View Full Version : Limited Edition MAGMA pattern Xmags

11-25-2003, 04:21 PM
AO Members,

Because of the Holidays, we have decided to release these Limited Edition X-mags. They were to be used for an event but that never happened so we are passing them down to you!!!

They are called the "Magma X-Mag" and there are only 2 in existence.

They only come with the vertical feed adapter and are going for only $1200.00 plus shipping & handling until tomorrow!!!

Get it now before someone else does!!!



11-25-2003, 04:22 PM
well, thats very interesting to say the least.....

11-25-2003, 04:27 PM
"Greaaaat...I just threw up in my mouth...."

:p I guess its "different"

11-25-2003, 04:28 PM
Wow, very unique!

"You forget Scott. We're in a volcano. We're surrounded by liquid hot MAG-ma."

11-25-2003, 04:29 PM

Now that's not something you see everyday.

11-25-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by TheTramp

Now that's not something you see everyday.

there might be a very good reason for that.

11-25-2003, 04:45 PM
What the hell are they doing, why do they keep crapping these away. I can count 5 x-mags so far that could have gone to people on the waiting list. Instead they now have 5 x-mags that nobody wants.

Creative Mayhem
11-25-2003, 04:55 PM
M'kay..... :confused:

11-25-2003, 05:26 PM
I had no idea the Spetsnaz camo pattern was such an attractive anno job. :rolleyes:

11-25-2003, 05:38 PM
Ew, could've done more attractive anos than that (even if they had to resemble lava).

11-25-2003, 05:41 PM
Shoot... for 1200 bucks though!

Um... It's not that bad for the money. Another one that probably looks better up close and in hand. I'd buy one. For that money I would.

11-25-2003, 05:50 PM
that makes me dizzy looking at it. it probably does look better in person though. although if i doesn't you could always use it to confuse your opponents. just wave it around and let the overwhelming vertigo take them out.

11-25-2003, 06:09 PM
The pattern looks like vomit :eek:

11-25-2003, 06:11 PM
Wow, I actually like that anno alot. Too bad there isn't a chance I can get one, cuz I love that.

11-25-2003, 06:59 PM

why becuse people are the waitning list are to dumb to pick it up.

now if that deal gets any better..........

11-25-2003, 07:34 PM
Wooh, someone get some of that pine scented air freshener in here.

11-25-2003, 07:36 PM

11-25-2003, 07:42 PM
If I had 1,200 I would by one and Reanno, because those things are FUGLY!

11-25-2003, 08:01 PM
ok i got cash for one of these puppies. Jon u got my contact info.

11-25-2003, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

why becuse people are the waitning list are to dumb to pick it up.
Or because people on the waiting list want the exact color they chose on their $1000+ limmited production gun.

11-25-2003, 08:12 PM
i still think that butch from AGD pride has the coolest looking anno job in the WORLD!!!!!!

11-25-2003, 08:29 PM
that anno job is so ugly that if i have to look at it again i might just go blind

big chops i agree butch's anno is tight

11-25-2003, 08:41 PM
Am I the only one that DEFINITELY wouldn't mind having one of these?!?!? "Different" isn't bad, in my book... and this baby would definitely stand out!! Not to mention, it's still an X-mag...

11-25-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy

Actualy, no. It doesn´t amigo ;)

11-25-2003, 08:55 PM
I like it!

Too bad it is exactly $1197.00 and um.. .23 cents out of my price range:(

11-25-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind

Or because people on the waiting list want the exact color they chose on their $1000+ limmited production gun.

not many folks get the choice for 1k.

11-25-2003, 09:04 PM
Someone remind me why people are being delayed for ugly guns like this?

11-25-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Wow, very unique!

"You forget Scott. We're in a volcano. We're surrounded by liquid hot MAG-ma."

haha, I though of the same quote.

11-25-2003, 09:37 PM
it reminds me of those "hidden picture" things that were so popular a few years back. If you stare real hard and concentrate, you might just see Tom's face :)

11-25-2003, 09:43 PM
can I sand that off?

11-25-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by thecavemankevin
it reminds me of those "hidden picture" things that were so popular a few years back. If you stare real hard and concentrate, you might just see Tom's face :)

Magic Eyes?

Kaiser Bob
11-25-2003, 10:46 PM
I like the anno job...it really does look like magma. I'd buy it in a heart beat if I had the mmoney. But KB made me buy the NYX for him. Bleh. Plus let us not crap on the gun too much guys...it is an x-mag nontheless.

