View Full Version : Lx problems.

11-16-2003, 05:01 PM
Ok first off i use the longest spring, think 2 shims. I shoot around 250-270 velocity.

I also tried using boomy and a 32 degrees.

My problem is sometimes my gun chuffs sometimes it doesnt, i start to rapid fire and i get chops paint spraying out and all kind of chuffs. Ace is on too. Then sometimes i shoot it works fine. I dont get my lx. :\

11-16-2003, 06:28 PM
Check your bumper.

Believe it or not, it WILL make a difference.

11-17-2003, 08:21 AM
Thx nick but i really think if its chuffing it would be the lvl10. Like i thought i should go to stock spring and maybe use a bigger carrier?

11-17-2003, 10:39 AM
Actually no...

We had this problem on 2 Level 10 setups in the past month. The same overall problem was the chewed up bumper. Once the new bumper went in, the gun shot fine.

If this has started all of a sudden or has been a gradual thing, that means that a part has worn out somewhere. I told you that last night in chat.

11-17-2003, 02:25 PM
ok but i am gonna go to short spring then anyway, becaus ei hear dbad things about longest spring and good about short

11-17-2003, 02:45 PM
Split the difference and go mid.

11-18-2003, 02:57 PM
i did try mid it did chop less i think but i just didnt like it. If i go stock will it effect the trigger pull at all? and wont it be harder on paint and be chopping more.