View Full Version : Barrel breaks & temperature

11-25-2003, 07:49 PM
At our mini AO day this weekend, the temp was mid-50's with a 25MPH wind. We ALL had major barrel breakage.

I have played with this bunch enough to know that is a real fluke. Finally solved it by going with a much bigger bore than I would normally use for the paint in use.

Wondering at what temps do you normally have to change barrels or otherwise compensate.

11-27-2003, 01:13 AM
My guess would be at around 50, since the recommended storage temperature of paint is something like 58 to 86 F.

11-29-2003, 11:20 AM
it was about 15F here and i had 2 barrel brakes, the rest of the probs is that all i had was co2 and my gun kept locking up

11-29-2003, 11:53 AM
I was playing in 30-40F weather with 32 degrees paint (horrible paint, but it field paint only), and it was ALL breaks, even with my level 10. When the paint warmed up a little it shot much better.

12-01-2003, 02:16 AM
buy a stiffi barrel! they are a little bit on the expensive side, but Carbon barrels don't or shrink with temperature..mine is shooting very quiet and very straight here in chicago (temp in the 30's)-plus they look cool and are the lightest barrel made-

12-01-2003, 02:33 PM
It is all due to barrel to paint match. When I started this week-end paint match was fine and my e-mag shot great, but as the temp rose all sort of barrel breaks started to happen. I had a freak system and pulled of the front tip and the insert off of my gun. The back part of the freak is all i had, and it shot fine. I had to change bore sizes 4 times in the event. I actually put the largest bore size at the end and had no more problems.

This is no the first time I had this problem, it always the barrel match.