View Full Version : My new (used) Emag! w00t!

Crime Dog
11-17-2003, 08:52 AM
Wow. The CPPA (Christian Paintball Player's Association) is truly an amazing organization. Awhile back, I had to give up paintball due to various reasons (one of them being financial...my wife and I were trying to save for a house). A number of fellow CPPAers were sad to hear that, and started a "charity" fund of sorts to get me back into the sport, and provide me the gear I needed to play. (I sold everything off...including my Palmer Blazer.)

Anyway...just a week ago or so, a box showed up on my doorstep, containing this:



My jaw hit the ground!


As you can see, it's an EMag with ULE body/rail. Lvl 10...blue anno (though, I'm going to get a red/orange or red/yellow fade eventually), and a Scepter Barrel system came with it. I don't have a tank or hopper yet, but I have a feeling something more is coming, since I was told not to buy anything still. My first practice with it is this Saturday at Toledo Indoor Paintball in Toledo, Ohio. Team Fireproof will be having it's first practice together (CPPA members from across Ohio forming a team.)

I can't WAIT to try this out! With the help of a friend, I played with the trigger last night. Took out two magnets, and left one, and played with the trigger stop as well. Nice and light and fast now.

I'll have to send it in for the software upgrade...and two of the magnets are corroded really bad, and it's missing the safety spring and ball bearing, but I was told it still works. I'll send it in for that stuff after Saturday.

Just had to share. Looking forward to getting to know more people here, and learn more about my Emag, and mags in general. Never really used one before!

11-17-2003, 09:29 AM
cool did someone just send it to you without warning or did you buy it with the donations?

also if you wanna make it lighter you can put a buffer between the magnet however you need to make sure theres enough strength to pull it all the way. and dont worry about the magnets 2 of the 3 i had were rusted over as well

11-17-2003, 09:48 AM
Welcome to AO!

I can guess at some of the people involved. Great people indeed.

Enjoy it and have fun here!

11-17-2003, 10:07 AM
Nice mag, can I have it (j/k)? ;)

11-17-2003, 10:08 AM
looking really nice, welcome to ao

11-17-2003, 10:32 AM
That is a sweet gun, and it's really cool those people helped you get back into the sport.

Mag Master 04
11-17-2003, 11:10 AM
thats a nice emag

11-17-2003, 11:17 AM

That's really impressive. You certainly have a great group of people to play with.

BTW - clever team name!

11-17-2003, 12:22 PM
Wow, thats awesome man!!! Glad to hear that you are able to get back into the sport, and be part of the tight-knit mag owners :) I love my e-mag with a passion, I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING or any amount of cash. I do suggest however if you don't have the new 3.2 software on it that you get that ASAP, truly makes the E's riiiiiiiiiiiiip.

Welcome to AO, and good luck with your return to the sport. Have a great time.

Can the CPPA help me afford an X-Mag? lol. ;)

Crime Dog
11-17-2003, 12:34 PM
Thanks for the "Welcome" guys. This seems like a great site thus far...and a good owner's group.

I'm definitely planning on sending it in for the software upgrade. As to the question about whether I picked it out with donated funds...let me repeat...I found it on my doorstep! Whoa! :)

11-17-2003, 05:21 PM
very nice emag

11-17-2003, 05:28 PM
...what...is agd messing up e-mag orders now ;) lol j/k...

...its nice but ugly...its ugly but free :)

11-17-2003, 05:37 PM
thats a sweet mag man, I wish I got stuff like that for free.

11-17-2003, 05:47 PM
Yea um I think God misplaced that. I prayed for a blue UlE E-mag and I think he sent it to the wrong house.

11-17-2003, 06:55 PM
Thats pretty awsome, seriously. For once seeing someone elses marker I don't feel jealous (ha!) this is pretty touching. Paintballers are awsome, thank god man

Crime Dog
11-18-2003, 12:27 PM
Oh trust me, I AM thanking God!

