View Full Version : What do RT's use?

11-27-2003, 12:41 AM
Ok, What type of barrels do Rt's use? Are they the same as AutoMags???? HELP

11-27-2003, 12:44 AM
Yep, unless they have the new ULE alluminum body, which uses cocker barrels.

11-27-2003, 07:02 AM
Okay, personman didn't say too much so I'll elaborate (spelling?). RT's are the same as Automags. They use Automag barrels, UNLESS your RT has a ULE body on it, in which case they would use autococker barrels. So if you don't know the difference between bodies, if the body has a powerfeed on it you're going to be using an automag barrel.

11-27-2003, 10:12 AM
There are not any RT's with ULE bodies that I know of. Unless someone made one I not heard about. The Valve will not fit in a ULE body thats currenty made today. And I have not heard that AGD plans to make a RT ULE body. If you want ULE you have to change it all. Valve included.

There are however plenty of RT Pro's that have em because its a direct swap out.

Just to clear up the confusion between RT and RT Pro. Not that anyone meant that but just in case...

But they all used the same barrels with the older style SS bodies.

11-27-2003, 06:18 PM
cphilip,,i think what the other guys ment when they said " if the RT has a ULE body " was if the RT had been upgraded at AGD and had the new ULE body put on it.The upgrade package for old RT's includes the ULE body.

11-27-2003, 08:29 PM
I know what he ment. And the simple correct answer was just a plain "yes". And I know what they ment. But they did not take the time to clarify it. So I did.

Several people decided to go further in thier answer in case he ment ULE. Without addressing the difference between RT and RT Pro. Which MIGHT have been missleading. So I clarified it. Thats all.

What I intended to address and further clarify, before they were missread by someone else and, before someone assumed two things incorrectly...

1)There is such a thing as an an "RT ULE". Not really! Not at all. You have to convert a RT to almost an RT Pro pretty darn much to do it. It's no longer an RT. I do not want som e kid to order a ULE body for his old RT and be dissapointed he got it wrong.

2) RT and RT Pro are the same thing. No they are not. Most of us know that. But lets not assume EVERYBODY does. Not everyone that comes here knows that or realises it and you sometimes have to repeat information for correctness. So he or someone else that reads this now knows there are some fairly significant differences. So not to confuse them.

I took the time to "clarify". In case some new person searched and found this and relied on it for his base of information. One fact is if you send your old style RT marker in to be converted you get back a RT Pro pretty much. But still using some of the few parts that still will work. You no longer have an RT anymore. Just a few parts of it hanging on. I might have wasted my time on you because you know all that...but perhaps not some someone just joining us here.