View Full Version : AGD @ CalJam .... NOT

11-15-2003, 06:52 PM
Ok first off I just wanna express that I'm really upset by the fact we were informed by Tom himself that AGD would be represented at CalJam this year. Well a couple of SoCal AO'ers went expecting at least a small hole in the wall booth but low and behold NOTHING. Sitto's or whoever the LA Rep is was a no show, Army wasn't there and that left a couple of us AO'ers with Emags very frusterated to say the least. At least RogueFactor although not the local distributor (according to TOM) was there checking on the scene and was willing to hang out with the rest of the group and chit chat. Also when will we have the ability to upgrade software. It would be great if RogueFactor was able to do the upgrade. We have at least 15 members who want the 3.2 software but don't wanna go week + without their Emag. As a AGD fanatic I'm real disappointed with how the West Coast in general is treated as far as customer support. I know we are in "Cocker" Country but how can that change without having some type of presence here. We few AO SoCal members are doing what we can but without AGD being at the NPPL Huntington Beach or the PSP LA Open this year it's getting tough. Anyhow I'm real upset and would request a formal explaination by AGD.

Nick "RoadDawg"

11-15-2003, 07:04 PM
I didn't read anything about a booth being there, just that there would be person or two associated with AGD attending the event. I also didn't see anything regarding anyone flashing boards there either.... I think you just assumed to much... ???

11-15-2003, 07:14 PM
Law- Check out this link here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=111318) We were told that Army and the local distributor would be there. Now that sounds like someone affiliated with AGD. I wasn't expecting AGD themself but someone representing the AGD name at least. Next we weren't expecting the boards to be done. We were hoping and since no one was able to reach the distrubitor guy we didn't know for sure. So we brought our emags just in case. This was a gamble but I'm more upset that we were told someone would be there. Alas there wasn't.

11-15-2003, 07:30 PM
I was referring to that thread when i made my comment. What I am saying is they were going to be there, but we didn't see anything saying as to what extent they would be representing agd....

11-15-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by LaW
I was referring to that thread when i made my comment. What I am saying is they were going to be there, but we didn't see anything saying as to what extent they would be representing agd....

From what I read, the people that were supposed to be there (distrubuter + Army) were not there.

Originally posted by AGD
Yes Army will be there with Jeff Sabatini our LA guy.


11-15-2003, 09:12 PM
OK I am going to pass along a little info here.

AGD sent me all of thier programing FOBs because they were having some problems getting them updated. I got the fobs but they forgot the connector to program them. So that had to wait. I was here last night until 4am re working all the cables and fobs and programing connectors. When it was all said and done I have 2 working ( mostly ) fobs, 3 cables and looks like 1 working pograming adapter.

I dont know why Ditto's was not there, I dont know why army was not there, I do know even if they had ben there, there would have been no programing of boards.

Part of what HAS to happen when a board is flashed is you have to check for board noise. Some guns are very noisy and you cant have 3.2 on them as they go FA. Think WAS with 1 Debounce and in SIM mode. So They guns have to check out before they leave the table, this is something that we learned at Cup and had not run into yet.

I do not speak for AGD on this matter but as someone that is trying to get new programs out thier and get things working.

I am also trying to work out a workable deal with AGD to get regional dealers to do board flashing and basic gun check up. But the dealer is looking at a up front cost of $70-$100 up front for this.


11-15-2003, 10:14 PM
ROB- Thanx for the reply. I wasn't 100% sure they would flash boards anyway. We brought them just in case. My concern with the flashing is that RogueFactor get's 100% of my AGD business. Why? Because I know him, Trust him and he is extremely local. I really don't want to have to send my Emag out, or drive 2+ hours away and wanted to know Why Rogue doesn't have the ability to do the upgrade himself. So I thought I'd ask for an explaination on that part as well. Now I'm more displeased with the fact we were told Army and Ditto would be there in a booth and were not. The entire time we seen one booth that had a PTP Micro E on sale for $450. WGP, Dye, CP and even ACI were there in big trailers and AGD can't/or it's local distributor can't/won't get a booth but Paintball Caddy can.

11-15-2003, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016

From what I read, the people that were supposed to be there (distrubuter + Army) were not there.

Well I just re-read that linked post and see that later it was found out they WOULD NOT be there.

You have to have a Tech to do this emag upgrade. And a Tech with a programmer at that. Sounds like niether were coming anyway nor promissed realy. And a Dealer is not a Tech. Not many of them anyway. Most dealers are just dealers. Not trained or equiped to do this kind of thing. Rouge is not a Factory Tech.

11-15-2003, 10:47 PM
Mr. Kaye was mistaken in his tourney dates.

Paintball Daddy (Jeff Sabatini), and I will be at the Las Vegas Pan-Am...not Cal-Jam.