Moon Shadow
11-25-2003, 10:49 PM
my bad forgot to log KB out.....that last post was from me.

11-25-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Kaiser Bob
... But KB made me buy the NYX for him...

Umm... KB you off the medication? You know you can't do that right? Cause you gonna go back to that place if you don't take your pills right?


(I suspect this is GF?)

11-25-2003, 10:51 PM
LOL.... I knew it. Hey Moon. I couldn't resist though.

I said it early on and I say it again. I would buy it. Nice price too.

11-26-2003, 01:49 AM
What the heck is going on with the Anno jobs lately?

I really don't need a Rorschach test anno'd on my marker,thanks.


11-26-2003, 01:59 AM
Now if they did it with various shades of blue and black..I'd take that...

11-26-2003, 02:30 AM

That X-Mag looks like it could give your opponents an epeleptic siezure if they look at it while you are moving.

I guess that is a great way to bunker more foes!;)

titan aresta
11-26-2003, 08:44 AM
looks like one of those patterns that needs to be seen in person to really get a good idea if it is good looking or not.
Similar to the Lava Blazer. Looks bad in picture, but it is quite nice in person.

now if i only could afford to spend $1200...
(yeah yeah, story of AGDs life)

11-26-2003, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

"You forget Scott. We're in a volcano. We're surrounded by liquid hot MAG-ma."

Hahaha... haha.. :D Great reference.

11-26-2003, 03:23 PM
I think it looks funky. A good kind of funky. It's not the anno I would choose, but it's not bad. If I were in the market for an X-Mag I would snatch it up at that price.

Capo - LOL! :D

11-26-2003, 04:17 PM
looks like the Adrenalin Mexican Camo ano

11-26-2003, 05:41 PM
I like it :)

11-26-2003, 10:40 PM
Its something thats nice, but not something id really want :)

11-27-2003, 11:13 AM
so have these things sold yet? i am very undesided on if i like it or not....but its a x-mag none the less

11-27-2003, 03:22 PM
My question is... Can you get a better pic of it? Someone take a 5 megapixel shot of this beast and post it. That pix is uber-low res, I wanna see some detail under some good light. Could change a lot of opinions on it!

11-27-2003, 08:49 PM
I like it!

Whoever gets these should get "Montezuma's Revenge" laser engraved down the side.

11-27-2003, 11:17 PM
I think it looks ugly if i wud buy that ugly thing i wud prolly ano it black lol.... and you guys who say it look like mexican camo its cheap mexican camo.... it might have looked better if it was acid or splash try that then ill buy it bc i got 1200 to spend

11-28-2003, 01:11 AM
Definately reminds me of the Adrenalins Fire and Ice series anno jobs they did a couple years ago. Ive said it before and Ill say it again... you people and your player hatin atttidue of the "Old School" annos just plain suck.

11-28-2003, 01:48 AM
wow thats the most ghetto "shizz" ive ever heard u better not be white you honky lol:D

11-28-2003, 01:50 AM
wow thats the most ghetto "shizz" ive ever heard u better not be white you honky lol:D

Definately reminds me of the Adrenalins Fire and Ice series anno jobs they did a couple years ago. Ive said it before and Ill say it again... you people and your player hatin atttidue of the "Old School" annos just plain suck

11-28-2003, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by FragTek
My question is... Can you get a better pic of it? Someone take a 5 megapixel shot of this beast and post it. That pix is uber-low res, I wanna see some detail under some good light. Could change a lot of opinions on it!


11-28-2003, 08:26 PM
No...we cannot do that unless you sign a waver. It could kill you....


11-28-2003, 09:28 PM
Photosensitive light seizures may occur? lol. :D Me want pix!

11-29-2003, 12:45 AM
SeIsUrE rObOtS :eek:

11-29-2003, 12:58 AM
that is the most ubliest anno i have seen in my life!!

Which crackhead did that abortion of a anno?

It looks like a Cheeto

Or thats Chester Cheetah's X-Mag?:confused:

11-29-2003, 03:47 PM
Hey, this is a good looking marker!! Take a close look at it...it almost looks 3D! I could see this would definately be more impressive in person...and it would be rare to see another marker like it! :D It IS an XMAG after all!!;)

11-30-2003, 02:07 AM
Hell,... I'd do 'er :D

11-30-2003, 12:25 PM
Did Tom Kaye throw up on these and call it an anno? Wow, thats odd.

11-30-2003, 12:37 PM
Well since no one seems to want it you could just give it to me because.... well, you just should by golly! :D

11-30-2003, 12:38 PM
If you'll hold it for a few months i'll take it off you hand, an x-mag is an x-mag.

11-30-2003, 03:54 PM
Hm, it doesn't look that bad. Doesn't look like magma/lava I'm used to, but I prefer mafics, not felsics. Reminds me of some videos of cinder cones. It's really a fantastic annodizing job. Heck, I just want to know HOW THAT was done, with all those irregular spots like it has. If I wanted a 1200 electro, I'd definately buy it. But I'm really not a fan of e-mags, or other electros, although I do like looking at pictures of such.

12-01-2003, 01:18 AM
WOW! Great anodizing! I had actually been thinking about something along those lines - I am upgrading my current mag to an x-valved mag, and I plan to get a yellow-orange-red fade; however, my parents are buying me an omen for chanukka, and I might get that ano job on it!


12-01-2003, 06:59 PM
The Fruitcake Edition X-mag. Gotta love them cherries!

12-01-2003, 09:45 PM
That thang is gorgeous!!! wowzers! If I didn't already have a full AGD quiver (including an xmag), guess what I would have for a Christmas present to myself!

I think everyone is crazy - it is just plain beautifull!
mmmm..... one more look!
wow, just... WOW! (and it's not even green!)

12-02-2003, 03:20 PM
I asked Jon this afternoon if these were sold and he said as far as he knew neither of them was.



12-02-2003, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
cause they're ugly

12-02-2003, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
I asked Jon this afternoon if these were sold and he said as far as he knew neither of them was.



Now ask Jon if he wants to give me one for my b-day on the 5th :D

Ohhhhhhh Jon!

12-02-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370

cause they're ugly

Your so mean.... :(

But but.... but.... they CHEAP!!!!


12-02-2003, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

Your so mean.... :(

But but.... but.... they CHEAP!!!!

so a re-anno would could still be afforded

12-02-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370

so a re-anno would could still be afforded

That or you could sit down with the appropriate colored paint pen and after many MANY hours could have a solid color...


12-02-2003, 05:14 PM
what's with all the ugly talk. this ano is beautiful.

and as far as why they are still there?
If I didn't already have a full AGD quiver :)
just can't make the justification work out (yet).

12-02-2003, 06:04 PM
I'd be proud to own one too Preacher. I mean you would be one of just two EVER to own one like that. I like em. They dazzle me. I wish I had the money for one to. Also cannot justify it. Course if I can just get the kid convinced he doesn't really NEED to go to College.... hmm.....


12-02-2003, 06:06 PM
If I could find enough change in my couch, pockets, bank accounts...

Arg! Maybe I'll panhandle on the street for extra cash.

"Will dance for X-Mag"

12-02-2003, 07:25 PM
Well..If I wasn't mad as heck about my blue one that I'm trying to sell now I would have bought one of these..

12-02-2003, 07:30 PM
i think its sweet! sure i may not be to cool with the colors but the anno job is nice very diff and thats hard to come by now a days

12-02-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
Well..If I wasn't mad as heck about my blue one that I'm trying to sell now I would have bought one of these..

Dont kid yourself.... you know you wouldnt :D

12-02-2003, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by LaW

Dont kid yourself.... you know you wouldnt :D

Actually I probably would..heck..if someone wants to trade me a Magma straight up for my Blue X-Mag I'd probably consider it..as long as the voodoo curse leaves with the blue one..

12-02-2003, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy

Actually I probably would..heck..if someone wants to trade me a Magma straight up for my Blue X-Mag I'd probably consider it..as long as the voodoo curse leaves with the blue one..

You know that might not be that hard to do. If I were you I would maybe ask for that as a solution to the whole problem.

12-02-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy

Actually I probably would..heck..if someone wants to trade me a Magma straight up for my Blue X-Mag I'd probably consider it..as long as the voodoo curse leaves with the blue one..

I can arrange it tomorrow. And have em re-tech the Magma to be sure. Just say the word Dan.

12-02-2003, 08:35 PM
darn..it's put up or shut up time now...oh boy...guess I can't come out and say darn...AGD should do an Elements series of X-Mags...those are fire...we just need to do water, air and earth...Blues,Grays and Greens as the main component colors respectively..

12-02-2003, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

I can arrange it tomorrow. And have em re-tech the Magma to be sure. Just say the word Dan.

Now that's customer service! Too bad this wasn't an option brought up in that other thread.

