View Full Version : Need some help with a decision!

11-18-2003, 12:46 AM
Hey guys - need your advice and help.

My college - Hobart - is attempting to form a paintball team. Right now, I'm shooting an ol' mag (L7, SF Body, Dye Trigger Frame, Flame Drop, etc...)

Anyways, I'm having a hard time deciding what to ask for - It's hard to justify to my parents that they should help me upgrade my 'mag just for Chanukka. Anyways, My friend recommended an Omen. I've taken a look, and it looks really great. What have you guys heard about it?

BTW - I'm not selling my mag - over time I plan to upgrade it!


11-18-2003, 07:22 AM
how much can you spend?

11-18-2003, 08:43 AM
Its all personal preferance, and I've been told none of the seven Omens I've shot were set up right, but I didn't like them, and the back block took a literal 0.082seconds to get back into firing position which would limit the rate of fire to just over 10bps. Like I said its all personal preferance, but I don't think the Omen is a good deal, spend the extra $50 and get a bushy.

11-18-2003, 10:04 AM
I can only spend $300, which isn't enough to upgrade my 'mag :mad: ; however, since my team gets Evil products at wholesale prices, it is enough for the omen. I think the best idea in the end is to try out the Omen and see what I think.

Bryceeden - question - does the back block work like a cocker's?

thanks a lot guys! :)


11-18-2003, 10:07 AM
For $225, you can send your valve in to AGD and get an Xvalve. Your gun will then SING.

11-18-2003, 10:22 AM
I agree. Go wit the "Go-X-valve" programe for like 225. Kill like 3 birds with 1 stone, lol. Makes your Mag lighter by alot, faster by alot, and ZERO chops (lvl 10).

Its the way to go...


11-18-2003, 02:43 PM
Some more questions, then!

What will tbe trigger pull be like on the xMAG? I'm just afraid that, since it will still be a pneumatic 'mag, it won't keep up with the Angels and Timmies of this world. Hell, my friend shoots some damned electric Spyder - that thing rocked my socks off! I remember back to when I had a spyder about 4 years ago - slow as sin.

Also - I have a warpfeed, but I have never used it - it's not quite complete. It doesn't have the hosing or mounting bracket at the bottom to affix it to the grip frame. If I buy a ULE body, would you recommend the warp body? Also, at the bottom of the warp there is a button, which seems to make it feed paintballs, yet it doesn't stay in when I press it. I have to press it in order to make it feed. Ack!

Thanks guys! I will let you know what happens, and I'll upload pics!


11-18-2003, 03:30 PM
The warp is run off of vibration sensors. It feeds the balls every time the gun fires. The button isn't supposed to stay in. The instructions for how to set it up are on AGD's home page.

As for the trigger pull. A mag with the Xvalve (Not called an Xmag. That's different.) is the fastest mechanical gun. It'll do JUST FINE against electros.

11-18-2003, 03:39 PM
You can also, when you have the X-valve, put a ULE Trigger pull kit (ULT) in it... It reduces the pull to less than a a pound....

11-18-2003, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by tyrion2323

Bryceeden - question - does the back block work like a cocker's?
Yes, it does exept the return is slower, the 0.082 sec is the average of seven different Omens tested. The Xvalved mag is faster than an Omen. Once again I personally don't like the Omen, you might, I would deffinatly not buy one out right but you should find someone with one who'll let you try it. I would say go Xvalve is the way to go.

Rope a Dope
11-18-2003, 03:44 PM
X-Valve is an option. But you GOTTA get the UL trigger, my buddy got one and god damn.... it really is as awesome as they say it is. Everyone that shoots it for the first time is amazed at how a mech pull can be so light. Trust me... you can rip on it and keep up with Angels.

11-18-2003, 06:56 PM
You can easily get a nice Bushy for $300. In the end, you'd have a reliable backup and an electronic speedster.

11-18-2003, 07:07 PM
Get the Xvalve and ULT combo. I shot a RTPro w/ ULT(basically a Xvalve mag) this weekend. And all I can say is OMFG!!!! It was awesome. Super fast, loved the trigger. Its so nice that Load is thinking of sellin his Intimidator and pickin one up!!!

You would not be disappointed goin this route, and it leaves enough cash for you to fix that warp feed also.(Or sell it to me :) )

BTW, those spyders are capped at what 10bps(??) I think. The xvalve w/ ULT would blow that away.

11-19-2003, 01:25 AM
Hey thanks guys! You've definitely turned me around - I think the xVALVE is the way to go! RobertJuric - I've heard bad things about the ULT. Why do you think this is? Improper installation?


11-19-2003, 10:09 AM
There's nothing BAD about it per se. It takes a little tech time to get it running and the trigger feel isn't everyone's cup of tea. That's all.

11-19-2003, 01:29 PM
I just recently traded for a mag with xvalve and ult. The pull is super light. I was amazed at how it felt. Will definately take some getting use to. I agree with Dayspring might not be for everyone.