know quite a bit about the sport and some tech stuff mostly about cockers but there is always room for improvement. when i trash talk my friends gun i say "well i cant talk cause i suck.". (he has a impulse that he just switched around the noid on it so it was leakin like a crazy man. not too happy about that.) anyways i was gonna go play this weekend with my talon, cause my b2k hasnt got here yet. *cough *cough mossman*.

11-15-2003, 11:07 PM
Posers are people who wear PB gear when not anywhere near a field. People who wear their jerseys around town and stuff.

11-15-2003, 11:55 PM
a poser is a noob that just went high end after his first time

examples from my school
1. kid plays once, gets his spyder an 88/3k, than he trades his spyder for an uglyass 2k2 rf... now he thinks he can play w/ the big kids now lol

2. kid in my class keeps talkin bout how bushys suck and angels are the ****, but only played once, and his life goal is to get an angel by the next time he plays, cus the angel is godly?

to me a poser is...
-all talk no show
-spends too much for his first few times playing
-thinks his spyder is better than a tippmann or vice versa

11-16-2003, 12:51 PM
to me, a poser is someone who has all the gear and justs there on the sidelines and watches the rest of us play. if its ur first time, thats a different story.

11-16-2003, 02:48 PM
Angels are Godly:D

But please, lets not bring this phrase "poser" into paintball. I heard it nonstop when I used to skateboard. I got sick of people calling each other that, or calling me that, and hearing it nonstop, that I just got tired of it and quit.

11-16-2003, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
But please, lets not bring this phrase "poser" into paintball. I heard it nonstop when I used to skateboard. I got sick of people calling each other that, or calling me that, and hearing it nonstop, that I just got tired of it and quit.
Yes, I totally agree! Everyone you didn't like was a poser in skateboarding, and it was incredibly lame.

11-16-2003, 05:56 PM
Yeah, I used to skate for the fun of it. I knew a bunch of tricks, but I wasnt out everday drilling them nonstop, and the other people who were, always called me a poser. I lived that stuff too, just like they did. I loved it as much if not more. Even though I was better than some of the people who just drilled tricks everyday, they still called me a poser. If they got mad at each other, they would call each other that. It was just stupid. I'd really rather not hear people calling each other that in relation to paintball. Damn, and here I thought I had escaped it. Well, now I have the real power to show them who the "poser" is, if they call me that.

11-16-2003, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by TheDoveDecends
b)someone who will argue over a spyder being better than a mag.

so i guess i'm a paintball poser? :rolleyes:

11-16-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Goldie D Pimp
Or a guy like me who has spent a ton of money on gear, yet only gets to play a couple times a year! :(

Some people are limited by time and (ah hem) geography. That's a PBN generalization :rolleyes:

11-16-2003, 08:54 PM
I am a poser....I own 28 guns and play a few times a year ;)

As a matter of fact, I am not sure if anyone from AO has actually seen me play:)

11-16-2003, 09:11 PM
#1- most of those guns don't work
#2- we have photographic proof of you on the field with PPOG.

And is it being a poser if you use the gun that people think is going out of style? (Mag)

Wouldn't you be shooting something that EVERYBODY has to have now? (Trix, Timmy)

Originally posted by Muzikman
I am a poser....I own 28 guns and play a few times a year ;)

As a matter of fact, I am not sure if anyone from AO has actually seen me play:)

11-16-2003, 10:15 PM
wears a pro jersey, silver chain, durag, multiple headbands, sandanas, etc.

they shoot 3-4 pods but shoot noone, act "pimp" but dont have any skill

11-16-2003, 10:22 PM
let's see, my definition of a paintball poser is the 12 year old with the newest "daddy don't you love me? special", all the newest gear to go with it, talks a lot of smack, and then goes out on the field and gets lit up LIKE A CRACKHEAD ON WELFARE DAY...

11-16-2003, 11:05 PM
Paintball "poser"

Bunch of kids that play in a closed group of about 40 people all shooting spyders/clones argueing over what gun is better

and they think that hunters are better at playing paintball
and they get a couple of people together and call themselves a team but never play any competettions

I used to be one of those posers
Now we've actually got some skill
Kinda threw an AO WMI team together
And we don't argue that a spyder is better than a rebel

11-16-2003, 11:45 PM
a poser is someone who who who damn can't talk of posers cuz they piss me off.:mad:

11-17-2003, 02:33 AM
Ok my reasoning is that a poser is someone who is not what they say they are. Further more, they dont have the "heart" to defend their lifestyle. I guess this is a really general defenition that can ba applied to any kinda sport/activity/sub-culture or niche i guess.

Furtehr more i think posing goes far beyon spats on whose gun is beter or what you wear at what time.

I guess a fake person is a fake person, regardless of what they do, wehter it be painball or whatever.

Thnx for your thoughts!

11-17-2003, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Angels are Godly:D

But please, lets not bring this phrase "poser" into paintball. I heard it nonstop when I used to skateboard. I got sick of people calling each other that, or calling me that, and hearing it nonstop, that I just got tired of it and quit.