12-02-2003, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by melster

Now that's customer service! Too bad this wasn't an option brought up in that other thread.

hehehe..well I was convinced that Bunny really loves that blue one. And I certinaly never new he even liked these. Never occured to me at all. And I still think he does like the blue one for looks. I workin on him HARD to get that one fixed. But yea I just didn't even think of this as an option but I am certian I can make it go if he is serious about it. But I still want to see him keep the Viagra. Its so him... :D Just kiddin ya Dan. ;)

12-02-2003, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
darn..it's put up or shut up time now...oh boy...guess I can't come out and say darn...

haha gotta watch what you say man. you may get exactly what you ask for.

12-03-2003, 12:08 AM
The thing looks liquid. Do they change colors when tipped?


12-03-2003, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by riooso
The thing looks liquid. Do they change colors when tipped?


I don't know..I'll tell you when mine arrives...hehehehehe....sorry..sold to the man with the furry big ears...they're all gone..

12-03-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy

I don't know..I'll tell you when mine arrives...hehehehehe....sorry..sold to the man with the furry big ears...they're all gone..

:confused: I am so confused. So you bought this X-mag?!

12-03-2003, 03:22 PM
Exchanged is the more correct term. The settlement to fix the issue he had.

12-03-2003, 03:23 PM
Oh I see, thanks for the clarification Phil. :)

12-03-2003, 03:24 PM

12-03-2003, 03:34 PM
So the question is, where is the big thank you thread coming from Dirty??? Show me another company that would bend over backwards TWICE for someone after being slapped in the face.

12-03-2003, 03:37 PM
Well I don't think thats nessicary. I think he had a real issue and we delt with it. Thats all. He chose a avenue of compensation that was doable and so Tom did it. No harm no foul. I would suspect that Bunny will wait until all is completed and he is satisfied with the marker to take a stand. And then I am hopefull he will be a happy customer. One thing I do know is that he really did want a X mag to play with or he would not have been open to a final solution.

12-03-2003, 03:39 PM
Ahh I see, well said. :cool:

12-03-2003, 04:00 PM


12-03-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by AGDJon


So..Jon..what's the story behind these two "unique" markers anyways?

12-03-2003, 05:17 PM
Glad you asked! I was just on the phone with Jon, not two minutes ago, but he got interupted and said he was going to call me right back... and this was the subject of the call! He was about to give me the scoop on that. I will post when he does call me back Bunny.

He will tell all... or is he just stalling for time till he can make something good up? LOL!:D

12-03-2003, 06:12 PM
Ok the word on this is that initialy there was no real purpose in mind for them at the time they were sent to anno. They were sent to Zupe with the instructions to do something expressively artistic to them with no real guidance. He was told to do something different and whatever he really wanted to do. If they were used later for a specific purpose or event it was to be decided later on. But not at the time Tom sent them. Tom just wanted to see what he would come up with. So you can say that the annodizer was given some freedom to decide what he wanted to do. And this and I think (not sure) the SE AO ones were done that way also. Forgot to ask if that was part of this. Again no particular thing was planned at the time they were done. It was to be decided later what to do with them. Special done but without a clear purpose until they returned.

So you can say they were the creation of the annodizer to express something he wanted to express. And limited because of that. They never found an event purpose for the Magma's at this point so Tom just decided to sell them here before Christmas. So thats the skinny on em. They are "Art Work" is what they are.

12-06-2003, 07:35 PM
are there any pics taken by teh people who own them or agd? the one we've all seen doesnt look too great imo. any better pics?

12-08-2003, 02:42 AM
as soon as i get mine I would love to bless everyone here on AO with pix..

12-09-2003, 06:55 PM
I'm goin through withdrawls....need....more...pictures...must...hav e...them...soon...may...not...survive... **my best William Shatner impersonation**

12-09-2003, 09:43 PM
Is DB getting another Mag? :eek:

12-09-2003, 11:47 PM
yes...I did...but the info about it is above..

12-10-2003, 08:14 AM
Cool. I'm glad you didn't give up. Hope it works out this time.....

12-11-2003, 08:13 PM
I just paid to have it sent overnight so I should be able to have some better pix by tomorrow night..

12-11-2003, 09:11 PM
OH well this is good news bunny. I been outa the loop the last few days and I just got here and see this! keep us up to date.

12-12-2003, 01:33 AM
I will...just gotta get the tracking number from Jon because he never sent it to me...what a goober..

