View Full Version : 300 FPS trailer

11-16-2003, 05:37 PM
I think anyone who loves to see people bunkered shuld see this video I just got it last week and its one of the best. Its at www.derder.com download the clips and use that to decide if you want it or not. you won't be dissapointed.

11-16-2003, 05:53 PM
...not too impressed with the composure and behavior of some of those guys...

11-16-2003, 05:53 PM
looks pretty good. Man, that one guy almost knocked that other guy out, but he kind of missed.

11-16-2003, 05:57 PM
that was cool, that part when the guy was scrambling to get his egg was halarious, shows why people like clamping feednecks

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
11-16-2003, 06:07 PM
I like it...just can't warrant spending 35 bucks for a dvd

11-16-2003, 06:08 PM
that was some good stuff there

11-16-2003, 06:10 PM
I got the DVD Friday, really great. The bloopers were hilarious

11-16-2003, 06:51 PM
how long is it?

That part where the guy tries to punch that other guy is so funny.

11-16-2003, 07:11 PM
If you punch a guy on the field, then you should not play paintball.
I hope he went to jail for assult.

11-16-2003, 07:24 PM
Its a little over an hour, the music is pretty good. Actually checked out some of the bands after watching it.

Originally posted by p8ntball72
If you punch a guy on the field, then you should not play paintball.
I hope he went to jail for assult.

I hope not, I hope he didn't even get a penalty for his team. Fighting is great to watch, and better to be part of. Do NHL players get jail time? No, it makes hockey great to watch to

11-16-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by tony3

That part where the guy tries to punch that other guy is so funny.
I watched that part like 4 times :-)

11-16-2003, 07:48 PM
i liked the part where the dude slipped and hit the snake and bounced up...that was g-rate

11-16-2003, 08:01 PM
On the DVD there were like 30 clips of people hitting that snake in weird positions

11-16-2003, 08:14 PM
I agree with p8ntball72 -

How can we expect our sport to be accepted by the mainstream if we allow this behavior to go on during games and on the field?

11-16-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by tyrion2323
How can we expect our sport to be accepted by the mainstream if we allow this behavior to go on during games and on the field?
Would I be wrong in assuming hockey is a mainstream sport? Baseball?

11-16-2003, 08:21 PM
My points exactly

11-16-2003, 08:45 PM
gotta love their slogan: "Because everything else is just crap"

11-16-2003, 08:52 PM
The FBI warning in the begining is pretty good as well

11-16-2003, 09:41 PM
Of all the pball movies out there that will probably be the only one i will buy, along with world cups.

11-16-2003, 09:47 PM
Hmm I have NPPL HB, LV 720 PSP LV '03, and 300FPS.

Not to forget almost a Gig of PB vids on my computer, totaling 385 files, hell yea.

11-16-2003, 10:21 PM
After reading this thread, I watched the trailer two more times. I think I have seen it 40+ times.:(

11-16-2003, 10:50 PM
"Would I be wrong in assuming hockey is a mainstream sport? Baseball?"

well the NHL has some stiff rules for fighting and abusive language.
check them out here..http://www.nhl.com/hockeyu/rulebook/rule56.html

and so does the NPPL..

These rules are made to deture players from fighting,and there should be bigger fines and lose of sponsorship for offenders. We are already shooting "guns"

2 more things.

#1 If you want to fight get in the ring its a "sport" called BOXING.
#2 If every other word out of your mouth is the "F" word get some soap.

11-16-2003, 11:14 PM
Is the whole point of that video to give paintball a bad image??? :confused: I'm not impressed.

11-16-2003, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by painball
Is the whole point of that video to give paintball a bad image??? :confused: I'm not impressed.
Acutally it's for entertainment.

p8ntball72, look, if paintball looked this bad, I doubt K2 would've acquired Brass Eagle and boasted about how it will show paintball to the public in ways we could have never dreamed of before. So what if the NHL has stiffer bad sportsmanship rules? The players still do it a ton, and that's what the fans see (WOW, just like paintball).

Nick O time
11-17-2003, 12:53 AM
i wanna get it now. it looks pretty cool and covers parts of 3 events.

11-17-2003, 11:09 AM
A friend of mine has it and was pretty dissapointed w/ the movie. But the trailer looks really sweet.

11-17-2003, 01:05 PM
yeah that trailer was pimp, gonna order the DVD on pay day. Anyone who says fighting and cursing and all that other stuff gives paintball a bad name you are a pussy and you have obviously never been on the field of any other sport. anytime that there are guys involved in competition tempers are gonna flair most people realize this and get a laugh out of it or participate. as long as it doesn't get too out of hand (Sccer Riots) then I say who really cares.

11-17-2003, 03:51 PM
I was very impressed with the camera and editing work for the film. Derder did a great job producing the film.

I think this is one of the better paintball DVD's out there on the market right now.

11-17-2003, 04:16 PM
ill pay 10 bux to the first guy to make me a copy of it :rolleyes: :eek: :cool: ;) :cool: :p :D :D

11-17-2003, 07:27 PM
just wait a week and someone will put it on kazaa, thats how i got Smoked, a few world cup matches, and a bunch of clips. oh, i dl'ed photoshop 7.0 too :D not to mention my 1032 songs, crap gotta go the RIAA is at the door......

11-17-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by tyrion2323
I agree with p8ntball72 -

How can we expect our sport to be accepted by the mainstream if we allow this behavior to go on during games and on the field?

hockey? baseball? Lacrosse? Ping Pong? ok, maybey not ping-pong...

11-17-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by ShaftyMcGee
just wait a week and someone will put it on kazaa, thats how i got Smoked, a few world cup matches, and a bunch of clips. oh, i dl'ed photoshop 7.0 too :D not to mention my 1032 songs, crap gotta go the RIAA is at the door......

thats something alot of people partake in but no one talks about... maybey you should jump on the hush-hush bandwagon


11-17-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind

Acutally it's for entertainment.

p8ntball72, look, if paintball looked this bad, I doubt K2 would've acquired Brass Eagle and boasted about how it will show paintball to the public in ways we could have never dreamed of before. So what if the NHL has stiffer bad sportsmanship rules? The players still do it a ton, and that's what the fans see (WOW, just like paintball).
Yes, I'm sure K2 is going to show up at events, start swearing at the spectators, and threaten to kick their posteriors if they don't play paintball with their gear. :rolleyes:

I don't go to a field looking for a fight. I go to play/watch paintball. There's no reason whatsoever for someone to resort to violence. If they do, I'm comfortable knowing that I am much more intelligent than they are.

11-18-2003, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by deathstalker

Yes, I'm sure K2 is going to show up at events, start swearing at the spectators, and threaten to kick their posteriors if they don't play paintball with their gear. :rolleyes:

I don't go to a field looking for a fight. I go to play/watch paintball. There's no reason whatsoever for someone to resort to violence. If they do, I'm comfortable knowing that I am much more intelligent than they are.

agreed, parts in that trailer disturbed me greatly

11-18-2003, 03:06 AM
there was a disclaimer you know... don't gripe that you were offended when you are obviously literate... (excluding people whom either suffer from cranial rectosis or are having this forum read to them via third party)

11-18-2003, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by JesseB
there was a disclaimer you know... don't gripe that you were offended when you are obviously literate... (excluding people whom either suffer from cranial rectosis or are having this forum read to them via third party)

Whats your point? I can't find something offensive because they have a disclaimer? right.... sorry that makes it all better :rolleyes:

"Anyone who says fighting and cursing and all that other stuff gives paintball a bad name you are a pussy and you have obviously never been on the field of any other sport. anytime that there are guys involved in competition tempers are gonna flair most people realize this and get a laugh out of it or participate. as long as it doesn't get too out of hand (Sccer Riots) then I say who really cares."

Yup cause its all ok to start throwing fists around to handle your frustration. Come on, self control... People should not be fighting on the field period, if fighting they should be not allowed to continue playing in the tournament simple as that. I am sure its not funny to the person on the recieving end of that fist. Fine cursing isn't as big of an issue nowadays since it has kind of worked its way in to the everday slang used by most of society. But come on, you cannot justify fighting in paintball, doesn't matter how you look at it.

Fine look at hockey, I will tell you this. I go to hockey games for the fights, do you really want people just to watch paintball to see fights break out? I personally dont think thats the image I would like to see portrayed in paintball. If you see a fight break out in basketball you will have players ejected, same thing could happen in football as well and does happen from time to time.

11-18-2003, 03:59 AM
Originally posted by tyrion2323
I agree with p8ntball72 -

How can we expect our sport to be accepted by the mainstream if we allow this behavior to go on during games and on the field?

....Pffffft allow...... I'm not going to try to stop that guy. He would probally "KNOCK ME THE F$%K OUT!!!". D-BO!!! YOU GOT KNOCKED THE F$%K OUT!!!!.

11-18-2003, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by deathstalker

Yes, I'm sure K2 is going to show up at events, start swearing at the spectators, and threaten to kick their posteriors if they don't play paintball with their gear. :rolleyes:

That was hardly relevent. The point I was making is that paintball is ALREADY being absorbed into the mainstream if K2 will start promoting it.

