View Full Version : ROF - does it matter?

11-23-2003, 12:21 PM
Hey Guys,

I have noticed such a large deal about the amount of bps your marker can shoot, etc. etc. I admit, I have gotten caught up in this. However, I went to the local field and tested out my marker, shooting it as fast as I could. Mind you, it's an old L7 mag, but when I got it going to what I thought would be a decent ROF, it turned out to be 5bps. Do we really need 20+ bps? I just don't understand how your fingers work so quickly!

I took that online test and could only click my mouse 6.2 times per second.



11-23-2003, 12:42 PM
It all depends on how you play and the situation. If you are playing a tourney and can spray a wall of paint in front of a bunker that there is no way your opponent is getting through that can be very helpfull to deny key positions. Alot of players use ROF to make up for lack of acuracy. I think at that point you just waste alot of paint.. shoot the bunker 3 times or 43 times.... still gets the same result ;) ... then again I shoot a Timmy... lol

I think there are alot of mediocher players out there that if they took the time to pick up a pump and learn to shoot rather than spray all time that would become excelent players.Then again there are the ones like me who would still suck ;) Just another .02 :)

11-23-2003, 01:16 PM
Yes and No. If someone is laying paint on you so you can't move then you get bunkered then yes it matters. But if you can pop a shot off and make that shot then No.

11-23-2003, 01:20 PM
I think all non-pro tourneys should be mostly stock class :D. it'll force all those piss poor players to get good by having to rock and cock each shot.

I just played a game with a phantom yesterday, and though I sucked (first time every playing pump . . . except for my first time out, and that was with a BE Blade, so that doesn't count, LOL), I had a total blast!

There's alot to be said for a good pump player. During the final few games of bunker assault yesterday, the guy toting the PGP got most of the kills. It wasn't the guy with the x-valved micromag and freak, it wasn't the guys with the A5's, it wasn't the guy with the hyper framed mag, it wasn't me with the blazer, it was dan, who has only played a few games, with a PGP in his hands, who got most of the kills b/c he played it SC-style: shoot only when you know you can hit the target, keep low, and keep hidden.

I've heard from all over that if you start out on pump and learn to play pump before going to semi's, then your skills as a pball player will be MUCH higher.

It's sort of like learning to drive a stick shift. Learn to drive it, and then you can drive anything. Learn to play pball shooting pump, and you'll be able to work with any gun.

11-23-2003, 02:50 PM
Well, sure. ROF doesn't matter a whole lot, I guess. But I don't even begin to agree with starting with a pump (although I almost did...).

But it's a personal reason more than anything -
I really really really like shooting alot. Most games it doesn't even matter if I hit anything... I just enjoy knowing that somewhere, someone was getting hailed with insane amounts of paint and going "What the heck?". But that's just me.

(The rest of you can pick your shots... I just like to have a wide variety to pick from.)

11-23-2003, 07:11 PM
Rate of Fire can make a difference, the reason it gets hyped up so much is that it is an edge that can be bought. But there are so many other ways to get an advantage, i.e. learning to hit what you're aiming at, that won't cost you a cent and will get you a lot more respect amongst some circles.

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11-23-2003, 07:30 PM
As my field owner always said..." Accuracy by Volume" dosent matter how much you shoot as long as you get the person out, if that means shooting as much as you can

11-23-2003, 07:41 PM

11-23-2003, 07:46 PM
Smurf - Most field owners are big fans of accuracy by volume - they sell paint

11-23-2003, 10:58 PM
It matters in certain situations. There are many other key things in paintball that are much more important, but being able to shoot fast can help.

That, and it's just fun seeing your gun grow up and become faster. :)

11-24-2003, 12:09 AM
Yes it does, in a tournment situation yes, rec-ball no.

ROF makes a huge difference in a tourny situation.

Off the break sweetspotting is crucial to keeping lanes up and running so the other team can't make it down. A good team will have all players guns up otb. For someone running to the 50 or the snake accuracy through volume is a huge factor in keeping a stable lane up. Not everyone has the luxury of a stable firing platform like a back man casually keying, to a back pony keg completely impervious to fire.

ROF also makes a huge difference when it comes to actually getting someone the other guy out. Just today I was playing the snake and I crawled up a notch on it, boom the other guy. Let loose a quick stream of about 10balls on my trix into is leg, and ducked back a notch in the snake. Now I move up figuring he got up, boom hes there. It was a 1 for 1, which could have just him getting out. All my shots bounced off his leg and I didn't get him. If I layed more paint down on his leg he would have been in the deadbox.
With players looking for the most bounce inducing clothing getting as many balls as possible on them has gotten much more important. I picked up a new C4 Jersey for myself today and tried on some C4 pants. There was so much padding on them it was a drawback.

Being able to shoot loads of paint can also provide a portable bunker from yourself. Need to get between two bunkers which have a substantial gap? Unload on whoever you see having an angle at your from your current position, they'll stay back for a second or two, run out, snap around and suprise whoever just got an angle on you as you exposed yourself. Get to your new bunker

11-24-2003, 12:10 AM
no it doesnt usually...but a few key situations. biggest one would be sweetspotting, especially off the break. if a player were running across a lane, he would only be in it for a fraction of a second. the paintballs in a 10 bps stream are about 28 feet apart. now shoot 16 bps. Youre down to .0625 seconds between shots, and 17.5 feet between the paintballs. Its gonna be way more likely that the player trying to cross through the second stream will get hit. See?

disclamer: the distance between paintballs in the air is based on my calculations, which may or may not be correct. If you dont believe them, its just common sense anyway, just withougt a number behind them.

11-24-2003, 12:28 AM
u know how the saying goes "speed kills" or in this case "speed eliminates". if u can get more paint out before the other guy can, mostly likely he'll be out first.