12-12-2003, 08:15 AM
Ya he is... :D

12-12-2003, 11:00 AM
Yeah...just ask him how well he's doing at selling the Paris Hilton tape..

12-12-2003, 06:46 PM
Well either it didn't get out until this morning or the mail ain't run?

12-12-2003, 06:49 PM
actually they had the wrong address on the package...it was supposed to be here almost an hour ago...aarrrggghhh..

12-12-2003, 07:01 PM
They use the one I gave em? Heck I not sure which one I gave em now.... I had three for you! Work, home and your Dad I think. I thought I gave em your work....

12-12-2003, 07:09 PM
should have just been work and home...oh well...I've already called FedEx three times today...they're gonna hate me now..

12-12-2003, 07:11 PM
I thought I gave em your work....but not certain now. I only gave em one.

12-12-2003, 07:34 PM
it's supposed to be here by 5:30 pacific...if it isn't...FedEx is going to be hating life...because I'm a jerk to deal with on the phone in situations like this...

12-12-2003, 08:16 PM
I will never use FedEx again...idiots have no clue...

12-12-2003, 08:40 PM
So you are angry with Fedex because someone else put the wrong address on the package? :confused: Yeah that makes sense. :rolleyes:

12-12-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I will never use FedEx again...idiots have no clue...

sure they do. they get address, and deliver package. If address is incorrect they attempt delivery totally unaware it may be the wrong address. What part of that is so diffucult to understand.
It appears to be a lack of communication between the seller and purchaser.
Or did Fed Ex remove the shippers address and put their own on? Why would they do that? Probably want to see you have an anxiety attack or something to that affect after your call to them.
Settle it will be there.

12-12-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy


12-12-2003, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
So you are angry with Fedex because someone else put the wrong address on the package? :confused: Yeah that makes sense. :rolleyes:

No. I'm angry with FedEx because there was a problem and they did not attempt to contact anyone to correct the problem even though the package was sent overnight. If I hadn't have called them and been persistent about it they would have just delivered the package on Monday instead of letting me pick it up today.

12-13-2003, 12:03 AM
Oh so you did a same day hold for pickup. It's not standard proceedure to hold a package for pickup unless you call.

12-13-2003, 03:01 AM
I'm just not having any luck..the X-mag is beautiful...a little itty problem...but I'd rather go through the proper channels than saying anything on here..oh well..

12-13-2003, 03:59 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I'm just not having any luck..the X-mag is beautiful...a little itty problem...but I'd rather go through the proper channels than saying anything on here..oh well..


12-13-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I'm just not having any luck..the X-mag is beautiful...a little itty problem...but I'd rather go through the proper channels than saying anything on here..oh well..

NOW you wanna keep quiet?

I don't think so mister, we've all followed this thing long enough that I think we deserve some closure.

Spill it.;)


12-13-2003, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by RRfireblade

NOW you wanna keep quiet?

I don't think so mister, we've all followed this thing long enough that I think we deserve some closure.

Spill it.;)


Yeah I agree, anyway its in your nature :) haha comeon lets hear it!

12-13-2003, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I'm just not having any luck..the X-mag is beautiful...a little itty problem...but I'd rather go through the proper channels than saying anything on here..oh well..

:rolleyes: HAHAHAHA! yeah ok. the problem isn't saying things here. it's saying them over and over in multiple threads and then even starting a thread just for complaining, getting all melodramatic and taking your leave. then staying.

12-13-2003, 07:18 PM
i'm not really hip on the ano job, but it is an x-mag, and for that price it's the hotness.

12-14-2003, 02:22 PM
so pics? your killing us! :D

12-14-2003, 02:42 PM
ooops..I forgot to say earlier..I have to make a trip out to CompUSA or Fry's today...somehow the cable for my digital camera disappeared...so you should see them later today..

12-14-2003, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
it's more a nuisance than an actual issue...and you will only here about it here...I just have to pull the breech to one side (the right side) when screwing a barrel in or the breech will be misaligned and the gun won't fire because LX keeps resetting against the breech..

That shouldnt be like that. With my sfl though I have to have my breech resting perfectly straight on the body when I am screwing my barrel in or else the lvl10 does what you just said.

12-14-2003, 10:00 PM
By the way I was down in San Diego this weekend I got the pleasure of seeing this intersting marker. It is definatly better looking then the pictures on here but I really can't believe that DB is having this problem on top of the others. Kinda sux but I'm sure if it's fixable DB would be extremely happy.

