11-26-2003, 06:22 AM
Ok, So I've got a bug in my drawers.

I want to film another music video. The music will more than likely be "Liberate" by Disturbed. Unless, naturally, something infinately cooler comes up songwise.

Here's where you come in. What indoor field would you AO IL / WI guys like to go to, shoot paint, get on this video, and be seen world wide at? "American Made" is over the 20,000 download point, And "Liberate" could easily hit that mark.

My window to film is December. I'm thinking 2nd or 3rd weekend of, before X-Mas? The "Winning" field will be contacted, and I'll ask them if we can invade, and make all the appropriate plans with them if they're ok with it. I don't think there will be a problem, but just because they "win" doesn't mean they'll be 100% behind the idea. I mean, it's like a meet, but not, so they may not be ready for us.

Ok, so vote! I want to feature AO as much as I can in this vid. Deadline to get your vote is 10 days from.... NOW!


Edited to fix typos, and to repair a mis-type. Sorry folks...

11-26-2003, 10:25 AM
BFG might be the best since it's the largest and it's well lit. Other than that, Country Club would do fine.

11-26-2003, 10:38 AM
If you film in Milwaulkee, you need to start the video with an homage to LaVerne and Shirley. :D

11-26-2003, 11:32 AM
hey man we just got an indoor field in madison. dedicated paintball. i haven't seen it yet though.

11-26-2003, 12:11 PM
CCP is damn expensive at 90* per case. And it isn't too well lit.

Never been to Tri-City, heard both good and bad. Its does seem to have nice lighting, but I the flooring(supposely shreaded sneakers) is a real pain.

If you choose between the two Illinois ones, choose the one with cheaper paint, that way we can all shoot more!!!!:D

11-26-2003, 12:22 PM
Well I said BFG so I can come out and say whats up but I just hate that place :)

You should probably take screamin acres off your list because they havn't had indoor paintball for tha past 2 years. I have not talked with any of the guys I know from there lately either. Last I heard there were concerns by the landowners.

11-26-2003, 02:18 PM
Dont forget the newew PBshooters in Oswego, IL Its a bit more of a drive for wisconsinites but ya cant beat $65 a case for an indoor field!

11-26-2003, 02:21 PM
If it's the right weekend in December I will most likely be back for the holidays.

But does anyone have a nice little breakdown (think spreadsheet) of the field fees/paint costs for each of the places.

Also, has anyone played at the St Charles place, recently? The last I saw it, it was not yet complete.

11-26-2003, 03:15 PM
I was there a couple weeks ago for theyre BYOB (as long as its white) day

4.5k fills (if i remember right), all airball (tho there was a collapsed bunker when i went, that they didnt reinflate), flooring (ground up nikes) is soft on your knees when sliding, but its even harder to get traction on than country clubs astro turf. Theres 2 side by side 3-5man fields altho during rec play the net dividing them is usually pulled back making one giant field with some pointless bunkers in the middle ( a snake doesnt work in the middle of the field). The also are fond of leaving the dividing net half open so its one large "C shaped" field with the two teams starting at the ends.

Overall I had fun. Its priced about the same as CC.

11-26-2003, 03:35 PM
Wow. PbShooters looks nice. It really isn't THAT much farther then CCP, and good price to boot.

Tyger, check it out at www.pbshooters.com

Edit: Looks a bit small....

11-26-2003, 04:23 PM
Ok, didn't know about them. Oops. I don't think I can modify the poll, unless a mod is nice enough to add it for me. If not, vote "Other" and say don here that pbshooters is your choice.

Other than that, lighting, size, all hat, can be worked around. Believe me. Video is a wnderful medium, You can make anyhing look like anything, if you film it right. :)


11-26-2003, 04:24 PM
Bfg is the only indoor paintball field i have played at
so i cant really make an informed decision
However be sure to inform us onn your finally decision cus i am down with playing

11-26-2003, 04:38 PM
This is the internet. Informed, unbiased decision have little to no place here. :) Vote for where you'd prefer to go. I've got a car, nd I'm not afraid to use it.


11-26-2003, 05:04 PM
There is a new indoor field in Madison, WI called Dedicated Paintball. Just opened up this week. They have a store in town as well. Decent people and prices as far as I can tell. Haven't made it out to the field yet though.

11-26-2003, 05:40 PM
Pbshooters for sure, very cheap, great people working their, the field is very long and not very wide, but you cant beat the prices. Thats my vote

11-26-2003, 05:43 PM
bfg, nice viewing area and great for the spots for taping too. i also want to come and watch.

also law, screaming acres website also has things from tournies they did this year. so they must have been running indoor games.

11-27-2003, 12:06 AM
I should ask this too, shouldn't I?

Reardless of location... WOULD you show up for filming, and how much 'notice' would you all need? Like I said, I want to feature AO in the video, and I'd like to see people show up for it too.

Jus realised that I'd lik some of you folks who vote one way to still be in the production...


11-27-2003, 12:10 AM
Definately atleast 2 weeks notice.

11-27-2003, 12:35 AM
Pbshooters, Also its well lit, and has a balcony area outside you could shoot some film from if you wanted

11-29-2003, 07:02 AM
A thought.

If I filmed one night (Friday) at BFG, thn the next night at CCP (Sat.), woud you all be willing to play at your respective "Close" field? I can move myself a LOT easier than I can 5-8 guys.

That way, I can really have fun, with more footage to play with.... AND you can choose which night works for you as a plyer / which field you want? (Or, hey, double dip and do both?)



11-29-2003, 01:49 PM
Thats an awesome idea!!!! That would be really cool.

