View Full Version : Are 68Automags still worth it?

11-15-2003, 12:47 PM
Hey all, after talking to Jon at the NPPL Miami event (thanks Jon for explaining how the automag works to me), Ive decided I want one. I found a guy selling this:


plus 2 20oz CO2 tanks for $200. What I want to know is, are the classic 68 automags still a good marker? I fired an automag at my field, and it was an incredible shot, but seeing as I didnt know anything about mags then, I have no idea what kind it was (i think it was a 68classic like the picture). So, are they still worth purchasing as a first mag?

BTW, thats a J&J ceramic barrel too (which i love on my spyder).

11-15-2003, 12:50 PM
Yes, they are still very worth it. That is a decent deal also (but you will want to have plans on upgrading it later :))

Welcome to AO :)

Here are some upgrades

ULE Body (lightweight, CF colored bodies)

Xvalve (the heart of it all, probably the best upgrade you can have, better trigger feel and reactivity, fastest recharging valve)

Intelliframe (best mech frame)

ULE Trigger Kit (it brings the trigger down to 15 ounces, but only use this with xvalve/RT valve)

Level 10 - NO MORE CHOPS!

those are just some I can tihkn of right now, DEFINIATLY not in the right order. You will have to decide what you need most when you get your gun, and based on what you can afford.

11-15-2003, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
Yes, they are still very worth it. That is a decent deal also (but you will want to have plans on upgrading it later :))

i already have upgrade plans on my mind. which, while good for me, my wallet is already screaming at me, lol.

11-15-2003, 12:55 PM
I posted some upgrades

11-15-2003, 12:57 PM
Cool, i didnt you could completely upgrade the classic like that. I thought the classic was limited in its upgrades. Guess not. Thanks a lot.

11-15-2003, 04:04 PM
Welcome to AO..$200, wow thats a great deal. 1st things 1st.

1)Open up the valve and (generally) remove any non AGD or stock parts and replace em ith stock one. Check all the o-rings and epecially your regulator seat.

2) Get Level 10 bolt

3) Get HPA. If you are gonna run CO2 make sure u have and antisiphon setup, expansion chamber ect.

4)Upgrade what is a priority for you.

11-15-2003, 04:10 PM
simply put

Any mag is worth it :D

that is, at the right price of course...

11-15-2003, 04:16 PM
First off, if you havent and that deal is still there, JUMP ON IT! I would say thats a pretty darn good deal, as long as it doesnt leak, and works fine. If anything goes wrong with it, AO can help. 68 Automags are defentally worth it! 68 Mags are great for first mags, and if you are upgrading from a spyder, then they are just right. You might not be used to the trigger pull because your spyders is probally lighter, but once you learn it, you will be ph33r3d ;)

11-15-2003, 05:19 PM
Everything in there should be all stock. He got it last year as a birthday gift and then enver used it. its been sitting in his closet for a year, so, now he wants to get rid of it. He used it without AS CO2. It loooks to have a 4 stag expansion chamber on it. Whats going to happen without anti-siphoned co2? My proshop wont do it, and while it isnt hard, im hesitant to do it myself for now. Will I be ok running it without AS for now? I know I can blow orings, but those can be replaced. Will it DAMAGE the marker in anyway?

I will be getting an AS tank soon and hopefully HPA after that.

Thanks for all your help guys (and gals). It means a lot.

11-15-2003, 05:29 PM
Carbon definitly has the right list of what to do..go with that.

also, wecome to AO!:cool:

11-15-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by SSilver2k2
Everything in there should be all stock. He got it last year as a birthday gift and then enver used it. its been sitting in his closet for a year, so, now he wants to get rid of it. He used it without AS CO2. It loooks to have a 4 stag expansion chamber on it. Whats going to happen without anti-siphoned co2? My proshop wont do it, and while it isnt hard, im hesitant to do it myself for now. Will I be ok running it without AS for now? I know I can blow orings, but those can be replaced. Will it DAMAGE the marker in anyway?

I will be getting an AS tank soon and hopefully HPA after that.

Thanks for all your help guys (and gals). It means a lot.

Just spring for HPA, you can get a steel one for $80 or so.

If you have to use CO2 make sure liquid co2 doesnt get in the gun. I will freeze the powertube oring, and will not seal properly and leak. Yes, u definately can use CO2 but your less likely able to tap the mags rate of fire or reliability.

Good Luck!

11-15-2003, 06:20 PM
If that pic is the actual Marker You're getting, For that money {Leap Through Hoop's if you must! Deal+1/2} Anti siphon isn't even a ? You got an Expansion Chamber to deal with any problem's associated with CO2
First Upgrade= HPA!
Second=Level X
Third= Personal Preference
Rick {12 Yr's Usin "Mag's" Aint Been the Wrong Marker Yet!}:D

11-15-2003, 06:34 PM
First upgrade should be HPA, co2 is a pain in tha a$$.

11-15-2003, 07:07 PM
Gotta Admit
The Plumbing on that Marker in the Pic is Truly "Interesting" but then again the last time I used CO2 My Marker's were considered to be "Plumber's Nightmare's

11-15-2003, 07:20 PM
$200 is not that bad of a deal, I don't beleive it is as great as some have indicated.

First point, that appears to be a classic mag, and feed to the right side - most people no longer want the hopper off to the right - personal preference just note it.

The expansion chamber may be what makes it worth it, however, as others have noted, plan on getting rid of it and running HPA in the future.

In reference I paid $200 for my minimag in stainless. I paid $250 for my step-sons minimag with Teflon body and out of hydro crossfire tank, barrel, four star valve, and hopper - ok, so the $200 is not a bad price at all. However, not the thread related to the Tac-One marker. Tom asked what we would like to pay and a bunch of people have said $350 (I don't think thats even realistic). However, if there is even a slight chance of that X-valved, Intelliframed marker coming out new at $350... well, I might just wait and see.

11-20-2003, 11:49 AM

The guy backed out of it. Doesn't want to sell anymore. Oh well. Time to keep looking.

11-20-2003, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
Yes, they are still very worth it. That is a decent deal also (but you will want to have plans on upgrading it later :))

Welcome to AO :)

Here are some upgrades

ULE Body (lightweight, CF colored bodies)

Xvalve (the heart of it all, probably the best upgrade you can have, better trigger feel and reactivity, fastest recharging valve)

Intelliframe (best mech frame)

ULE Trigger Kit (it brings the trigger down to 15 ounces, but only use this with xvalve/RT valve)

Level 10 - NO MORE CHOPS!

those are just some I can tihkn of right now, DEFINIATLY not in the right order. You will have to decide what you need most when you get your gun, and based on what you can afford.

You're basicly throwing your money in garbage. Just buy all these parts seperatly and build yourself a Mag.


11-20-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Twon

You're basicly throwing your money in garbage. Just buy all these parts seperatly and build yourself a Mag.

i agree.

those upgrades he listed are enough to build your own mag...

i say to look on ebay for a mag that comes with all the stuff you want already included in the deal because upgrades ALWAYS cost more.