12-14-2003, 11:05 PM
pics? :( :D

12-15-2003, 12:03 AM
here's the first one..




12-15-2003, 02:02 AM
No justice. those pics just simply put don't do this thing justice.

12-15-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by RoadDawg
No justice. those pics just simply put don't do this thing justice.

well..I do agree...but I think the third pic, although it's a little blurry, does the best job showing off the color..

12-15-2003, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy

well..I do agree...but I think the third pic, although it's a little blurry, does the best job showing off the color..

I think pictures of it in a bright outdoor daylight setting might do it better? :)

12-21-2003, 02:08 AM
Why the heck are you selling it now??? are you nuts?!?!?!

12-21-2003, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by LaW
Why the heck are you selling it now??? are you nuts?!?!?!

12-21-2003, 10:45 AM
It's not perfect enough!!!!!!!!

THE BREECH WIGGLES *GASP* My #10 did that, but it did not effect performance at all. But whatever. Thats two slaps to AGD! :rolleyes:

12-21-2003, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
It's not perfect enough!!!!!!!!

THE BREECH WIGGLES *GASP* My #10 did that, but it did not effect performance at all. But whatever. Thats two slaps to AGD! :rolleyes:

Are you serious??:eek:

Screw the barrell in tighter then! Jeez!;)

12-21-2003, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
It's not perfect enough!!!!!!!!

THE BREECH WIGGLES *GASP* My #10 did that, but it did not effect performance at all. But whatever. Thats two slaps to AGD! :rolleyes: Come on now, we don't have to be mean. (Buckaroo Banzai)

Anyway, whether it was somthing as serious as a loose breech module or as miniscule as a loose breech module, all I know is it's a marker that cost well over a grand. Some people are a bit more choosy than others for that kind of money. I am not gonna dis DB for that. Heck I got a euro-mag (no ULE gripframe), and I was satisfied.

DB, good luck on your endeavors in finding a marker that is right for you. I may not have agreed with everything you may have posted about in the past on this issue, but seriously, if it isn't just right for you, then I don't blame you one iota for looking for something you are more "comfortable" with.

12-21-2003, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
It's not perfect enough!!!!!!!!

THE BREECH WIGGLES *GASP* My #10 did that, but it did not effect performance at all. But whatever. Thats two slaps to AGD! :rolleyes:

Well...it's nice to see someone so entrenched in AGD show that they have no idea what they're talking about...

It has nothing to do with a loose breech module and I don't have to justify myself to you...I decided it wasn't for me...respect my decision and we can both move on..

12-21-2003, 06:37 PM
You yourself said it was because of a loose breech module.

12-22-2003, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
You yourself said it was because of a loose breech module.

Don't you just hateit when your own words come back to bite you on the rump DB!:p

X-Mags rule all!

My wife waited 4 months for mine and I shall never part with it!:D

12-22-2003, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

My wife waited 4 months for mine and I shall never part with it!:D

The Xmag or your wife?;)

12-22-2003, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by RRfireblade

The Xmag or your wife?;)


Neither, The wife because she bought the X-Mag and well the X-Mag because it came from the wife!:D

12-22-2003, 12:46 AM
Darn,I had to come to the same conclusion myself.I was hoping to live vicariously through you.

Oh well........"Coming dear!!!"

Gotta go.:(


12-22-2003, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
You yourself said it was because of a loose breech module.

No. What I stated was the fact that I had to hold the gun perfectly level when screwing in the barrel or the breech would slightly misalign and cause the gun not to be able to cycle. The reason for the issue in the first place is because the gun has so many layers of anno because of the design that the tolerances are a little more strict than a normal X..

The issue that I stated above had nothing to do with my decision to sell the marker.

12-28-2003, 11:59 AM
One on Ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3649689494&category=16048)

12-29-2003, 01:46 PM
Anyone know if this is a valid auction?

12-29-2003, 02:16 PM
My friend is the guy who bought the X-Mag off DB.
He just played with it yesterday and had a blast.
No problems with the breech or anything else.
DB, thanks for the great deal that's helping to get my bud back into paintball.
not to mention making me itch for a ULE emag of my own)


12-29-2003, 04:29 PM
Since Arawn's friend is teh owner of one and there are only two, can the other owner verify the ebay auction, please?

12-29-2003, 06:42 PM
I can say its not me selling as I'm Arawn's friend that bought Dirty Bunny's. Great marker, funny that they both came up for sale again within a week of each other.