I apologise for any confusion or heartache that may have happened.

11-15-2003, 10:57 PM
Hey army I appreciate the response. I know that when a guy like Tom gets busy and has a alot of dates to remember some can get kind of confusing. Tom if you read this I still wanna get an idea of when we could get the upgrade our this way?

11-15-2003, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by RogueFactor


That dealer tech class was held earlier this year(as you know), and it wasnt by choice that I wasnt there.

I guess some loyal Mag owners are frustrated that a local dedicated Mag only dealer could have been trained and equipped to do this kind of thing for them---Someone they trust and know who makes it to the events.

Well there were indeed not many Dealers invited but I know where you going with that. In fact there was only one or two what I would call "dealers only" there that I know of but... Hey don't feel bad and I hear ya bro! I know how you feel. I not got the stuff to do em either! I dependent on someone else to bring the stuff this next weekend as a matter of fact. :(

11-16-2003, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by cphilip

Well there were indeed not many Dealers invited but I know where you going with that. In fact there was only one or two what I would call "dealers only" there that I know of but... Hey don't feel bad and I hear ya bro! I know how you feel. I not got the stuff to do em either! I dependent on someone else to bring the stuff this next weekend as a matter of fact. :(

Well phil at least you have someone that CAN do it. Unlike us on the Western side of the Rockies.

11-16-2003, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by RoadDawg

Well phil at least you have someone that CAN do it. Unlike us on the Western side of the Rockies.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch! It remains to be seen just like anything. You saw Robs post? Who knows... I HOPE so but I cannot be certain of it.

11-16-2003, 12:26 AM
How easy is it to get an Angel, AKA gun, Impulse, E-Blade, etc... flashed? Can just any proshop do this?

11-16-2003, 12:31 AM
I should refine my terms to here in Cali. I know it is a nice concept but I've heard things like the West side will get more attention but I'm yet to see it come into play *except for Rogue's products*. Don't get me wrong I know Black deals with Emags but that would once again require me sending it away. Basically the point that I'm making is that me and my fellow SoCal emaggers hate waiting/ having to send our emags someplace else *nonlocal* to get the board flashed or even in some cases a parts kit. Rogue just happens to be the only dealer/store in the Los Angeles area (not 2+ hours outside of LA)that can get parts. I'm just saying something needs to change in the way AGD treats the West coast.

11-16-2003, 12:37 AM
Well everyone I owe you an apology. Army emailed me saying he was going to the tourney and had his plans all set. He was going to work with Dittos. When the question was asked on the board I just assumed it was one and the same event. Looks like I was wrong and I'm sorry.

As you read above we are trying to straighten out this programing thing. The damn programers keep blowing up on us and changing software. We will keep you posted as it progresses but likely there will be several programing points around the country soon.


11-16-2003, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by RoadDawg
I should refine my terms to here in Cali. I know it is a nice concept but I've heard things like the West side will get more attention but I'm yet to see it come into play *except for Rogue's products*. Don't get me wrong I know Black deals with Emags but that would once again require me sending it away. Basically the point that I'm making is that me and my fellow SoCal emaggers hate waiting/ having to send our emags someplace else *nonlocal* to get the board flashed or even in some cases a parts kit. Rogue just happens to be the only dealer/store in the Los Angeles area (not 2+ hours outside of LA)that can get parts. I'm just saying something needs to change in the way AGD treats the West coast.

Hate to break it though, there are lots of place around the uS like this. I live in Pittsburgh and at one time Mag were very popular in this area and ProShops carried parts and such. Over the past 6 or so years that has changed and I can not find a part of a mag anywhere around here. So, if I want parts or my eMag flashed I must send it off, or travel to events.

11-16-2003, 02:53 AM
Originally posted by Muzikman

Hate to break it though, there are lots of place around the uS like this. I live in Pittsburgh and at one time Mag were very popular in this area and ProShops carried parts and such. Over the past 6 or so years that has changed and I can not find a part of a mag anywhere around here. So, if I want parts or my eMag flashed I must send it off, or travel to events.

I never said Cali was the only place. I'm stating from my point of view and expressing my concern. I do know that several events involving anyone from AGD have happened a lot closer to you then California folks though *outside of AO SoCal*. By all means there are places that don't even see major tournies such as Utah.

11-16-2003, 10:40 AM
how many AGD dealers do you think we have in florida?:(

11-16-2003, 02:23 PM
it was a little disheartening to see the little AGD symbol on the bottom of flyers at the caljam...and then know after being there for an hour that AGD wouldn't be represented. but i also understand that miscommunications happen and things go wrong. i feel like sometimes we expect too much from AGD, because we expect so much from their products and stand behind them. i'm sure that tom is aware that there are AO'ers all around the US that are begging for some representation in their area(s). but at the same time AGD cant do everything. things take time when it comes to expanding a company nationwide with several dealers in each state. i think i can say for every devoted AO'er:

we'll stand behind you tom, through good times and bad.