Also, if anyone can make it to both, I say that maybe they should try and help out a fellow AOer.

11-29-2003, 01:55 PM
With enough notice, I might be able to show up.

11-29-2003, 02:28 PM
You should definitely give pbshooters a try, its a new field thats trying to get started and if people saw your video of it they might give a chance to try it. Plus, its cheaper then all indoor fields in chicago area. The owner is willing to do anything, hes very accomatating.

11-29-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by MayAMonkeyBeYourPinata
Pbshooters, Also its well lit, and has a balcony area outside you could shoot some film from if you wanted

Just played at PBShooters last night. The field surface is great! Think of black potter's soil for the surface. It's good enough for sliding, yet not slippery (unlike CCP or BFG)

A note about the balcony areas - they are behind netting, so shooting with a camera through the netting will produce sub-optimal video, and the lighting isn't the greatest since it comes down through netting. But overall it's a nice field and much more convenient to get to for the people coming from Wisconsin (as opposed to CCP).

However, what tony3 said is true. They just opened, about September or so. And to get a group gathering like this he [the owner] might be inclined to throw a deal our way. Especially considering the exposure that could be obtained by appearing in a paintball video (free advertising). Best part of it is, it is BYOP at times.

11-29-2003, 02:55 PM
i myself work at country club paintball as a ref and if you would do it there i know george the owner will give you guys a hell of a deal on paint and prices. i can ask him what he thinks and ill let you know tyger. we just got a whole new field set up with an xball X and everything and new lighting so its well lite. ill let you know what he said.


11-29-2003, 04:26 PM
alkafluence and tony3 both have made good points. Considering that this is a new field, any exposure would defiently be appreciated by the owner. Why not help the paintballing community grow? I think thats what we all want to happen.

If what rmmatt153 is true, and you decide pbshooters isn't too great a place to shoot, then you may try to talk to george about prices.

I would much rather see this new field get more attention. That way only us paintballers would benefit.

11-29-2003, 05:53 PM
Hey Tyger in Chatam, IL Battlegorunds (our local field) is hosting a tournament in their new field. Tournament is Rookie/Novice and it is on December 14. You want find much in the way of mags, but we could get some AO teams to come play. IF you want anymore details email me at [email protected].

11-29-2003, 07:31 PM
Ok, umm, Let my ankle heal up here, and I may hit up all three at this point. Just not in the same weekend. That would hurt. A lot.

Or hit them all in a lost weekend style... (cringe)

Ok, Umm, I'm going to start a new theat in a week or so, I'll talk to BFG, CCP, and PB Shooters. If I can arrange it, I'll hit all three in a massive weekend of filming, make 2-3 vids from it. It could be intresting.


11-30-2003, 10:41 PM
I want to be seen....

...wait i have to wear clothes right.....?.....nuts!

11-30-2003, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by alkafluence

Also, has anyone played at the St Charles place, recently? The last I saw it, it was not yet complete.

I went there 3 days ago... (Friday the 28th)

It was only 225 ft by 65 aprox. It wasn't great but it had two wash rooms...but the refs suck...

...they had one ref on the field no matter if there was 2 people playing or 18.

...i was called out on splatter from the air bunkers at least 8 times.

...I went cause it was BYOP...I wonldn't go back again unless it another BYOP or they r handing out 2k2 timmys with red/black fades ......sorry i just drooled on myself a little bit ;)

12-01-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by RenagadeOfFunkRTPcf
I want to be seen....

...wait i have to wear clothes right.....?.....nuts!

It's recomended. Takes the sting outta paintballs. :) Not to mention that I can't film that and show it to the little kiddies out there! I mean, think of the children! :)


12-01-2003, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Tyger

It's recomended. Takes the sting outta paintballs. :) Not to mention that I can't film that and show it to the little kiddies out there! I mean, think of the children! :)


...i guess i don't want to hurt that much...

...but i wont think of the children!

12-02-2003, 11:47 PM

...come on...tyger needs more input!

Nick O time
12-03-2003, 12:10 AM
i know madcow plays there, alot of Pie Rev guys, and just a bunch of other people from AO that we know. When you do film it make sure its on a friday night and talk to the owner he is really nice, he will let you go out on the field and tape it and stuff. BFG is sweet tape it there man.

BFG is actually in Germantown(I understand why you put Milwaukee but just clearifying) Germantown is a much safer area than most parts of Milwaukee.:)

12-03-2003, 12:31 AM
btw, BFG is in Germantown :D

but come to BFG on a friday and i'll be there :D

12-03-2003, 01:58 AM
(and the 14th... RIGHT SNEAKY!)

Definately atleast 2 weeks notice.

Oh, and bfg would be the best bet... keep us informed, i WILL be able to make it down there :D

(tyger, were u the guy at sams game 2 that was checkin out my stickers? :D)

12-03-2003, 05:32 AM
Same me, yes.

Tomorrow I'm gonna call BFG and CCP, organise the filming dates. I'll start a new thread over on "Reional", and post a linkover in this thread.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get it all in by X-mas, for a before New Year's video debut


12-03-2003, 12:20 PM
dude, BFG by far. they have the best safety conditions, store, paint to use, friendly atmosphere. the only thing i don't like about that place is that the prices are a little iffy. meh its worth it :D

12-03-2003, 05:49 PM
Ok, new thread, new place, more topical over there.


Take a look, that's the schedule for filming. :) Enjoy!


12-03-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by snoogans
dude, BFG by far. they have the best safety conditions, store, paint to use, friendly atmosphere. the only thing i don't like about that place is that the prices are a little iffy. meh its worth it :D but look at the price of sams paint :eek: