View Full Version : Omg I Love Cockers!

11-28-2003, 07:13 PM
Ok, first off I would like to rant.. please excuse me..
Ok, now that thats done..
A while back I bought a crappy cocker off paintball sycho(I think thats his name) and he clearly stated that he hadnt gassed it up in a while so he is not to blame for this.. but I get the gun, covered in filth, no problem, so I take it apart. Everything is fine and dandy but the front block wont come off.. wth? It has a gay ANS low pressure chamber on it.. its also stripped to hell. I try to get this off for weeks, finally I just take a wrench to it, at the risk of scratching the hell out of it (and I did), and I finally got it off.. what a PITA. Ok, I wipe everything off, la de dah, get really pissed at the pneu hoses, throw them away, take it to the shop and tell them to deal with it :p
I call them, they tell me that the ANS LPR is busted. Wow big suprise. I buy a used PPS rock off ebay (good stuff) and come back. I give it to them, they wait about 2 months before deciding to work on my gun (:p not really) and they said they had to replace 1 oring, but other than that it was good to go. Great, I buy an ASA, macroline (god I hate macroline) and go home. I gass it up.. MAJOR LEAKAGE!! I play around with the reg, I turn it up and down, playing around and shooting, seeing if I can maybe get it to stop leaking. Its an ANS Gen-X 2 reg (oh how lovely!) and as soon as I turned it up to where the valve stopped leaking (in the gun), the over pressure saftey or whatever (vents when the pressure is too high) starts spewing air and oil all over. SOOO, I call up the shop. They said it was working there, but they hadnt used the ANS reg (blah). Ok. My brother who has been playing for a while, owns a '97 cocker and knows how to work on them, says he can fix it. Yay.. we take everything off, and... haha a 1/8" allen wrench wont fit into the sear lug to take the hammer out. Wonderful. I call up the shop and they say sometimes the factories screw up blah blah balh blah blah blah blah whatever, and to try a '3' metric wrench because it is just a tad smaller. I dont have any metric wrenches :p So I send my mom out and she buys me a set (thanks mom) and.... lol 3 doesnt work, but im bored so I try 2.5 and cha ching! Yay, I take the valve out and there is this mangled orange oring sitting on the back of it.. hmm I wonder why its leaking? Not to mention the valve had been chopped to hell by someone, obviousally obsessed with making their gun LP. My brother gives me his old valve, valve pin and cup seal (thanks bro) and I put that in, gas it up.. no leaks, yay.. I shoot about 30 shots and all the sudden the ANS reg starts doin' its thing again. Spewin air and oil out the pressure release thingy. Ok, so I play around with the pressure, and I back it down just right before it starts leaking.. yay it seems to be working.. except for the shootdown :( You can HEAR the shootdown. You dont even have to be shooting fast. 5 bps is enough, and you can hear every shot shoot less and less air :(
Right now I just wanna kill this reg. I think I am going to buy a new one. The thing is, I dont wanna spend much more money on this. I mean I was thinking 30 tops, and its really hard to get a halfway decent reg for that.. I was looking at those PMI inlines but they look kinda cheap.. does anyone know if there are shootdown problems with these? I've looked at ebay and there isnt much there. This gun is really crappy so I dont want to go overboard and get a really nice reg.
Here is the picture of when I bought it.. it looks basically the same now besides the ANS LPR

Anyway, does anyone have any reccomendations for a decent, but cheap reg? (or does anyone have one for sale? ;))

11-28-2003, 07:21 PM
thats why i dont like ans regulators. there crappy and cost alot ;)

11-28-2003, 07:25 PM
um, see the funny thing is, is that an ANS gen x 2 inline reg is pretty much the back half of an automag valve, you can even swap soft parts between the two....so we know it is a tested a true item. However, sometimes there is a bad egg in the bunch. I have always like the bob long torpedo reg. Simple and smooth in design.


wana buy an ANS Gen XE? :)
it works great and shoots extremely fast...i just found out i don't care much for cockers


11-28-2003, 07:26 PM
Yeah, I've always disliked ANS and this reinforces my oppinion. If anyone wants to buy/trade for this thing, I'm open to offers :D
I'm sure it would work fine with a REAL regulator :p

Edit: Its not exactly the same. Thats why it is worse. If it was exactly the same it would work as well as a mag. You can open it up and compare for yourself. It doesnt look alike. (it does work the same tho)
And HELL no I dont want your ANS cocker

11-28-2003, 07:34 PM
Yea I stay away from ANS parts like the plauge.

Cockers can be great markers but you have to set them up right. Most horror stories....and there are alot. Come from cockers that have not been set up right.

Cockers are great markers if you like to tinker.

I love mine but I don't usually recommend cockers to people.

11-28-2003, 07:37 PM
Yeah.. I just found this on PBN.. do you guys think its worth a try?
B2K3 Inline Regulator, brand new, used a different inline instead. Works great as a backup or for any gun that needs a nice inline regulator. 2K3's are improved from previous models for consistency.
$28 shipped

OR, check this out :p :D :p
pmi reg w/ chrom bottom 30 shipped, want an ans genx2 reg bad could add cash.
i would like ans parts for trade, but if its real cool lmk. I am on aim alot. pms would be okay, i am not on pbn that much, but e-mail pm or aim is good.


11-28-2003, 07:40 PM
I have an ANS Gen-X2 and an ANS Jackhammer 2 on my backup cocker and I've had no problems with them.

11-28-2003, 10:39 PM
Look for a stock 'cocker regulator. It'll work just fine, though it's not externally adjustable. And it's cheap.

11-28-2003, 10:40 PM
I hate cockers, they blow goats.

11-28-2003, 10:43 PM
i have only herd bad things about the ans regulators
personally i love the system x reg you should get one of those

GA Devil
11-28-2003, 11:06 PM
lol i wont say a thing personman. Except I did see it at the "shop"

11-28-2003, 11:06 PM
Stay away from system X parts...just as bad.

If you are going to stay mechanical. Use a Black Magic or Ergo reg. You can find those cheap. Also try a Palmers.

If you are goint to go E Blade. I would sugest the AKA Sidwinder or keep the Black Magic.

11-28-2003, 11:17 PM
I have to ask: how much did you buy this for and did you get pics first? Either you bought it super-cheap in hopes you could cheaply restore it (which never happens, stuff always pops up) or you got ripped on a lemon.

System X, ANS, no-name brands, etc, all good to avoid. If you're tight on cash go WGP-stock or even quality companies' mid-level stuff. It's worth it to save the frustration and lack of performance. And buying used is always a risk.

11-29-2003, 11:12 AM
Either you bought it super-cheap in hopes you could cheaply restore it (which never happens, stuff always pops up)
Yup, I bought it for 150 (shipped I belieave) in hopes to have a little 'backup' (;)) gun I could play around with. I wasnt intending to replace the parts on it :p
Yes I got pics first, I knew it was crappy and I diddnt care. It seemed like a decent deal, because I knew ANS parts are worth a bit. Its a 1999 Mini btw.
NO I dont plan to make this electric, what a waste of money :p
Major Ho has been kind enough to show me some ergo regs on ebay for about 30 + 5 shipping. I'll pick up one of these if one of you will confirm it is a decent reg for the price. Are these externally adjustable? (I hope so, I really dont wanna take apart my reg to adjust the velocity)

50 cal
11-29-2003, 12:45 PM
I have an STO cocker that has plenty of ANS parts, no reg though. Stay away, far away from thier regs! The vert reg is an Air America Vigilante. Go with Air America if you can. I've seen Vigilante regs go for about $30-40 used. They have great customer service if you need it.