And whoever said it was ugly... :P

It was free. Who cares! ;)

And once I get some money saved, it's going in for an ano job. And a different battery cover. Getting that milled one I think.

I play for Team Fireproof...so I want to do a "flame color" Type theme. What do you guys think? Red/Orange fade, or Red/Yellow fade? I can't afford to get too fancy, so i'm ruling out a trifade, and any special "flame" ano stuff...

Crime Dog
11-23-2003, 08:21 AM
Had to update this thread. Here's a pic of my new emag in action. I practiced with Team Fireproof yesterday. I play as a back man. You'll note a 68/4500 Nitroduck tank, HALO B (with Z Board) Loader, and a CP Flame Drop...all GIVEN to me as well! :eek:

Anyway...a big THANK YOU TO Mr. Kaye for his great products. Didn't have ONE problem with it yesterday. Worked flawlessly. Fast, accurate, and just plain fun to shoot. I didn't shoot it near as fast as it's capable of...but I'll just have to practice more. ;)

Anyway...here's the pic of me playing back with it:


Crime Dog
11-23-2003, 08:24 AM
And one more:


11-23-2003, 09:06 AM
Glad you had a good time with your new gat!!! They are sweet aren't they? :D

11-23-2003, 09:09 AM
Hey, me and my teammates play at RB all the time, and we even make it to TIP once in a while. You'll have to meet up with us some time.

Crime Dog
11-23-2003, 04:16 PM
Already did! :D Nice meetin' ya at the new indoor place. Small world, isn't it? I'll definitely be there sometime this fall/winter. I'll be playing stock though. I should be getting my PGP back in a little while. That indoor place would be the perfect place for it.

Of course, if you're still totin' that Viking around (nice gun by the way), and we're on different teams, I may chicken out and pull out the emag... Heh.

Anyway...see ya around I'm sure!

11-23-2003, 06:13 PM
Yeah, I look forward to shooting at you some time in the future.:D

11-23-2003, 06:56 PM
Glad you enjoy your emag Crimedog, I know it was hard for some of the group to keep quiet about it but they survived. By the way this is the same Gijim from CPPA, FYI. If you ever make it up to the northwest let me know maybe we can play or just talk and eat(eating is very important at any meeting):D Although someday I might be able to make it out there since my Mom lives in St louis.

Crime Dog
11-23-2003, 09:18 PM
Gijim...yeah, i remember ya from the forums! Haven't seen ya over at the CPPA for awhile...things going well?

afrankart: Heh. I'm sure you'd school me in no time flat. I just play because...well, paintball is fun! I try not to get too "serious" about it. Just a fun sport to play, ya know?

You can shoot AT me, as long as we can be on the same team at least SOME of the time. ;)

11-23-2003, 09:55 PM
Wow... that's awsome dude. Congrats.

11-23-2003, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Crime Dog
afrankart: Heh. I'm sure you'd school me in no time flat. I just play because...well, paintball is fun! I try not to get too "serious" about it. Just a fun sport to play, ya know?

You can shoot AT me, as long as we can be on the same team at least SOME of the time. ;)

I know man, I was just giving ya a hard time.:D

11-23-2003, 11:13 PM
You lucky basterd :D

Good luck with your e-mag.. Sounds pretty kickarsh

Crime Dog
11-24-2003, 08:42 AM
Yep...workin' beautifully. Now...to get NitroDuck to get me a new guage for my tank. Bah.

I'll be sending the Emag in some time this week I think for some work on it.

Does anybody know if AGD does anodizing once you already have the gun?

11-24-2003, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Digits
You lucky basterd :D

Good luck with your e-mag.. Sounds pretty kickarsh

^^^basterd? hookt on foniks wurkt fur me!^^^

But yeah man, that'S awsome. CPPA is a good organisation. And, welcome to the forums. This is my home online, hope you like it just as much. Also, more importantly, congrats on a BA gun. Haha, e-mag... for free... dang!


