View Full Version : Tuna... Emag issues??

11-28-2003, 04:04 PM
Tuna, the Emag you worked on for me at AOSE is messing up. When the trigger is pulled it goes full auto and wont stop. it seems to be something with the sear. any ideas?:D :D :rolleyes: :confused: fyi tuna DID NOT BUILD THIS MAG, HE MADE IT WORK WHEN IT WAS BROKEN AND I AM IN HIS DEBT

Major Ho
11-28-2003, 04:12 PM
Read this:
Do you have the 3.0+ software? If so that thread probably applies

11-28-2003, 04:25 PM
ok I read the thread. This Emag will go full auto even with the power off. All one has to do is pull the trigger. This is a new development, the gun has been working fine in all modes up until about 4 hours ago. the only way I have found to stop the full auto thing is to put the safty on so that the sear is not able to contact the valve, even when I let go of the trigger it will keep on shooting.

11-28-2003, 04:41 PM
Its the on/off pin. Its too short :)
Measure it with some calipers (if you have any) and post it :)
Er, do you know what an On/off pin is?
If you take the valve out, and pull out the brass assembaly on the bottom of it, there is an (alluminum?) pin..

11-28-2003, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Enigma4you
.... the gun has been working fine in all modes up until about 4 hours ago...

Ok so did you take the valve out while there was still some pressure in it? Confess... what did you do!

11-28-2003, 10:49 PM
How can it even do anything "with the power off"? Did someone lower the shot buffer setting? Crank it up to about 50-60 and lower the BPS to 15 or so and tell me if it still does it. And who took it apart without knowing what they were doing? WAAAAAAH! Its broken....! Toss it out! Send it here if you cant get it going.:D ;)

11-28-2003, 10:54 PM
5 bucks says he broke the on off pin... ;)

11-28-2003, 11:00 PM
I had my E-mag go full auto on me and the problem was the c-clip on the end of the reg valve pin came off.

11-29-2003, 09:02 AM
ok back at work now, will take a look at the gun when the ref's get out of here. Tuna, you know, you put the gun in manual mode. and pull the trigger, it goes pop and little round ball come out of the pointy end of the gun. cept now a whole bunch of balls come out at an extreme rate, I think its cool as h*ll but the picky bast&^D that owns it only wants one ball to come out when you pull the trigger.:D Tuna did not build this Emag, he was kind enuf to fix it for me at AOSE.

11-29-2003, 09:41 AM
OH...and please dont call this a Tuna Emag. I didnt build this marker.;) :D

11-29-2003, 10:29 AM
IT is very easy to fix a mag. There just aren't that many parts to go wrong. Go to the AGD website and look at the valve schematics. They have nice color pics. Learn what the parts are called. I suggest printing out the picture. Then call AGD and tell the tech what its doing. They will do a fantastic job of telling you exactly whats wrong and what to do to fix it including sending you a part if necessary.

11-29-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Tunaman
OH...and please dont call this a Tuna Emag. I didnt build this marker.;) :D

atleast put a comma after tuna so its worded as:

Tuna, E-Mag Issues?

11-29-2003, 11:15 AM
it was the on off, replaced it and it works GREAT. Thanks for the help

11-29-2003, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

Ok so did you take the valve out while there was still some pressure in it? Confess... what did you do!

I did it. I shot them all, the maid, the butler and the little dog too. Its my fault, I caused ww2, korea, and vietnam. I, however did not inhale.

11-29-2003, 09:08 PM
It's okay Enigma!

You got 4 terrorists toting AK 47s in the hallway of a naval ship before they got you in training and you had the best line to me and pito! When we told you about Collegeboy's ranting on hijackings you told us," Shoot all they got is box-Cutters? They all dead then cause it's gonna take a lot of cuts to stop me!":D