I don't go to a field looking for a fight. I go to play/watch paintball. There's no reason whatsoever for someone to resort to violence. If they do, I'm comfortable knowing that I am much more intelligent than they are.

We all go to play/watch paintball. But if someone gets screwed out of thousands of dollars due to a bad ref call or underhanded cheating, it's easy to see how there may be fights.

11-18-2003, 07:04 PM
First of all, paintball's mainstream popularity does not depend on if people fight/swear alot, that should be pretty obvious.

Secondly fighting in hockey is a bit different because they are on ice standing on two sharp blades. Not exactly the best combo for getting torque or much traction.

Fighting in paintball should probably not be tolerated but occasionally, as in any highly competetive activity, tempers will flare and there is going to be conflict. Fighting is part of human nature, and occasionally is good for ya. So enough of the whinning about how bad it is, that's just what society has shoved down our throats as being right.

11-19-2003, 02:25 AM
Yes tempers flare and it happens in any sport its just human nature. To accept defeat is to accept failure and to some thats not allowed especially when bling bling is on the line. In hockey fighting is allowed because the players know when to fight and when not to, there is some sense of self control as to when and when not to drop the gloves.
As for paintball fighting should earn you a straight up ban. The cussing/searing so what it happens and yes cheating in paintball is unfortunately there, the honest don't win and U can't tell me that you have never wiped in your whole paintball career. I don't how many times I have lit someone up who needs winshield wipers to see only to turn around and see a semi clean mask.

11-19-2003, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by LaW

Whats your point? I can't find something offensive because they have a disclaimer? right.... sorry that makes it all better :rolleyes:

My point is you knew it was potentially offensive and since you are so uptight you should know your tastes and not watch the offensive material...

"Anyone who says fighting and cursing and all that other stuff gives paintball a bad name you are a pussy and you have obviously never been on the field of any other sport. anytime that there are guys involved in competition tempers are gonna flair most people realize this and get a laugh out of it or participate. as long as it doesn't get too out of hand (Sccer Riots) then I say who really cares."

Yup cause its all ok to start throwing fists around to handle your frustration. Come on, self control... People should not be fighting on the field period, if fighting they should be not allowed to continue playing in the tournament simple as that. I am sure its not funny to the person on the recieving end of that fist. Fine cursing isn't as big of an issue nowadays since it has kind of worked its way in to the everday slang used by most of society. But come on, you cannot justify fighting in paintball, doesn't matter how you look at it.

Fine look at hockey, I will tell you this. I go to hockey games for the fights, do you really want people just to watch paintball to see fights break out? I personally dont think thats the image I would like to see portrayed in paintball. If you see a fight break out in basketball you will have players ejected, same thing could happen in football as well and does happen from time to time.

You have honestly never been blatantly maliciously attacked in any sport? There is always someone trying to go out there to hurt someone. I have been hit playing pick-up touch football and the third time the guy did it I was all over him. my point is if provoked in any situation it may come to a head, and in a sporting competition enviroment it is more likely because of the adrenaline and testosterone flowing. Not just in paintball but every sport. How many times have you seen a batter rush the mound? did it give baseball a bad name? no It's our "national pasttime" so cut the crap about fighting or aggression ruining our kind and benevolent sport of paintball......

I'm not supporting fighting I'm saying it is unavoidably part of the world we live in.

11-19-2003, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by JesseB

I'm not supporting fighting I'm saying it is unavoidably part of the world we live in.

First of all I didn't know there was going to be someone throwing punches at people in this video, I thought it was a video of bunkers and such.

I guess we can all be sheep and except violence as acceptable in everything we do. I guess I am just not a violent person and it would be kind of hard to provoke me into fighting regardless of the situation.

11-19-2003, 08:50 PM
I guess I am just not a violent person and it would be kind of hard to provoke me into fighting regardless of the situation.

I do know this much when I'm on the field in a tournament or a recball game I tune everything else out and my attention is turned to playing. If someone is coming at me running, screaming and whatever else kinda tantrum they want to have, then yes it's on. I will defend myself and have no problem doing it. Do I consider myself a violent person No, but when it comes to me getting punched or shot the hell up I'm sorry I come 1st in that deal and my teamates will back me 100% even if it means a knockdown drag out fight.
I have seen people threatened, headbutted, punched, and blatantly shot up. Now albeit these kinda actions are from certain individuals who will always be that way whether on the field or off it. I would tend to think of myself as a painball player who will play as honest as the next guy and I personally won't lower myself to the standards of certain individuals I know and play against.

11-19-2003, 09:33 PM
I knew that scene would get the Politically Correct paintball police up in arms.

11-20-2003, 02:36 AM
I knew that scene would get the Politically Correct paintball police up in arms.

I'm not no PC paintball cop. I play just as hard or not harder.

11-20-2003, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by painball
Is the whole point of that video to give paintball a bad image??? :confused: I'm not impressed.

Originally posted by deathstalker
I don't go to a field looking for a fight. I go to play/watch paintball. There's no reason whatsoever for someone to resort to violence. If they do, I'm comfortable knowing that I am much more intelligent than they are. 2 Someone's already said what I was thinking:eek: I just watched the Texas Cup Preview, much better attitudes there!

11-20-2003, 02:47 PM
lol pc paintball cop....

I'm with Anthraxxx...

law...who said anything about being sheep? And If i blatantly overshot you withing striking distance you would do nothing? What about if I slid into you and shot you multiple times? Liar.... You know you would push or use some kind of aggression... or would you go into the fetal position and sniffle?

11-20-2003, 06:17 PM
i like how they have to put the f word in there....tasteful

11-20-2003, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by JesseB
lol pc paintball cop....

I'm with Anthraxxx...

law...who said anything about being sheep? And If i blatantly overshot you withing striking distance you would do nothing? What about if I slid into you and shot you multiple times? Liar.... You know you would push or use some kind of aggression... or would you go into the fetal position and sniffle?

Nope nothing at all man. I was playing a big game and was shot up from 5 ft away, multiple shots in my neck and it drew blood. I got up and walked away. Its part of the game, learn how to deal with it. Self control isn't that difficult.

11-20-2003, 07:47 PM
fighting is a weak, pu$$y thing to do.

cool vids though apart from the anger problem

11-20-2003, 10:31 PM
i want that dvd! does the guy actually hit the one guy?

also what did that guy get mad about in the beginning?

Nick O time
11-20-2003, 11:02 PM
i hope i can order it soon too. even though its a bad representation, most of that stuff does go on durring tournys anyways this is probably the first time some of you have seen it though including me but i have heard of it and saw some pretty heated arguements at Chicago Open this year and last. i dont agree with it but still u have to admit it is pretty dang funny to watch.:p

11-21-2003, 03:21 AM
Hmm... Maybe I'm just a bad person and have a bad temper cause the only two fights I have been in in the past year were both at seperate paintball fields. The first Was a big long story that ended in someone physically attacking me and then needing to get help from his mom and their sponsor to get the guy away from me (he is 22 I was 18 at the time) He hit me cause he said I pointed my gun in his sisters face... well his sis was reffing and i was showing her a hit on my hopper... When I explained this he went ballistic and hit me, so I defended myself and then his mom started yelling and trying to hit me someone restrained her I finished my business with her son and then his sponsor approached me about my inappropriatness... oh well....

The next I bunkered an ex-marine in rec-play and said surrender, he shot at me once and as soon as i realized it I returned fire, he put three balls on me after he was out and I put 5 on him at the same time. He drew blood and my leg was bleeding profusely, then he stood up and got in my face pointing his gun then he shoved me and took a swing at me. so I shoved him into his bunker and hollered to a ref. The ref saw the whole thing, and pulled him for the day, after stepping in the middle.

But those are my stories about fighting and paintball, Cursing is another thing, It's pretty much slang nowadays any way so most people don't take too much offense. But I usually watch it around parents and players I don't know.

11-21-2003, 03:26 AM
I guess I am not really the fighting type so its easy for me to walk away. I have been in similar situations however call me whatever for not wanting to "defend myself" but honestly a fight will end a lot quicker if you dont provoke it further. Sure you might get hit a few times but eh I guess its never really been worth my time and attention to give into any violent tendency I might have

11-21-2003, 03:28 AM
I don't go looking for fights or start them but if someone swings at me then I'll fight. If it's a shove or some words big deal I don't really care they can go jump off a cliff.

11-21-2003, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by JesseB
I don't go looking for fights or start them but if someone swings at me then I'll fight. If it's a shove or some words big deal I don't really care they can go jump off a cliff.

Yup I get ya, I guess thats just not how I am. I think the only thing I really wanted to get accross in my posts anyhow was just the fact that I hope at least the player that started the fight in the video or both players were kicked out of the tournament and if not I think that some of the tournament series have to get a little more strict as far as what is and is not acceptable behavior on the field. Maybe for the first offense take them out of their teams next game, and if it happens again that player should be told to leave.

I was just bothered mostly by some people that thought it was funny and completely acceptable to have people fighting once in a while. I see others views and such and I hope that other people can see where I am coming from/getting at here. I just dont think you can justify it by comparing paintball to other sports that have fighting in it. In hockey you get a penalty and you can also be ejected from the game if you keep on picking fights with people. I hope I made some kind of sense, I suppose we can just let this thread die :)