11-24-2003, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Dbl_Edge

^^^basterd? hookt on foniks wurkt fur me!^^^

But yeah man, that'S awsome. CPPA is a good organisation. And, welcome to the forums. This is my home online, hope you like it just as much. Also, more importantly, congrats on a BA gun. Haha, e-mag... for free... dang!


^^^organisation? hookt on foniks wurkt fur me!^^^


Crime Dog
11-25-2003, 08:54 AM
*bites his tongue as he laughs as afrankart's last post*

Crime Dog
01-19-2004, 03:47 PM
Had to update this thread.

Tunaman sent me an initial pic of the new ano job my CPPA Emag has received. More pics as they come. I'm amazed already!


01-19-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Crime Dog
Had to update this thread.

Tunaman sent me an initial pic of the new ano job my CPPA Emag has received. More pics as they come. I'm amazed already!



EDIT-Literally... I thought for like 5 minutes for something to say...

Honestly, thats sexier than any Xmag I've seen.

01-19-2004, 04:49 PM
How much did that anno job cost crime?

edit: Hey crime remember me from the pbr tippmann forum back in the day:)

01-19-2004, 05:18 PM
Craig, I am just putting it together and finishing it up now. Wont be long now...;) :D

01-19-2004, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Tunaman
Craig, I am just putting it together and finishing it up now. Wont be long now...;) :D

Thro up some pics of the complete beast when your done, Tuna!

Crime Dog
01-19-2004, 06:40 PM
Tunaman...YOU'RE MY HERO! *laughs* Can't wait to see it in new pics, AND IN PERSON FINALLY! WOOT!

Tony! Dude! Yeah, I remember ya! Where the heck did you disappear to anyway!? Good to see ya on!

How much was the ano. Um. Hold on. I forget.

Heh. Whooo boy. I paid that much? I forgot that.

Um. I paid a pretty penny for that. If you want to know specifically, PM me. Otherwise, check into White Wolf Airsmithing for great ano prices. Only thing with them is, they take forever and a day to get your gun back from what I hear.

Cryer...thanks man. I'm excited to get it back!

01-19-2004, 08:55 PM
The photo is not working. I wanna see!

01-19-2004, 09:00 PM

01-19-2004, 09:19 PM
Now I found this on Tunas site...

Might our heros weapon hadth candidid inth this photo?


Crime Dog
01-19-2004, 10:07 PM
I'm not sure what you were trying to say in that last post...but yeah...that's my Emag on the right. :)

01-19-2004, 10:12 PM
way nice!! CPPA is an incredible organization, and they all have an awesome "Leader" (if you know what i'm saying)
good luck with the gun!!

just curious - are you talking about the Pillar song when you type "I am fireproof" under your sn?? GREAT band and awesome song. picked that cd up not to long ago along with Reliant K and Redcloud. WOOT

01-19-2004, 10:45 PM
Yeah crime, I kinda of dropped out of the whole tippmann scene, after you left it just got so spammed. Now I really don't post on pbr much, just ao.

Crime Dog
01-20-2004, 05:24 AM
Originally posted by whydoineedausername
way nice!! CPPA is an incredible organization, and they all have an awesome "Leader" (if you know what i'm saying)
good luck with the gun!!

just curious - are you talking about the Pillar song when you type "I am fireproof" under your sn?? GREAT band and awesome song. picked that cd up not to long ago along with Reliant K and Redcloud. WOOT

Heh. Yep. We DO have an awesome leader!

And yes...I AM referring to Pillar's song in my "status" line. Team Fireproof is the name of the Ohio CPPA Tourney team, of which I'm a member. In fact, Pillar is one of our sponsors currently. They gave us permission to use "Fireproof" in any promotional materials that we may produce (like a video specifically.)

Tony...yeah, I stop in once in a blue moon to the Tippy forum. It WAS kinda sad to see it go downhill like that. I still stop over to pbr every once in awhile though, in other forums. Particularly, the AGD forum now. Heh.

