View Full Version : Will CO2 hurt my mag?

11-25-2003, 07:02 PM
Yo I got a 68automag classic with powerfeed, I was wondering if I use CO2 will it hurt my mag? I was just gunna use CO2 for a couple games and then upgrade to N2 but I just want to know if using CO2 is gunna damage my gun at all. Thanx for the help... later

11-25-2003, 08:15 PM
No, it will not hurt it.

11-25-2003, 09:16 PM
Its not bad except you might want an expansion. i dont have one because im gettin n2 in about 3 weeks. but my gun is runin good. except it shoots down alot. i think it might be the co2.

Lord Headley
11-26-2003, 01:41 AM
I used CO2 for 6 months on my minimag, it wont hurt it at all. I never had any shoot down problems actually, prob helped it was hot everytime i played :)

- Brian

11-26-2003, 01:06 PM
yeah, get a cheap expansion chamber(20$)...at the very least youll need an anti siphon tube (15$ installed) in your co2 tank, this will keep the liquid co2 from getting into your gun and causing all kinds of fun tricks like: insaine velocity spikes from 250fps to 550 fps..frozen reg, causing some nice leakage of snow out the back reg piston..blown orings caused but extreme temperature and pressure differences.
Back in the day Co2 was pretty much the only option, and the automag68 was the tournament players #1 choice because they worked so well/reliably. I ran an automag68, now called a classic mag, on Co2 for 5 years (from 1994-1999) and I never had any problems -I still have the gun and it still works great. But I had a good expansion chamber, and an antisiphon tube in the Co2 tank.