View Full Version : Anyone have NHL Center Ice or live in Canada?

11-19-2003, 10:01 AM

The Heritage Classic (outdoor hockey game on Nov 22) is only being broadcasted on NHL Center Ice package and on the CBC.

Are there any hockey fans that live in canada or have that package that want to tape the game for me (on VHS or DVD or VCD)? I'll cover costs and shipping no problem I just really want to see the game! :(

11-19-2003, 02:55 PM
I'll see what I can do...hell considering where I work, someone at work has got to tape the thing.

Send me a PM on the day and I'll see if anyone can.

11-19-2003, 03:45 PM
Sweet, I appreciate the offer of effort! Out of curiousity where do you work?

11-19-2003, 03:52 PM
Electronic Arts (Canada-BlackBox)

I actually work with the NHL team, if you enter my name in the create a player you'll get my *badly* mapped face.

11-19-2003, 04:07 PM
That is awesome! Man. I wish my job let me be in a video game! :D

11-19-2003, 04:17 PM
SO you know who's turned that game to junk over the past couple years. j/k I'm a die hard hockey fan and love the video games even more. Just gotta know though... what is up with that EA sports curse. Every player that has made the cover has had something go wrong for them. Anyways. I don't have center ice nor live in canada so I can't help but I'll offer support as a fellow NHL enthusiast.

11-19-2003, 04:27 PM
I have no input as to the quality of the games ;). I used to be part of QA but I moved on. As a side note, if you think you've found a new bug that was "missed". Think again, We find almost everything (unless it takes days to get to). It's up to others to fix them.

My friends still won't let me play them a game with them. They stack their team and then challenge me. It usually goes like this :
they score
I score
they score
I score
they score
I get bored
I score
I score
I score
I score
I score
Let's go do something else

That's an interesting note about the cover players though.

11-19-2003, 04:33 PM
By the cover curse this is what I mean
04- Heatley
03- Bure (bure who)
02- M. Lemieux (ahh my back)
01- O. Nolan

Madden series
04- Vick (hurt in preseason)
03- Forgot name (had worse season)
02- forgot
01- E. George (worse rushing season)
I think that is how it went but I don't remember specifics. It was a point that was brought up on TechTV's Xplay show.

11-24-2003, 07:04 PM
I've got someone here that says he's got it recorded. PM me your snail mail and I'll send it to you after I dub it.

He says he probably has the game right afterwards as well, but maybe not all of it...he just hit record and got as much as he could.