View Full Version : surgery and paintball

11-17-2003, 10:10 AM
Well, on Friday I had my shoulder worked on and had a partial and a fully torn tendon repaired. My shoulder is sore with limited mobility, but not in major pain at all.

My question is, has anyone else had a torn rotator cuff that plays, and about what was your rehab time until you were able to effectivly play again? I want to get back on the team as soon as possible, but not if I am less than 90% where I was before the surgery (which my doctor told me I only had 60% of full shoulder power)

Any insight?

11-17-2003, 10:53 AM
I seperated my shoulder about 2 months. i coulnt use my left arm for anything for a good 2 weeks. on the third weekend from the injury i was able to play. I was only playing back or mid. didnt have any problems exept it felt really sore the rest of the day and the next. by about week 5 i was actually able to go back and play front. Although i was still holding me back in my speed and how i slid and how far i moved foward.

Im playing this weekend. so im really hoping that im really back up to full speed. I really dont feel the injury anymore. only when i lift heavy loads or when i lift weights. it feels like its there. not pain but its telling me. "im here"

Mag Master 04
11-17-2003, 10:59 AM
i chipped cartilage in my knee and it took around 2 months to full heal...i reffed in the meantime and even played a little the day after my surgery...i had a cane and all:p hobbling along...haha but i played through the pain,the doctor said to do nothing but rest it, whats doctor?

11-17-2003, 12:59 PM
i have had 3 surgeries on my shoulders. 2 on my right one on my left, i dont think that after proper rehab my play has gotten worse in fact it has probably gotten better. Make sure to do your physical therapy. It may suck and be a pain in ur *** but do the stuff they tell you to!

11-17-2003, 02:07 PM
Yea, I figured I need the rehab.. But tring to get a ballpark time (I want to start playing softball again too) the main reason this surgery was necessary. other than softball, it was only a major discomfort. Throwing a ball from the fence to 3rd was impossible. I want to get back from fence to home in the air status.

But paintball is far less demanding on the soulder than softball... so one sport at a time.

Thanks for all the posts

11-17-2003, 05:01 PM
hmm I tore my shoulder cuz of a motorcyle accident,took me 4 months to get healed to the point of being able to due anything fun.Ask your physical therapist if you have one,I got a bunch of different shoulder exercises that helped move things along.full rehabilitation will take awhile 6 months to a year,maybe longer.im no doctor im just going with personal exp.GL to you :)

11-17-2003, 07:09 PM
Well... a little over a year ago I took a NASTY fall on the paintball field (left shoulder plant + feet off the ground). I seperated my shoulder and busted my clavicle into more pieces than I want to think about. I had surgery a full week later ( Kudos to the hospital for rushing me right in...) Too many pieces to screw together, so they ended up wrapping it all together with mercaline tape and tying it off to my shoulder blade. Anyway... It took me a full 3-4 months to be well enough to play again. 6 months to be at 90%, and I would say I'm still only around 95% or so, I may not ever be 100% again (sucks). Soft tissue heals pretty quick, so I think with any luck you would be way under that. When you go to Physical Therapy use your head. I had really bad tendonitis during therapy and they just pushed me thru it anyway. I suffered thru 2 months of that with very little progress. 2 weeks after I stopped going and the tendonitis had time to subside, I worked out the stiffness in almost no time with almost ZERO pain... I'm really not sold on Physical Therapy. $145 per 45 minute visit was rediculous as well...

Good Luck though...

11-18-2003, 08:59 AM
It looks like the results that most of you have had are in line with what I expected.. About 4 months before I can play and prob 6 before I should be doing any one arm snake dives.

Fot the rest of you with, or recently had, sholder problems.. I feel your pain.

Lets all get healthy and throw some paint:D

i like tictacs
11-18-2003, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by lamby
Well, on Friday I had my shoulder worked on and had a partial and a fully torn tendon repaired. My shoulder is sore with limited mobility, but not in major pain at all.

My question is, has anyone else had a torn rotator cuff that plays, and about what was your rehab time until you were able to effectivly play again? I want to get back on the team as soon as possible, but not if I am less than 90% where I was before the surgery (which my doctor told me I only had 60% of full shoulder power)

Any insight?

i seperated my shoulder and broke my collarbone, and had surgery for both march 4th 2003. march 23rd 2003 i was playing a 5man nepl tournament, it did fine. i just put some bandage over it, it hurt a little when it got hit but not too bad. nothing will get damaged unless you slide on it or something.

11-18-2003, 05:34 PM
hope your arm feels better soon. otherwise derek might play. OH NO!! the world will come to an end