View Full Version : 3.2 & ACE & Charger fuse

c sherer
11-22-2003, 12:05 AM
Hi all,
Recently got 3.2 in and noticed that my ACE was not working even though it worked fine on the previous software. With the ACE problems on v3.0 and the recoding of the software, the way the software reads the sensor seems to have changed a bit. I simply adjusted my ACE potentiometer until it was working properly. I had to turn it approximately 3.5 complete revolutions (counterclockwise) to get it functioning correctly. quite a bit out of whack it would seem.
So, if you recently got v3.2 and your ace doesn't seem to work anymore, adjust the pot and hopefully it will fix the problem.

As an addition to a previous problem post, I *may* have found part of the problem. the 5 amp fuse in the cigarette charger burned out. I went to ratshack and got a pack of 5amp fast fuses for around 2.00 and will try them. Not sure if they will work correctly - the brain trust at ratshack knew nothing and admitted it. sigh. so hard to find good knowledgeable help these days.
Anyway, if you have problems with your charger, check the fuse. Thats a cheaper route than shipping stuff back to AGD.