How about "Squid" or TWiB?

Personally, I dont play much, but have an acute gun whoring problem. I dont tend to buy the latest /greatest of anything (I like old mechanically complicated things). I like paintball as much for the tech of the guns as for the play. When I was on a NEPL team, I mostly sat on the sidelines and tech'd everyone elses marker. I would rather sit out and take things apart than play X-Ball. Give me woods or give me death!

11-17-2003, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Snapps
Poser: (adj) All bark, no bite
Poser: (n) trashtalking, flaming, no-skill ignoramous


trains are bad
11-17-2003, 12:01 PM
I'm withy the guys hating the word 'poser'. I ride little bikes and hate the whole word.

IMO skill, gear, frequency of play, none of themn have anything to do with poserdom. If someone has fun playing paintball then they are not a poser.

So the closest thing I can think of to a poser is someone who plays paintball becuase he thinks he has to. Or solely to be 'cool'

11-17-2003, 02:15 PM
I dont really think somebody with a high end gun who isnt good or doesnt play is a poser, thats just spoiled. Now, what gets me and makes me see a person as a poser is a sucky player who wears paintball jerseys/pants. Its just ghey.

paint magnet
11-17-2003, 04:00 PM
What I hate even worse are the rednecks living in trailers that shoot people riding by on bicycles or shoot at cars and then try to act like they know a lot about paintball. I heard one bragging about how they had their Angel with a 20 oz Co2 tank (at which point I proceeded to bust out laughing :D ) with them and they hid underwater in a swamp and lit up a bunch of people on the opposing team.


11-17-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
#1- most of those guns don't work
#2- we have photographic proof of you on the field with PPOG.

And is it being a poser if you use the gun that people think is going out of style? (Mag)

Wouldn't you be shooting something that EVERYBODY has to have now? (Trix, Timmy)

Most of the guns don't work? Actually, most work. I have a few small issues with some and some have seen better days, but most work:)

Kaiser Bob
11-17-2003, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
I am a poser....I own 28 guns and play a few times a year ;)

As a matter of fact, I am not sure if anyone from AO has actually seen me play:)

I played in a pump tourney with ya...

11-17-2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by MrWallen
Posers are people who wear PB gear when not anywhere near a field. People who wear their jerseys around town and stuff.

That would make me a poser, I don't think I even own any clothing that isn't related to paintball in some way or another.

11-17-2003, 05:27 PM
I would consider a paintball poser to be someone who plays paintball once and says he plays tournament paintball. Then he proceeds to tell some story about this guys angel or autococker that has NOS and shoots really hard and far. They usually do this to make themselves seem cooler than they really are.

11-17-2003, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by TheJester
the kid with the angel, angel air, halo, and a freak system, in all dye clothing...that totally sucks at paintball becuase they never play. they just sit and hide behind their bunker then brags how long he stayed in the game. when in reality the only reason he was in the game at all was because he didn't even poke his head out cause he's too damn afraid. why buy all that equipment if you don't actually use it? yes, they have an angel, but it's too much gun for them. that's my definiton of a poser

Heh...2 of my buds and I cornered 4 of these kids in a shed once...took out 3 of them when we rushed inside and the third one literally threw his gun down and started crying "surrender!"

that last one was the snottiest one of them all, and he couldn't even take a paintball shot. had to call himself out like a baby.

of course, 2 guys with guns leveled on ya from 10 feet away tends to make you cry surrender like a baby :)

Kaiser Bob
11-17-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by melster

of course, 2 guys with guns leveled on ya from 10 feet away tends to make you cry surrender like a baby :)

Tell that to the guy I bunkered yesterday from 6in away that turned and lit me up anyway...

11-17-2003, 07:37 PM
Ouch. Sorry man.

A friend of mine tried to pull that on me...he was hiding behind a spool and I surprised him by rushing. He was literally 6 inches away from me when I yelled surrender.

He paused for a second then turned and shot at me...and missed!!! Boy...did he ever regret that. :) He swears he didn't hear me call out for his surrender. Pfft.

11-17-2003, 09:23 PM
yeah that how this poser at our field is. no matter if there is still two on his side against four he'll call out. also he acts all bad *** and $h!t. that a full of it poser to me.

11-17-2003, 09:28 PM
A poser is someone who is wants only to follow the crowd and "fit" in. They are less interested in furthering their skill, knowledge, or enjoyment than they are at looking cool. A poser will seek out what is popular and trendy and adopt it for himself without thinking about it. They place a higher value on social status than on personal achievement, and seek to achieve it through mimicking what is popular.

11-17-2003, 09:28 PM
of course, 2 guys with guns leveled on ya from 10 feet away tends to make you cry surrender like a baby

No getting shot 3 times in the back of the head at 12" tends to make them cry surrender. 10' they will probably spin on you and cry i got you first.