View Full Version : How do you know its time to sell the goods?

11-26-2003, 12:50 AM
This question has been going through my mind lately about my paintball gear. I haven't played in over a year, therefore I haven't used my equipment in over a year but my markers were used every now and then by my bf. I don't plan on making a come back to pb anytime soon, so should I just go a head and sell the stuff instead of it collecting dust and cat hair?

11-26-2003, 01:57 AM
yeah but you didnt have to mention his name, that was low... :P

11-26-2003, 06:27 AM
Graycie? Why have you stopped playing? If you dont mind me asking...;)

11-26-2003, 09:04 AM
Ohhh... Paintball goods! I thought you were contemplating if it was the right time to "give up the goods"... Geez, I'm a tool. :D

The Frymarker
11-26-2003, 09:09 AM
jedi ahhhh haha:p

11-26-2003, 09:27 AM
I wouldnt just yet ... I went through the same thing some years ago and I regret now having done it since there was some good old time gear in my collection.

Like you saidm you play every now and then and your bf plays some also ... so its not like the gear is totally going to waste.

I would hold on to it for awhile ... because life has taught me that anytime you fell you have given up on a hobby you will somehow get back into it shortly after giving up all your gear. :) Been there with paintball, warhammer, snowboarding, etc ... :)

Its how us true pack-rats are born :)

***EDIT*** As a side note though, if you have anything you could autograph that you want to sell I would be interested :) Always looking for that odd collectable.


11-26-2003, 09:38 AM
I not sure paintball burn out is not a normal thing. We see it all the time around here. People take long breaks and such.

I think this way about it.... there is a diminishing value in this stuff (unless of course it gets collectable or what you got might become). If what you have is not collectable nor you think it will be then sell it now. Because if you decided to come back you gonna want the latest things. I would keep the clothes, pack/pods and maybe the masks so you could rent/borrow and play if you got the urge. But the markers and tanks.... let em go. While they still got some value.

11-26-2003, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by Tunaman
Graycie? Why have you stopped playing? If you dont mind me asking...;)

1. no time
2. no money
3. tired of all the BS associated with teams
4. tired of all the BS associated with the industry

11-26-2003, 10:22 AM
I can fully understand these two ... I have gone through three teams in as many years ...

Everyone wants to play, but no one wants to give out the commitment required to be a team. The said part was that it was almost always the same thing ...

The younger players had the desire and motivation to be at every practice and always wanting to play, but then they usually didnt have the cash to play all the time.

The older players had the money, but no drive or desire to be out there all the time.


Originally posted by graycie
3. tired of all the BS associated with teams
4. tired of all the BS associated with the industry

11-26-2003, 11:21 AM
What i did for a few guns was i sold it to people that i knew that were packrats. If you ever had the urge to come back, i knew they would have it and could buy it back from them. Usually they were friends of mine so i was able to keep it at the same cost as i sold it to them.

11-26-2003, 12:07 PM
Ragu, you have a whole arsenal so did it really make a difference if you were less a few?

11-26-2003, 12:09 PM
How do you know its time to sell the goods?
when you're addicted to crack, out of cash, and you're itching for your next fix.

11-26-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by graycie
Ragu, you have a whole arsenal so did it really make a difference if you were less a few?

I can't help it, i like variety. I've been looking into a timmy. Need to come a ccross some money.

11-26-2003, 10:14 PM
I been trying to sell my "goods" for a while now Amy... at 47 years old I think it's prolly too late to get much for em with the Viagra surcharge and all.... :D

11-26-2003, 10:38 PM
well, for my $0.02, I gave up on p/b for about 1 1/2 years .. BUT then my interest resurged. I would reccommend to hold off and keep your gear, worst case, you can alway's give it to your son/daughter.

I had my marker on ebay 3 times ... I just couldn't sell her after realizing how much blood/sweat/tears I put into her.

EDIT: after reading that over again, you'd think i was 60! ... alas I'm only 25

11-27-2003, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by graycie

1. no time
2. no money
3. tired of all the BS associated with teams
4. tired of all the BS associated with the industry I hear ya Girl. I also see lots of BS associated with tournament play. I have re-aligned my thinking to just play for fun. Thats what it all started out as right? Fun? So my advice to you would be to grab a beer, and a cheap mag. Hang out with us around here for awhile. Go to some close AO meets. You will surely have fun. Please stay in the loop Graycie...we need great people like you around here.;) :o

11-27-2003, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Tunaman
... Hang out with us around here for awhile. Go to some close AO meets. You will surely have fun. Please stay in the loop Graycie...we need great people like you around here.;) :o

Good point. Paintball will become fun again if you ditch the Tourney scene and get into the AO Meet scene. Just ask anyone that has been to one. It's paintball like it used to be again. Only funner!

11-27-2003, 05:05 PM
Consider playing in a big game or scenario game or 2 as a substitute for weekly paintball games. No tourney attitude and lots more fun.

I enjoy playing with most of the guys at our field, but I HATE the constant tourney atmosphere even at open play. I know it gets the rentals and newbies down because it's supposed to be a fun afternoon of paintball, not tourney practice. Sometimes I actually have to pull a player or 2 aside and tell them to "cool it... you're scaring the 13 year old with the rental gun". :) It's kinda sad that I have to do it... they should know better. It's like they're only programmed for ON and OFF, they're missing the HAVE FUN switch.

11-27-2003, 05:16 PM
I'm not too excited about playing PB with most people. Too much crap, people take it too seriously in the wrong kind of way. If I don't know people I'm playing with, I just won't play - I think I'm wasting my time and money.

There really isn't an easy way for me to get into the tourny scene locally, because I can't stand most of the people who play regularly... and I think most of them suck anyway... I'd have to start my own team with a select group of people.

Always look forward to play with AOers though, that's a blast... they make paintball fun.

For a little bit, I wanted to sell all my gear... I was talked out of it and was glad I was, because I've been using it some and will be getting back in it after a 2 year break.