View Full Version : Houston Paintball World

11-16-2003, 03:06 PM
I was surfing around when i found a new paintball field that opened about a month and 1/2 ago. Looks very nice from the picutres on the website. This is an actual indoor paintball that has very long hours. BYOP is only on sundays. Even though their prices a tad bit more than Tanks, IMO they make up for it for a nice indoor place that is open well into the evening hours (thats when I like to play).

If anyone has been there, please post your Pro/Cons about the place. If the place sucks, I dont have to dirve all the way up town to find out...thanx

Check it out here...http://www.houstonpaintballworld.com/

11-16-2003, 04:47 PM
check pbreview.com they might have a field review for it