More pics as soon as I get them from Tunaman, or I get the gun itself.

01-20-2004, 01:22 PM
That mag is nice! Take care of her.

01-20-2004, 01:58 PM
Ok, I keep seeing re-anod x-valves here and there. Whoever has got the OK to ano them needs to step up to the plate and stop teasing us. DO IT! What are you waiting for? AGD to offer colored valves? Like that'll ever happen. ;)


Tuna, do you offer this service? Yes or no please, no "PM me and we'll talk". You either offer it or you dont, and I'm sick of seeing "special cases" when the rest of us have been waiting for even an answer of maybe out of AGD/anyone else. I guess gobs of $$$ make the world go round when it comes to getting your X-Valve anod.

<end rant>

Crime Dog
01-20-2004, 02:04 PM
Heh. I don't have an XMag, or XValve, so I don't have that option. I have the Emag...Tunaman already told me he can't ano the valve.

No biggie.

And AGDFlash: Trust me. I WILL take care of it. I wouldn't spend this kind of money to abuse it...trust me. I received the Emag in a used condition (I'm thankful for it, don't get me wrong), but it had chips in the ano here and there...was 3 different colors and such...warped grips. I'm sinkin' money into it to get it lookin' "top notch" again, and I play on KEEPING it that way. I take pride in my guns/gear.

Not like some of these 13 year olds throwin' their high priced guns from Daddy and Mommy around and not caring. (Or throwing a high priced electro down in a temper tantrum like a certain pro player. Please...) Darn it, I worked hard for the money I spent to fix something up...I'm sure as heck gonna KEEP it that way.


Still waitin' on more pics from The Tunaman. I know he's a busy guy, so I'm not tryin' to pressure him.

oh, and by the way, I'm getting replacement grips for my Emag from The Frymarker. The ones that came with it were warped, and sticking out from the gun, thus exposing the electronics. I didn't like that. At all.

The Frymarker
01-20-2004, 04:44 PM
Just poured one set :)

Crime Dog
01-20-2004, 04:49 PM
I love custom people. :D

Problem is...it's so hard to resist their awesome services.

I've "met" a lot of great people in the process of customizing thing...

Big Matt from MadCustoms
Sam Hartley from shartley customs
Now "The Frymarker" (Heather)
and of course, Tunaman.

You've all been great to work with, and I thank you for the quality work you do.

Psst. Any chance you can post pics of the grips when they're done Frymarker?

The Frymarker
01-20-2004, 04:53 PM
You bet!

Crime Dog
01-20-2004, 04:54 PM
You rawketh muchly. :)

01-20-2004, 10:40 PM
Very very nice lookin mag. CPPA is a great organization, with a great mission. Congratulations on the new gun, im sure youll treat it well.

01-21-2004, 01:04 AM
dman i needa get up off my rear and join the cppa.... maybe they can hook me up witha collhands electro and a dallara body:rolleyes:

Crime Dog
01-21-2004, 07:46 AM
I'm sensing a bit of sarcasm there.

Regardless of what I was given through the generosity of individuals within the CPPA, I hope people realize that even if I HADN'T been given anything, I believe in the organization's mission and calling. I was a member long before I was given the gift that I was. Please realize that.


01-21-2004, 08:03 AM
Just got around to reading this…..

Yes, the CPPA are a bunch of great folks. I am very proud to help sponsor them, and count them as friends. I look forward to the Gathering this spring! I should be brining my RT Pro as well as other markers (just got myself a PPS Stroker too!), so we can rock the AGD thing for at least one game (I want to use more than one marker).

Crime Dog, I am glad you got your Mag. Use it well! ;)

And thank you for your mention above, it was a pleasure working with you as well.

The Frymarker
01-23-2004, 12:16 PM
Here is a pic of your grips

I tried to match the colors as best that I could.

The red to clear was a digital match from the picture you gave me and the black to red fade was done by hand.

