View Full Version : Cool gun, can I try it?

11-25-2003, 02:26 PM
I've got this a few times, and then have my gun handed back to me with an empty hopper. These kids think other people's paint is free! Well, I suppose it is when it's not theirs.

Anyone have similar experiences?

Or does anyone remember that kid at IAO that went from booth to booth, pissing away every demo gun's air? :p

11-25-2003, 02:40 PM
i remember that kid..
and yes definitely,
lately if i let someone try my gun i take my hopper off and let them put their own dang hopper on it!

11-25-2003, 03:01 PM
I always get asked, "Can I try your gun?" "Sure if you replace the paint." That turns about 75% of them away right there.

Heck, I've let kids PLAY with my Mag when they used thier own paint.

11-25-2003, 03:35 PM
If it's someone I don't know I'll usually tell them "Sure, grab a pod and I'll let you rip off some". If it's somebody I know they'll usually replace the paint without me even asking.

What ticks me off more is to loan a gun to someone only to have it come back not functioning. "I didn't do anything to it... it just stopped working!" That's how my bushy developed it's latest leak. :(

11-25-2003, 03:47 PM
loan a kid your gun, you walk away, kid goes "hmm wonder what this knob is? untwists the knob, PSSSSSSSS air sprays out of the gun, kid comes back to you, hey, um sorry but your outta air now, and this little thingy popped off too" turns out it was your lpr , i could just imagine it happening right now lol

11-25-2003, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by krafty
What ticks me off more is to loan a gun to someone only to have it come back not functioning. "I didn't do anything to it... it just stopped working!" That's how my bushy developed it's latest leak. :(
That happened to me, only I was the one using the marker. fire1811 let me use his X for a game back in March and the lvl 10 started leaking down the barrel. I nearly dropped a load in my pants when I heard it! I came back swearing up and down that I did nothing out of the ordinary!

I don't mind letting the kids take a few shots, nor am I opposed to letting them play with my gear. I've yet to have anyone do anything I felt was excessive.

11-25-2003, 03:55 PM
a mean little trick you could do, is like turn on the safety or turn off the gun (or hopper) and be like.. WHAT HAPPENED? IT WAS WORKING FINE UNTIL I GAVE IT TO YOU!

11-25-2003, 04:01 PM
The 3 people that tried my marker (last time I played) were all refs\techs at the field we were at and all of em gave me a loader worth of paint afterwords.

If a kid who never shot a mag before wants to try mine, I'll gladly let him fire some of my paint at the range if it means he might like the feel of a mag and want to buy one.

11-25-2003, 04:05 PM
that sucks. if i ever ask someone if i can fire a few rounds with their marker i have a pod of paint in my hand as i ask them. especially at field paint only places.

11-25-2003, 04:06 PM
Hehe, an advantage to the old bodies... I turn my powerfeed off, then hand it too them. :D

11-25-2003, 04:27 PM
Odd, that's never happened to me. Then again, it's always been "older" kids. ;) And they are mostly interested in how the marker feels with a warp on it. :D

11-25-2003, 04:32 PM
even worse was right before a game when some kid asked me if he could try my gx4 (this was my last marker, i am now a proud owner of a ULE), so reluctantly i let him rip off a couple shots and sure enough he short stroked it and broke a ball. That was a great way to start the game :)

*EDIT* Change your sig pic. Army

11-25-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
a mean little trick you could do, is like turn on the safety or turn off the gun (or hopper) and be like.. WHAT HAPPENED? IT WAS WORKING FINE UNTIL I GAVE IT TO YOU!

Better still... if you've got a gravity hopper (revvy, reloader etc), drop a quarter into the hopper. :D The quarter will slide down and cover the feed neck and it won't feed. We do this to someone every once in a while during rec play. :p

11-25-2003, 05:36 PM
its called a red-head step child. :rolleyes:

11-25-2003, 06:30 PM
There is one kid at my field who just takes guns and shoots them. One time he took my mag and shot 6 balls into the barrel condom. I saw him with the gun and he was like, "You need to clean your barrel condom." I was like," You need to buy me a new one." This happened right as his mom pulled up, he ran off to his car and they left....
That really pissed me off.
True Story


11-25-2003, 10:33 PM
There was a kid who used to go to my field and I honestly don't think he owns a marker of any kind. All he does is borrow other peoples equipment for like 2 or 3 games, then returns it dirty, empty, and broken. I hated him.

But usually, if someone asks, I'll say "Sure man, go get some paint shoot away".