PS: im going to be at the vegas panam. now that we know that pbdaddy and army will be there, should we bring our emags? because we AOSOCAL peeps are dying to get our boards flashed. if not, we understand. ;)

11-16-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by RoadDawg

I never said Cali was the only place. I'm stating from my point of view and expressing my concern. I do know that several events involving anyone from AGD have happened a lot closer to you then California folks though *outside of AO SoCal*. By all means there are places that don't even see major tournies such as Utah.

Yeah, I wouldn't be complaining too much. I live in Washington where I can't even go to a proshop to buy a parts kit and I'm sure it's the same way in many other parts of the country where you just have to deal with it. Sure I'm disapointed that I'll probably never see an AGD in Washington unless more of a major tourny series ends up here other than Pan Am but it's just a sacrafice that I make since I love AGD products so much.

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
11-16-2003, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06
how many AGD dealers do you think we have in florida?:(

Last time I checked...AGD was at world cup in Florida.

I agree with Nick "Roadawg" on everything that he has said. I was originally the guy that asked RogueFactor the "Hey why aren't you flashing boards or being represented as AGD's West Coast guy?" I understand that AGD already has one, but in all honesty I've never heard of the guy. Rogue, to my knowledge, is the only guy in the California area that is pushing AGD. He isn't just a distributor of products, but he firmly believes in the products and backs them up 115%. The man is honest, communicates great, quick to ship, and is a class act. The same type of class act that I associate with AGD.

On what schnitzel said...I would agree. We can't expect AGD to be every where at once. They are a company with finite resources; however, I just wanted to point out that you have a dealer in CA that wants to help AGD get their name flashed around in CA. There is also a growing loyal customer base here that is just as eager as thst dealer to preach AGD to the masses and get some respect. All we want is just a guy that AGD trusts and backs "whole-heartedly" as our local dealer.

On another note...sorry for the grammar mistakes, but I'm pretty hungover right now :D

11-16-2003, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Well everyone I owe you an apology. Army emailed me saying he was going to the tourney and had his plans all set. He was going to work with Dittos. When the question was asked on the board I just assumed it was one and the same event. Looks like I was wrong and I'm sorry.

As you read above we are trying to straighten out this programing thing. The damn programers keep blowing up on us and changing software. We will keep you posted as it progresses but likely there will be several programing points around the country soon.


Before I forget I just wanna thank Tom for admitting that a mistake was made and was more then willing to clear the air. I understand you guys are very busy and can't be everywhere and CalJam isn't exactly a upscale tourny except to those in or around California. Thanx for the update on the software issue as well.

11-17-2003, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by RoadDawg

Before I forget I just wanna thank Tom for admitting that a mistake was made and was more then willing to clear the air. I understand you guys are very busy and can't be everywhere and CalJam isn't exactly a upscale tourny except to those in or around California. Thanx for the update on the software issue as well.

AGD wasn't represented at the PSP-Los Angeles or the NPPL-Huntington Beach either...I know..I went to both...and Clare and I were repping (unofficially of course) for AGD by having the Kitty-X on display for everyone to take a look at (while most X-Mags were still months away from getting to their owners) at the Paintball Expo.

11-17-2003, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by RobAGD
OK I am going to pass along a little info here.

AGD sent me all of thier programing FOBs because they were having some problems getting them updated. I got the fobs but they forgot the connector to program them. So that had to wait. I was here last night until 4am re working all the cables and fobs and programing connectors. When it was all said and done I have 2 working ( mostly ) fobs, 3 cables and looks like 1 working pograming adapter.

I dont know why Ditto's was not there, I dont know why army was not there, I do know even if they had ben there, there would have been no programing of boards.

Part of what HAS to happen when a board is flashed is you have to check for board noise. Some guns are very noisy and you cant have 3.2 on them as they go FA. Think WAS with 1 Debounce and in SIM mode. So They guns have to check out before they leave the table, this is something that we learned at Cup and had not run into yet.

I do not speak for AGD on this matter but as someone that is trying to get new programs out thier and get things working.

I am also trying to work out a workable deal with AGD to get regional dealers to do board flashing and basic gun check up. But the dealer is looking at a up front cost of $70-$100 up front for this.


wow, didn't realize that there were such problems with this upgrade. Makes me glad that i asked rob about it when i was up at his store. I was like, so when do you think you will be able to flash 3.2. He was like, i can do it for you right now if you want :)

although i must admit that the rig he had his laptop hooked up to and then to my x, was jerry rigged like a beast....but it got the job done :)

11-17-2003, 07:02 PM
Rob care to show us with pics what this "Beast" looks like? :D