View Full Version : Growing a beard...any tips?

11-16-2003, 12:45 AM
I am in the process of growing a beard right now. I know the only way to do it is simply stop shaving, but is there anyway to make it grow in good and thick? or am I just gonna hafta let nature do it's thing? Thanks. I'll post pics once I get to Jebodiah Johnson status.

11-16-2003, 12:52 AM
Keep shaving until you are 30. Before then, you'll just look retarded to anyone over 18.

11-16-2003, 12:57 AM
I ahve a beard but that cuz I got to lazy to shave for a couple weeks i think ill get teh clippers out tomarrow. Or I may just keep it winters setting in and I dont want my face gettin cold.

11-16-2003, 01:07 AM
just let it grow out a bit, then shave. Leave the "beard area" lol

Edit> click on my GFX ART PAGE link in my sig, then look for "ME.Jpeg"

11-16-2003, 04:03 AM
wash your face with cold water...it will make it grow faster

11-16-2003, 09:20 AM
i got a tip..........

shave it :) does cold water seriously make it grow faster? lol i don't see how it does.

11-16-2003, 09:34 AM
Peach fuzz looks silly.
Shaggy (from Scooby do) looks goofy.
Patches look retarded.

My tips would be to keep shaving it until it grows in close enough to not be patchy, and thick enough to warrant the beard in the first place. And this will take time, no way round that. But you will see when it is coming in right within 2-3 days (for youngsters… 1 day for us older folks, if not less). So if it isn’t coming in right… shave it back off!

I have never heard of the “washing with cold water to make it grow faster” thing…. Sounds silly to me.

Originally posted by Rooster
Keep shaving until you are 30. Before then, you'll just look retarded to anyone over 18.
I agree with this to a point. I tend to think anyone younger than about 20 (and then sometimes even older than that) look darn silly with a beard. And I will not say what my Wife calls that little “patch” of scruff the kids leave just below their bottom lip (no not a goatee), or just under the chin (again, not really a goatee).

Too many young folks look like 12 year olds who got into a Hollywood makeup and affects kit. ;) But they just can’t see it. They WILL however when they get older and look back at their pictures. :D Trust me…. we all have gone through it.

11-16-2003, 10:34 AM
Ya I'll probably look back at pics of myself in about 20 years and say what the hell was I thinking but for now i think my 3.5 inch long gotee looks kool.:D

11-16-2003, 11:13 AM
As a person who grew facial hair really early in life. If you are hairy, shave and it will get thicker. If you are not heiry, don't even think about growing a beard until you are older.

At 18 I had a full beard that was thicker than most of the 40yo's:)

11-16-2003, 11:17 AM
beard and mustache trimmers...

11-16-2003, 11:20 AM
I'm with Shartley on this one: keep shaving it till it doesn't come in patches or peech fuzz anymore. This came pretty quickly with me when I started to grow this goatee I now have (and it does look pretty good. I've made sure of THAT from several reliable and older sources who would know), b/c I shaved my face daily (except for the goatee area) and sure enough, after a month or two, I started getting REAL 5 O'Clock shadows and the 2nd day (w/o shaving) itch. THe worst is the hair on your neck! That stuff is a pain the the ARSE to shave, b/c you can't always get it all, and when it's growing around your adam's apple, then you have to be VERY deft with the razor, lest you cut yourself.

Oh well, just keep shaving: it'll start to grow in quite thick after a few months. Trust me.

11-16-2003, 11:43 AM
I will also add that where you shave it will come back thicker…. So don’t be a moron like my older brother and shave everyplace he saw peach fuzz. If you do this, you will end up making THAT your beard line (or growth line). So only shave where you want it to come back thicker and leave some of the peach fuzz alone. When you get older that fuzz will go away on its own most of the time.

Yes, sideburns work the same as beards and the same standards should be followed. However, for most, the sideburns are the easiest thing to get to come in thick like it is suppose to.

Forcing facial hair to grow faster than it normally will (aside from the tips given already) are like trying to make a woman’s breasts grow bigger and faster than they normally would have (aside from surgery). If the techniques used seem to produce the desired affects (with breasts) the girls are told it is because of what they did, and if it does NOT seem to produce results they fall back on the “It does not work for everyone” crap. The simple truth is that what happened would have happened all on its own, one way or the other. LOL

People fall for the oldest sales pitch and product “proof” or excuse even to this day. LOL

Sorry… got off topic there for a bit, but it was related in a way. ;)

11-16-2003, 12:22 PM
Hmm....Sam just went off on a Boob tangent:)

11-16-2003, 12:52 PM
Um... (cant beleive noone beet me to this...)

Hit puberty first :P


Seriously keep shaving until you have a full growth thing going. Then growing a beard becomes like some sort of primal man right of the long weekend.

11-16-2003, 03:26 PM

Thanks for the lessons on life, those are some great tips:p :D

11-16-2003, 03:33 PM
I think i'm with Muzik on this one, if I don't shave for a week I have a decent beard going, but I think it looks dumb and it just means I cannot get away withotu shaving for more than two days at the most.

11-16-2003, 08:40 PM
yeah i have to shave about every 2 days because i hate that sandpaper feeling.

11-16-2003, 08:43 PM
Mission Status: Failed
Current future: Unknown
Events: Stubble shaved in favor of not getting gum in it.

11-16-2003, 10:35 PM
I never chew gum :)

11-16-2003, 10:44 PM
Actually, the cold water thing does work.

It's the body's response to a cold environment. It is trying to keep itself warm.

11-16-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Kai
Actually, the cold water thing does work.

It's the body's response to a cold environment. It is trying to keep itself warm.

THANK YOU! just as everbody thought i was goin crazy you helped me out ;)

11-16-2003, 11:43 PM
If it looks like this:

Shave it off! For the love of God, shave it off!

11-17-2003, 12:13 AM
If thats what it looks like do us a favor and kill yourself :)

11-17-2003, 01:43 AM
Originally posted by krafty
If it looks like this:

Shave it off! For the love of God, shave it off!

OMG KRAFTY! You stole my idea... hehe... If your hair only grows in like Joe Dirts... Commit suicide or kick your parents for jewing you for good genes from the gene-pool.

11-19-2003, 06:36 PM

How do you like my beard, that took about 4 days :)

11-19-2003, 06:50 PM
Lookin good... just let me keep growin.

11-19-2003, 07:47 PM
Nice Jeep man.

11-19-2003, 07:53 PM
That looks like scruff to me.

A REAL beard, IMHO, is something only orthodox Rabiis are capable of.

11-19-2003, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by mcveighr
Nice Jeep man.

Thanks, she is off the road now in favor of a camaro, I miss her though :(.

That giraffe on the roof and the candy canes got me so much attention and I met so many people that way, you should try somtime :)