11-25-2003, 11:13 PM
Thats how i sold my ZRT, i let some guy play with it after i ran out of money for paint and his marker crapped out. he gave me 500 on the spot for it... i was selling it after that day anyways so i thought that was pretty lucky

11-25-2003, 11:27 PM
i used to be nice about letting people try my marker, but ave had too many bad experiences with people not respecting my property, that i've developed the ability to tell them no. it's your marker and you have the absolute right to refuse. i get pretty pissed off now days because people walk around like it's their god given right to use your property andywhen you say no, they look at you like they don't understand.

jae park

Rope a Dope
11-25-2003, 11:27 PM
In my day sonny paint was $10 a tube, then I bought cases for $120

I get my paint for $30 a case and it's better than what I shot back then.

Give 'em paint, it's not free.. but pretty freaking close!!!

11-25-2003, 11:40 PM
and then i walked 15 miles to school in the snow bare foot with little kids kicking me the whole way...

sorry man i had to

11-25-2003, 11:42 PM
Whenever i let someone try my gun, I just pop off my hopper and hand it to them, if they want to shoot some air great, if they want to shoot some paint they can use their own hopper.

11-26-2003, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by davidnj

If a kid who never shot a mag before wants to try mine, I'll gladly let him fire some of my paint at the range if it means he might like the feel of a mag and want to buy one.

Ya thats what I do. I top it off and say go ahead empty it. They pop off half and freak out. Then I say Thats an AGD AutoMag.

I love spreading the fever for a tube of paint

11-26-2003, 12:29 AM
Right on, Beemer. Recently we are running into more and more people that want to shoot a mag, and it is really nice to convert the cocker dudes. Not once has anyone taken advantage. I'll spot anybody 10-20 balls to try it out. My son and I have traded markers for a few games with the cocker crowd, but we always came out even. Maybe we are just lucky.

The funny thing is when you come in after a game and they want to know what you are running, then you explain that it is a mechanical rig - no electronics required.

11-26-2003, 01:15 PM
heh, i believe 2 or 3 of my friends that went to the IAO were obliviously shooting guns..

it was either that or they too were telling me about someone wasting away on guns :)

11-26-2003, 01:59 PM
if someone asks, ill normally let em shoot a few. But if someone asks to play with my marker, thats a negative. Use my backup 98c all you want, but the mag is my baby. :)

what i really hate is when your talkin to a kid, and they start asking about your equipment.. and they start going through your bag looking at your stuff, and pulling things out saying "hey whats this?".

11-26-2003, 02:02 PM
What ticks me off more is to loan a gun to someone only to have it come back not functioning. "I didn't do anything to it... it just stopped working!" That's how my bushy developed it's latest leak.

I would feel sorry for you but you had to expect that from him. You should give him your emag for a week as a true reliability test. Plus we would be able to see if LVL 10 is truely chop free.

11-26-2003, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by Miltonyz
I would feel sorry for you but you had to expect that from him. You should give him your emag for a week as a true reliability test. Plus we would be able to see if LVL 10 is truely chop free.

Benedict Arnold wouldn't take the emag if his life depended on it. It's not "good enough" for his mad paintball skillz!

As for someone pulling gear out of my bag without asking me... I believe a shot square in the nuts would be in order!

11-26-2003, 02:19 PM
Benedict Arnold wouldn't take the emag if his life depended on it. It's not "good enough" for his mad paintball skillz!

He was pretty impressed at colors when he hit 14 over the chrono with my old one. But emags aren't cool enough for him.
btw where did you get Benedict Arnold from. Did one of us spill the beans? You should have seen him a couple of weeks ago when I told him he had an Oedipal(sp?) complex. At first he was mad becuase he couldn't figure out what that meant. After a couple of days we took pity on him and told him. He got really mad then;)

11-26-2003, 09:19 PM
I have no prob with kids trying my markers out and I'll even spot them a some paint as I can prolly afford paint somewhat better than them. As far as letting any kids use them in a game thats a definite NO and possibly a HELL NO and thats due to I let a kid use my mag when his broke and I was waiting for the next game and his broke in-game. Being the nice person I am(NOT) I let him use it and when it came back the thing looked like it was used to make a Paintball daquiri. Never again.

11-26-2003, 09:29 PM
Colors is hilarious - Randy lets some people use his E-mag.

Most people say "wow, this is so much better than the old mechanical mags." etc.

Then I kindly explain to them that as long as I have known him Randy has never had a battery in his e-mag.

BTW... his newest hobby, at least towards the end of the year, is to take a stock Piranha off the shelf, with stock barrel, and still shoot most of us out with one or two aimed shots.

11-26-2003, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by lord1234
i remember that kid..
and yes definitely,
lately if i let someone try my gun i take my hopper off and let them put their own dang hopper on it!

Yeah, but then you get some kid with a VL Quantum, then not only do you have the disgrace of having that disgusting thing on your mag, but you also have a paint-filled breech to clean.

