View Full Version : looking for sterling info

11-29-2003, 09:09 PM
anyone know where i could find a sterling pump gun?
and any opinions you have about them?

thanks everyone

11-29-2003, 09:41 PM
i just saw one last nigh at my local pro-shop, preety nice

11-29-2003, 10:20 PM
I own one and I did have the owners group url in the first post I made before I editted the post but it is dead now :eek: so what do you want to know?

11-30-2003, 01:57 AM
well if your giving me the licence to ask questions heheheh...

1] how did it feel and shoot compared to a phantom?
2] any problems you expereanced[other than user error]?
3] any particular things you would say to watch for or make shure to check before and after purchase?
4] any thing you wish some oe would have told you before you got one?


11-30-2003, 02:21 PM

11-30-2003, 05:07 PM
Unbelievable gun, the finest pump ever made. I own 2 of the originals and I take them out to play with now and again because they're so damn good.
I don't know anything about the gun since the company was taken over, but the big drawback was that there was no anti double feed and that you would double ball as a result. Usually it would shoot both balls without a problem, sometimes there would be a break, but once you get used to pumping it quickly(and the action allows you to do this about ten times faster than a phantom)you're fine.
What also stinks is that you have to mess around with springs to adjust the velocity, there is no dialer. The barrel loosens considerably while shooting and reassembly was a bit of a pain in the neck sometimes.
In my opinion the gun is totally worth owning if you want to play pump. The accuracy is second to none, I've owned six other pumps to compare it with(phantom, hammer, grey ghost, sniper,trracer, and the mag pump thing)It's a blast to shoot and the smooth action can even let you get out about 6-7 bps if you really need it.
Hope that helps.

11-30-2003, 07:31 PM

they sell them (and prolly the only ones that sell them online).

Dan is the guy to ask the questions to. I have a sterling from them.. it rocks. centerfeed, ball detent, velocity adjuster, 45 frame....

I also have a Bad Boyz Toyz sterling from the old Pro-line days. Both guns rock. smooth, awesome trigger, and can autotrigger to get a lil extra ROF.

compared to a phantom.. the pump stroke on the sterling is better.

best thing to get for a sterling would be a J&J edge kit. all the multi barrel goodness, and finally in sterling threads (which are unique to the gun).

11-30-2003, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by space_weazel_45
well if your giving me the licence to ask questions heheheh...

1] how did it feel and shoot compared to a phantom?
2] any problems you expereanced[other than user error]?
3] any particular things you would say to watch for or make shure to check before and after purchase?
4] any thing you wish some oe would have told you before you got one?


1] A lot better and solid...still have the Phantom ;)
2] No problems as such, there are little things you do to make it all operate better but no inherent flaws.
3] Make sure the holes for the bottom line are intact as the pot metal casting of the frame is prone to stripping the threads...you can buy replacement grip frames and Doc nickel does them but I'm sure others are about. Very early models are prone to the feed neck coming away from the body but good glue soon fixes that. replace the split pump rod grip ...again if it is an early model though pretty much most of the models sold in the states all had the later square pump grip...personally I didn't like the version that was sold but then as my Sterling was direct from Dave Galsworthy (and as I wanted a lefthanded feed, I got a Sterling already marked up as being for Keith Idema :eek: :o ) I got the proper grip
4] Not really other than the above.

11-30-2003, 10:44 PM
1] how did it feel and shoot compared to a phantom?

its heavier, the pump is smoother due to its design, and its more stable as a direct result of those two factors.

2] any problems you expereanced[other than user error]?

my field strip screws come loose pretty easy...

3] any particular things you would say to watch for or make shure to check before and after purchase?

if its used, the turbo valve is nice... as is a 45 grip... new, they're very highly refined... super nice!

4] any thing you wish some oe would have told you before you got one?

I wish i had known mine was one of the 5 used by Avalanche to win the 1990 world cup... i'd have treated it a little better... and i wish i didn't know that, since now i don't wanna sell it anymore...

12-01-2003, 12:46 PM

12-01-2003, 05:27 PM
we've told you just about everything you've asked about...

go over to pumpplayers.com and do a search...


12-01-2003, 08:55 PM
well thank you to everyone for being patient and anwsering all my questions.
any one else cause this is the last up for this thread.

thanks guys