View Full Version : Five Iron Frenzy Concert

11-17-2003, 09:49 PM
Lets just say I'm not a huge fan of Ska myself, but Five Iron really put on a great show. Kinda sad though seeing as how this was their second to last concert, on their Farewell Tour. They really did put on a great show, when they talked it was actually entertaining, and they just had a ton of energy when playing. And I skanked lol, I didn't even know i could. It was really cool and kinda creepy, but some of the fans were crying at the end of the show, which just goes to show how much of an impact Five Iron had on those kid's lives. And at the end most of the band members hung around for a while so we could talk to them, which was also very awesome. I also bought this shirt that said they played 27,602 shows in their 8.5 year career, and it just doesn't seem possible, would any Five Iron fan like to enlighten me as to how many shows they have actually played.

end rant.