View Full Version : m98

11-22-2003, 10:44 PM
hey my wallmart has a tippmann there and it is not a custom but would i be able to put a folding stock on it. i would want to use it has a co2/woods gun.

11-22-2003, 10:50 PM
yea, the stock just replaces a back part that is common on both the custom and the normal

ps- flatline+stock=kick-*** woods gun. even though its like 14 feet long and it weighs 320 pounds...

11-22-2003, 11:23 PM
please god dont buy a flatline.

11-22-2003, 11:36 PM
Whats wrong wit a flatline? I've never seen anyone with a problem with theirs. You just have to use hard shelled paint. I recommend an A5 over an M98 though.

11-22-2003, 11:48 PM
for the m98 flatline you have to put it on just right for it too work how they said it does. my friend had one and his never got on right and the balls would shoot off to the left

11-22-2003, 11:56 PM
my friend's flatline chopped every single ball pretty much, it was a mess

11-23-2003, 01:08 AM
Dont bother buying a flatline. It will cause you much pain. I speak with experience.

Arg! I wasted $110 on mine!! :mad:

11-23-2003, 06:18 AM
Ya I heard flatlines suck a biggin.

Duke Henry
11-23-2003, 09:38 AM
Funny, I have installed over a dozen flatlines, on M98's and A5's and have never had any problems. Of course, I made sure I always installed them correctly...

If you are playing in conditions of low wind, it will work like a dream!

11-23-2003, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by toyotaboy12
my friend's flatline chopped every single ball pretty much, it was a mess yeah so did mine.

11-23-2003, 10:30 AM
Before I moved up to my emag I used a M98, I tried the Flatline and hated it. It chopped Proball, and once it chopped, you couldn't soot staight at all. You had to squeegee it out, and it was a pain in the *** to do that. Go with the Dye 18" Boomstick if you want a long barrrel thats accurate. They cost about the same too.

11-23-2003, 12:08 PM
Eh, 90% of people who don't like their flatline just didn't know how to install them properly. So of course they won't like it.

Like saying the LVL10 or ULT are junk when you didn't shim them properly.

11-23-2003, 12:35 PM
thats true eagle, but if u put it on correctly and use the right kind of paint, plus have a fast hopper (halo or evo 2) than u are fine. i had the RT with the flatline and the collapsible stock, it was so fun to play with. nothin like seeing a string of 7-8 balls pelt someone, cuz when the flatline barrel is put on correctly its extremely accurate, looks like the balls are floating

11-23-2003, 01:53 PM
one of my friends has one it shoots them preaty strait.