View Full Version : Some More Tac-One pictures please!

11-24-2003, 03:36 PM
Could anyone post some more pictures of the Tac-One (besides the sales flyer thing) Close ups of both sides, front, back, and looking down on it would be nice.

11-24-2003, 03:57 PM
I 'handeled' one at SCAOII..
Its pretty nice, lighter than I thought but then again it was a prototype (there were no threads in the breech, plastic rail, ect). I took 1 pic, not sure how well it came out , it was 1/3 pics I took at SCAO :p
It was actually the best picture I got :p
Its a bit big :p
<a href="http://server4.uploadit.org/files/241103-DCP01629.JPG">
<img src="http://server4.uploadit.org/files/241103-DCP01629.JPG" width="640" height="480"></a>

11-24-2003, 04:04 PM
screw the tac one, look at the rail:eek: Nice pic personman

11-24-2003, 04:05 PM
thats pimp

11-24-2003, 04:10 PM
yeah i like it a lot better with the new rail on it
very sweet

11-24-2003, 06:21 PM
Personman, the reason it was so light was because it had a plastic rail(like you mentioned) and the valve was completely gutted, you could see straight through from the back of the valve.

After fondling the Tac-One countless hours, I've decided it(and especially the new rail) are quite purty.

11-24-2003, 06:34 PM
Yeah I put gutted in the origional post but I decided sence that was an assumption and no one actually told me that it was better not to say it, then to say it and get proven wrong :p
The gun suprised me as well, I thought it was going to be ugly. :p

11-24-2003, 09:10 PM
First off, thanks for picture!

Now, my two complaints with the Tac-One as it sits there.

1. The rail. It's awesome.....for the ULE body, not the TAC-One. It looks completely our of place with the Tac body. The Tac is veyr angular and such, where as the rail has nice flowing lines. Horrible contrast.

2. The body. Why the heck does the body extend over the rail? It appears that portion of the picatinny rail is not even usuable since it's a different width. Just cut the body off where the current bodies are. Save the weight and the material. Does anyone know if it is usable?

It will be interesting to see how the Picatinny rail on the right side of the body clears the air fittings.

I'm still very excited about this, but that rail needs to stay off the Tac-One. IMHO.

11-24-2003, 10:18 PM
Very cool thanks for the picture.

11-24-2003, 11:04 PM

I like the rail yet don't. I think that if the diamond-edge part actually came out again in the front. Plus instead of the rounded front have it tapering up like the back. Then it'd be top notch and look cosmetically better. I would think, at least personally. Others can argue, since it is individual taste.

12-15-2003, 11:54 PM
I love it's looks so far. Only thing I would like is a rail added under the marker forward of the grip.

Why? Cause flashlights mounted to either side or on top of the barrel makes serious light dead-zones. Always mount your flashlight under the barrel.

12-16-2003, 12:40 AM
I was wishin they would put a rail under too, but I've accepted the fact that they aren't, so the first thing I am gonna put on it is http://www.store.yahoo.com/opsgear/m4haguset.html (http://http://www.store.yahoo.com/opsgear/m4haguset.html)

Think about it, that gives you room for not only a flashlight, but a bipod and further forward foregrip as well.