View Full Version : hyperframe help!! need info asap

11-25-2003, 06:47 PM
I am still waiting for the seller to send my hyperframe and he is just now getting to test it out. I wanted him to put a new battery in it to see if it turned on, and I am glad I asked now. He put the new battery in and it did not turn on. The frame is not on a marker right now, does that make a difference? Also, if it is a major problem (not just a loose solder point) how much would it cost to fix this? I was going to send it to centerflag to get a 20 bps board installed anyways, but is this board what could be wrong or would it be another item in the frame? I am need of a quick answer so I can either discount the frame or call centerflag to see what they think. I thought maybe someone could help me here first. Thanks for any info my fellow maggers.

11-25-2003, 08:14 PM
No, it doesn't have to be attached to anything. There are wires that plug into the board. Could be loose. Could be the battery. The credit for trading in your old board for the new 20bps board is $35. So, if it's bad that is how much you are out.

Here is link to my Hyperframe FAQ (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=79328). You might find something useful there. :D

Big'n slo
11-25-2003, 10:47 PM
FYI, I called Centerflag last friday, they no longer credit you for the old boards. You have to buy the new boards outright now.

11-26-2003, 07:30 AM
not saying that it is cheap or anything, but i donot mind paying the $75 if it will fix the frame. thanks for the info also. i guess i will call them today to see what they think about it. the board ($75) is the main part of the frame i am assuming, anything else that could be wrong that i would have to pay for? i am getting the frame for a really good price, so i guess money will have to fix yet another problem for me :eek: . i will keep every1 updated about my frame, tech support, and prices. thanks again

11-26-2003, 04:48 PM
bad news
well i just called centerflag. here is the verdict. a new boad now costs $120 or $98 depending on which one you want. $120 gets you a 20 bps board that is semi only. $98 gets you a normal board (semi-burst-full auto) but i do not know if it is 20 bps. there is a $35 service charge for installing it also. at this point i just told the guy i would send him my whole marker (after i get the xvalve and ule body) so he cold set it all up. Basically, the $35 charge is per hour so it will still be $35 for him to set it up and install the new board. Looks like $150-175 more dollars for my mag rebuild :eek: at this point i wonder wh i did not just get a used angel :confused: then i wouldnt be a maghead!!!:D
let me know your opinions

Big'n slo
11-26-2003, 05:03 PM

I can almost guarantee the new $98 board is 20bps capable, mostly because the older boards did not have the Full-auto option, it was a hyper-mode (sustained 5pps fired 10-12bps).

But man $98!?! I bought a 20bps board a while back and it was only $78 outright? Wonder why they up'd it?

These frames aren't really hard to work on but if you have the time and $$ send the whole gun in so you can play with it before you have to work on it.

11-26-2003, 05:12 PM
big, thanks for the info. a few other people said theres were under $80 also. i guess i missed the sale! :mad:
i just thought it was kind of weird that a semi only board is more than a multi function board. shouldnt that be the other way around?! the only reason i would send my whole marker in is the fact that i want the tech to install the ule trigger kit, fix the sear-bolt hitting problem, and tuning in the xvalve+level 10 with the hyperframe. i am new to everyone of those aspects so i would much rather pay to have it done right than to install and tune everything my self just to find out i screwed up my bolt and sear, destroyed my on/off pin, and damaged my new $100+ board :eek: if it was just a new board being put on my marker i could handle it, but way too many factors for me to handle right now :D thanks for anymore comments

11-27-2003, 07:31 PM
just uping this in case someone else could possbily help me out. have a great turkey day

12-01-2003, 12:43 PM
Have you already sent it in?

I'd first install and tune the level 10.

Next, install and tune the ULE Trigger (without the hyperframe).

Last, install the hyperframe and adjust the solenoid.

It's really not that hard, but there are three different things to "tune".

I guess the price went up. I got one of the first ones, and the salesman quoted me a price that was $5 under what they were selling them for. Centerflag honored it when I called them to order.

12-01-2003, 04:32 PM
i have not sent it in yet. i have not even bought my x valve. i am awaiting arrival of my ule trigger and hyperframe. I am going to hav to send the hyperframe off regardless because I do not think it works.

12-02-2003, 10:49 AM
You do realise that you have to hold in the "mode" button for a second to turn the Hyperframe on? It's not just a case of connecting the battery.....

12-02-2003, 04:23 PM
if you are talking to me, in which i think you are, i do not have the hyperrame yet. i am buying it and the seller tried to turn it on with no response. i hope that he is just slow and did not realize that you had to hold it in :D that could save me at least $100!! ill let you know when I get it.

12-13-2003, 06:24 PM
I sent my gun in a while back and i just got in contact with centerflag and they told me the new 20 bps board cost 130. I was shocked and called back the next day and talked to somone higher up an ow getting the board for 75. I don know if its because they kept my gun for like two months without fixing it but i only paid 75 for the board.

12-13-2003, 08:16 PM
hhmmm.....i might have to ask for a manager or something also. thanks for the tip

12-15-2003, 04:14 PM
Hello everyone. The price for the boards is $99. Period. Our HyperFrame technician had a price sheet that was incorrect. The $99 is for any electronic board that we carry. We currently have a semi-auto only that is capped at 20bps, and we have a multi-mode board that has semi, burst, and full auto functions that is also capped at 20bps. The price has gone up from $75 because our costs for these boards has gone up tremondously, and are also in VERY short supply right now. We have also discontinued our trade-in program for old HyperFrame boards.

Regarding the used HyperFrame that you purchased, I would send it in to have it repaired instead of just having the whole board replaced. You may just have a bad battery cable which is MUCH cheaper to replace than the whole board!

The Marketing Guy for CenterFlag Paintball Products

Big'n slo
12-15-2003, 04:25 PM
Thank you Sammo!

Good to know the real deal on these new boards.

Question for you, would Centerflag want old boards that don't work?
Even if the trade-in program is over could the old boards be reconditioned?

12-15-2003, 04:30 PM
CenterFlag doesn't want old boards back. We really have no way of reconditioning them. We found the cost to recondition them was 1) Too cost prohibitive, 2) Ethically, couldn't be resold as brand new, and 3) we ran out of sponsored players to give them to because they couldn't be sold as brand new.


Big'n slo
12-15-2003, 04:32 PM
Thank you again Sammo,

Great to know company reps are checking in on our little world. :D

12-15-2003, 04:52 PM
wow, my answer straight from the company. thank you very very much sammo. i would getting lost in the 5 different prices given to everyone here, thanks for clearing that up. i will be buying a new board very soon. thanks for your time and info!!! :D