11-26-2003, 10:33 PM
:) i say sure then i laughf when the paints gone, and enjoy my sponsorship god my trix shoot amazing ropes :)

11-27-2003, 09:19 AM
Ok here is one for you. Lately I have been running a not yet released, sound activated, Empire/Halo-B. Most don't notice it but as soon as word is out, everyone wants to try it. Usually they will shoot their own paint, but I still want to scream when I have just filled the hopper with Hellfire or Inferno, and they are standing there with a pod full of "white box" paint in their hand!

11-27-2003, 09:28 AM
I'll let almost anyone rip on my gun with just air. As long as I am there. I only let them shoot my paint if I know them, and they have let me do the same in the past. I think someone mentioned a kid who always borrowed peoples gear. Yea there is one of those at my field too. The arse even came to a tourny with NO MARKER. He saw me using a mag and comes up to me and says sense your using that can I use your timmy. Well lets see I'm not using it so it must be broken idiot. He is such a loser. Ok enough of that. But yea I don't mind unless they shoot my paint.

11-27-2003, 09:57 AM
I have never asked for paint, nor air, when folks just want to test my RTP unless they wanted to rip through a hopper or so. If they want to rip off a couple strings, fine, no problem.

I have also never let anyone use my RTP in a game, aside from my family. But this is only because no one has ASKED. I have actually offered once or twice, but was always answered with “I don’t want to mess it up.” I can respect that, and don’t push.

What I HAVE done quite often though (at my place) is let folks rip though paint at the end of a day of playing. We have fun shooting at the target range I set up. We usually shoot away until either all our paint is gone, or all our air. And in this situation I am not worried about someone running into an obstacle with my RTP or jamming it into the ground, or half a million other bad things folks can do when playing. :D

11-27-2003, 12:55 PM
I'm not used to this problem that so many of you have gone through. Simply because I dont let anyone shoot my gun I just say no, I'm rude.

11-27-2003, 05:44 PM
Argh! Not the same, but close happened to me.

I'm near the staging area, decked out in 12 grams and 10 round tubes, and suddenly a bunch of people gather round and start asking about my 'sniper rifle' (phantom).

I start on the 'it's a pump, no more or less accurate...' speech when one guy grabs it out of my hands, and starts pumping it LIKE AN AIR RIFLE!

Naturally, it was already primed, and he managed to feed 3-4 balls in the barrel, then CHOP ONE on the SC body. I just about pulled out my pgp and shot him in the face.

*shakes his fist*



land hurricane
11-27-2003, 07:20 PM
i'm that guy at my local field using everyone else's paint.


11-27-2003, 11:15 PM
For the most part the guns i try are the rippin' fast type guns. There is usually a procedure i run through, but for the most part its just common sense.

1) I always ask before touching their gun first first.

2) Then ill ask them to turn off their hopper for me, especially if its a Halo. If the hopper is empty or low, i'll put a pod of my paint paint there.

3) Rip away and comment on the trigger job.

Most paintballer i run across tend to wanna show of their trigger jobs and gun capabilities anyways.

11-28-2003, 12:23 PM
at my local field (BFG in wisconsin), i only let the regular players that i know personally, or have become friends with, they know that they should only put a few balls through it, and then they let me do the same with their gun

otherwise, i'll let the new players with rentals try out my gun with air, let them realize what they can build up to once they set their mind to the sport, etc, etc, etc...

not to mention i get free all-day air at my field :D

11-28-2003, 04:38 PM
I normally don't care if someone wants to try out my gun as long as they ask as long it's only a few shots. If they want to start dumping paint then they better have paint in hand. Normally people are just happy shooting air if they've never shot a mag so I just pull the hopper off and they can shoot all the air they want.

As far as lending my gun out to borrow for games I normally only let my friends do that since I just don't want some kid to screw my gun which has happened in the past and have them not even care.

11-28-2003, 08:02 PM
yeah i had like 10 people ask me that when i got my matrix. i let the owner of the field shoot it and he used all the paint in my hopper and got another 500 round bag and put another hopper through it! but then he gave me the rest of the 500 round bag :D

11-28-2003, 09:48 PM
I figure it this way... Trying guns is what sold me on my first mag, first Angel and even sold me on the 2k2 timmy I have now. Letting someone try mine is the least I can do seeing that I have shot alot of other folks guns. Now I always have a keen eye on anyone with their hands on my gear. And yeah... I do get iritated if someone shoots a whole hopper of paint. I normaly dump my hopper and say have at it.

11-28-2003, 10:46 PM
At the AKA booth at the IAO I emptied all Vikings and Excaliburs on the table like 3 times.

11-29-2003, 11:52 AM
Well, this has never happened to me but if someone asked I would be liek "Sure, just bring it back in one piece" but hey, my marker sucks anyway so......