Hope you like them

Take care

Crime Dog
01-25-2004, 08:05 AM
Folks, let me share with you what type of incredible Customer Service you'll get from The Frymarker if you have her make you some grips.

She emailed me a pic of them (the ones in this thread), and said, something to the effect of "The only problem was with the black to red fade ones. There was a bubble, but I filled it, but a bit of resin ran. You really can't notice."

I told her I trusted her judgement and would take them as is. She decided that wasn't good enough. So guess what? SHE REMADE THEM FOR ME!

Kudos, and high praises to The Frymarker for her excellent Customer Service! I highly recommend her if you'd like custom resin/rubber grips.

Can't wait to see what these grips look like on Tunaman's handiwork...

01-25-2004, 08:27 AM
That's awsome that they did that. Really nice gun too.

The Frymarker
01-25-2004, 11:57 AM
Thanks Crimedog!:)

01-25-2004, 12:03 PM
Wow, I can't wait to see this thing assembled.

Crime Dog
01-26-2004, 08:12 PM
Woot! He's done with it! Shipping tomorrow! Here's the latest pic Tunaman just sent me.

When I get the HPA tank on it, and the HALO, and the Scepter...I'll put it all together and post one more pic, and then let this thread die, I promise. ;)


01-27-2004, 02:01 AM
That looks awesome! Is that the same tri-colored Emag in the other pictures? What I like most about it is the dust finish, not the glossy look they have stock. I think they should start coming with a dust finish stock.

Crime Dog
01-27-2004, 06:03 AM
No, that's not tri-colored. It's only a Black to Red fade...no other color there. But yeah, you're right, I love the dust finish as well...

01-27-2004, 07:38 PM
I meant the E with the silver rail and blue body that you got from CPPA. Is that the same one that just got ano'd? Either way it is a beautiful gun. One other thing to keep in mind is when AGD starts making ano'd x valves you could probably get one matched to the red on the rear of your gun. The standard RT valve on there looks cool though.

Crime Dog
01-27-2004, 07:57 PM
Ohhhhh! I gotchya! Yes...it's the same EMag. Totally different look eh?

I'll keep in mind the anoed valves in the future. Right now, I'm done spending money on "upgrades" and custom stuff. I've spent enough for awhile. Heh.

01-27-2004, 07:57 PM
Thats so awesome, dude!

01-27-2004, 08:12 PM
:eek: wow just... wow. im speachless it is sooo nice, how many pennys that cost u? :)

Crime Dog
01-28-2004, 06:21 AM
Enough. ;)

Crime Dog
02-03-2004, 06:49 PM
Wow. That's all I can say right now.

Lookie what arrived via UPS today:



Tunaman...GREAT job! I'm just continually wiping the drool away from my mouth. I went to air it up, and to my dismay, I realized I hadn't refilled my HPA tank! AHHHHH! Oh, and the battery had to be recharged. I think the cold musta zapped it on it's way back up to Ohio from NJ. But anyway...wowowowowowowow!

To come: The Frymarker Black to Red, and Red to Clear Grips (gonna try em' both), and a Shartley Customs "Fireproof" Jewel for each side of the Emag. (Mine doesn't have the lil' "Emag" jewels like most do...so I'm putting custom ones on with my Team Name.

The Frymarker
02-04-2004, 08:03 AM
Still waiting for more resin to arrive:(

I just have the one panel to finish

02-04-2004, 08:14 AM
Wow! That Emag looks SWEET!! Makes me want an emag now. That new color is stunning! Have fun with it. Shoot some suckers for us! AGD represent!

The Action Figure
02-04-2004, 08:21 AM

Crime Dog
02-04-2004, 08:26 AM
No problemo Heather... Thanks for workin' on it.

And trust me TraXer, I'll do my best to "shoot some suckers" for ya and make AGD proud.

Talked to Tunaman a bit on the phone last night...he said when he tried it, it ripped. Woot!

