View Full Version : Paintball Guns STOLEN!

11-24-2003, 12:19 AM
My brother and I moved into an apartment a few months ago. Everything's been fine, but on Thursday afternoon somebody broke in and stole both of our paintball guns, along with a PS2, a guitar, and several other small things. This really sucks! My brother owned a 68 mag and a cocker, and I owned an x-valve mag that I hadn't even played with yet. They also stole my friend's Phantom that he'd left at our house.

I would like to know where I could find the serial numbers for the mags for the police report, and for looking around at local fields. Any help or kind words would be greatly appreciated.

Chris Nelson

11-24-2003, 12:21 AM
If you're holding the gun in your right hand, look on the right side of the gun, and towards the back on the valve, there's your serial #. Should be 2 matching #'s.

11-24-2003, 12:27 AM
well first off... do you know the serial numbers?

and you need to report the mags to AGD so they can possibly catch who done it

also search ebay for them

11-24-2003, 12:30 AM
Damn dude, that sucks. But I love the name!

"Give her, the comfy chair!" "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition."

I wish a fellow MP fan luck in retrieving his stuff. Check with the local pawn shops, the dudes who stole them might not even know what they got.

11-24-2003, 12:36 AM
ha ha
we have 1 weapon, suprise!! suprise and fear. 2, 2 weapons, suprise and fear... and....

he he he

11-24-2003, 12:44 AM
I don't know the serial numbers, but I was wondering if there was somewhere I could get the serial numbers. If I give the police the serial numbers, they can tell the pawn shops to look for those numbers, and I can also add it to the descriptions with all the local fields. Should I call AGD, then, or are the numbers somewhere in the packaging that the valves came in? Thanks for all the quick help.

Oh, and Cardinal Fang, Fetch... THE RACK! MP rules...

Chris Nelson

11-24-2003, 12:48 AM
if you didnt know the serial numbers to begin with you would need to call AGD and have them look them up

thats if you have the guns registered in your name

11-24-2003, 01:29 AM
I kinda know how u feel. two weeks ago someone broke into my house and stole my ps2 with all of the games and all of my xbox games too. I went to the persons house who i thought did it and they wouldnt even let me in to their room. Man was i pissed but i got a new one but u lost your gun. If someone stole my gun and i knew who i would place them in a ditch on the road. sorry about what happend.