View Full Version : we need a custom asa for the mag rail

11-22-2003, 11:49 PM
Virem and I were just discussing mag aesthetics(sp) and we came to the conclusion, its almost impossible to get a 100% perfect looking mag. Our main beef was the asa choices, or lack there of. We need a custom ASA to match the new bodies that are coming out, b/c a chord just wouldnt look right with a plain ol solid asa.

Sooo, anyone have any ideas for something??

11-23-2003, 12:10 AM
sooo sneaky rogue :)

So that means everyone needs to voice their opinion/want for a custom ASA so we can get him working on it.

11-23-2003, 12:45 AM
If it helps, I'd definitely buy one as long as the price is reasonable...Rogue work your magic!

11-23-2003, 01:11 AM
That's what I've been wondering for a while. It's so plain, so ugly, so... bleh. Something new would be very nice.

11-23-2003, 02:49 PM
even worse is finding a 15* asa. as of now the only one i know about is doc nickle's but those are super hard to come by. i have sent a couple e-mails to him but no reply...

Doc Nickel
11-23-2003, 04:21 PM
Try sending an E-mail to my "Ordering" address, linked at the bottom of each "Gear" page.

I get between 50 and 75 'regular' mails a day, and have a hard time keeping on top of them. On the other hand, I get a very small handful to the 'Ordering' mail, and those are usually (though I admit not always) answered within 24 hours.

I have a stack of 15° ASAs, ready to go in both plain and polished, and I'll have the first run of gloss black-annoed here in a week or two.


11-23-2003, 04:27 PM
yeaaaaa! thanks doc. will do.

11-23-2003, 04:49 PM
doc is the man, check out his website!

11-23-2003, 09:54 PM
Doc, what about an ASA to match the Chord bodies, or even the Dallara?? Is this even a possibility??