I'll be using it at practice this Saturday at Intense Paintball in Canton, OH. Everything feels GREAT on it thus far!

Gotta read up a bit on 3.2 to see what the nicest settings would be. Right now, I have the Shot Buffering set at 4, and SPS at 20. Sound about right anyone?

02-04-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Crime Dog
Gotta read up a bit on 3.2 to see what the nicest settings would be. Right now, I have the Shot Buffering set at 4, and SPS at 20. Sound about right anyone?

That's what I have mine set at.

02-05-2004, 02:42 AM
I have mine set the same way also. Tunaman flashed my Emag to 3.2 last month and it rips! I haven't got a chance to play a game with the 3.2 installed but I have played around with it in my backyard and it is awesome. It seems that on lower sps settings, like 16 for example, I tried setting the shot buffering to 24 it ripped but with the higher sps setting the lower shot buffering seemed to be better. That is what I got out of playing around with it for a few weeks, but I like it best the way you have it set up.

02-05-2004, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by spleefstylez
Ok, I keep seeing re-anod x-valves here and there. Whoever has got the OK to ano them needs to step up to the plate and stop teasing us. DO IT! What are you waiting for? AGD to offer colored valves? Like that'll ever happen. ;)


Tuna, do you offer this service? Yes or no please, no "PM me and we'll talk". You either offer it or you dont, and I'm sick of seeing "special cases" when the rest of us have been waiting for even an answer of maybe out of AGD/anyone else. I guess gobs of $$$ make the world go round when it comes to getting your X-Valve anod.

<end rant> I dont want to hijack this thread, but the answer is no...you cannot RE-ANNO an Xvalve and guarantee that it will ever work again. You must start from scratch and get a complete Tunamax Marker. That is the ONLY way to get one. You will loose the serial # also when re-annoing and that is a no no.;)

Crime Dog
02-05-2004, 01:37 PM
*hijacks back from Tunaman, and chuckles*

Thanks AGDFlash...appreciate the info. I'm going to try to get my tank filled today so I can mess around in the garage (shoot into a garbage can or somethin.) I was playin' on the trigger all yesterday without air...but can't get a good feel for what it'll really be like.

That, and I want to find the sweetspot in Hybrid so I don't accidentally do that during a tournament. Heh. (And gotta make sure I'm not getting bounce...)

Crime Dog
02-05-2004, 05:50 PM
Well, I just got back from a field about a half hour south of me. Couldn't take it any more. Had to get the tank filled and try this puppy out.




WHOA! I've never shot a paintball marker that fast before! It was crazy insane fast! And smooth....and just plain fun! AYE! My hopper was empty before I knew what happened!

I briefly found the sweet spot in Hybrid mode, but couldn't sustain it. (That's ok though. Not supposed to anyway.)

I walked it faster than I've ever walked an electro before in E mode...

Man on man. I just couldn't get over it. Thanks Tunaman for the work, and the flash to 3.2. I can definitely tell a difference from the 1.37 I was on before from my first practice with it!

02-05-2004, 05:52 PM
WooHoo! Glad you like it.

Just be sure to bring it on Memorial Day Weekend…. You may need it. ;):p

Crime Dog
02-05-2004, 07:55 PM
Oh trust me, I will. Not that I don't like stock (some of you know I LOVE stock), but playing stock all day against thsoe CPPA guys with the electros, on the speedball field just isn't...well...very fun. Heh.

Put me in the WOODS against them, with my PGP or Phantom, and I'm right at home...


02-05-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Crime Dog
Oh trust me, I will. Not that I don't like stock (some of you know I LOVE stock), but playing stock all day against thsoe CPPA guys with the electros, on the speedball field just isn't...well...very fun. Heh.

Put me in the WOODS against them, with my PGP or Phantom, and I'm right at home...

I understand. I will be bringing my RTPro and my Stroker! (And a couple Spyders.)

It is going to be fun! :D