View Full Version : Best Wiping Technique?

11-29-2003, 11:32 PM
Just wondering?

I also want to know the best way to get an RT mag to sweetspot automaticly...

Also whats the best way to make my mag feed 25 balls per second?

Also what the heck is a field strip screw bushing?

... ;)

~Puts on flame suit~

11-29-2003, 11:35 PM
welcome to earth.

1. Depends on where you are hit.
2. Raise your input if u have an rt, if not, no sweetspot 4u
3. Get a Q loader and get the hands of god
4. I think a spacer on the field strip screw...

11-29-2003, 11:35 PM
such great humor...

Rope a Dope
11-29-2003, 11:39 PM
1. Windex and a rag.

2. Make good with her parents.

3. Upgrade your barrel.

4. You hide in one with you play scenario games.


11-29-2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by magnj
welcome to earth.

1. Depends on where you are hit.
2. Raise your input if u have an rt, if not, no sweetspot 4u
3. Get a Q loader and get the hands of god
4. I think a spacer on the field strip screw...
LMFAO did u actualy think he was serious???;)

11-29-2003, 11:46 PM
wow haven't seen you in a while! where ya been butters? i missed all those crazy videos you used to make.

11-29-2003, 11:46 PM
wow butterfingers good to see you around again!!

11-29-2003, 11:51 PM
1) Doesn't matter since after the first hit there's already 14 to 19 other paintballs right behind it. But that's what the time warp mode on the next generation Angel is for.

2) It takes severals nights to find her sweetspot. But it can be fun as well. ;)

3) Steal the time warp system from the NG Angel and install it in the E-mag. :D

4) It's when you take off your clothes on the field and play naked and then yelled, "Holy **** I'm screwed," as paintballs 'brush' you.

11-29-2003, 11:56 PM
Butters man, long time no see. Im glad to see you are back man!

11-30-2003, 12:02 AM
:: cries :: I was just trying to help lol... so much for kindness

11-30-2003, 12:08 AM
yeah just priming up for the first time im gonna play PBall in 8 months... I just ordered a boatload of new stuff for myself for the holidays.

Hopefully I can get my stuff dusted off and the new stuff installed in time for my winter break...

For those who dont know or are new I kinda fell off the face of the earth when I started studying for entrance exams to dental school...

Then I had the keen idea that I could play PB during the semester... Reality check isnt gonna happen...

Daily schedule for the week 24/7 is: wake up, class, library, emotional breakdown, sleep... that is all...

Now that I am almost done with my first semester I finally can catch a break for the first time in about a year.

I will be on hiatus again for about another 3 weeks starting monday as finals week rolls around...

After that im off for winter recess... you bet your butt that im gonna be playing again...

Then expect a recess until next may :(

For anybody considering a career in the health professions free time = none... but the end result= worth it...

Load SM5
11-30-2003, 12:12 AM
Take the toilet paper...I recommend at least 5 plys or else your fingers break right through....


Oh hey, Butters!

11-30-2003, 12:18 AM
Yo dude, what's up!

11-30-2003, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Take the toilet paper...I recommend at least 5 plys or else your fingers break right through....


Oh hey, Butters!

5 plys clogs my toilet...

Ooh look at me load SM5 worlds scruffiest moderator im special ;)

BTW E-mag is long gone and sold! BUT I still have those grips :)

11-30-2003, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by Miscue
Yo dude, what's up!

Alright you got me... I lied...

I milled my tank and ended up in a coma for 8 months :( shoulda listened to you...

Load SM5
11-30-2003, 12:21 AM
Hang onto those grips and I'll sign em for you. I don't make them anymore. Could be worth millions someday.

Never said I was the world's scruffiest mod, just pretty durn scruffy. Especially since Phil cut the do off.

11-30-2003, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by Butterfingers

Alright you got me... I lied...

I milled my tank and ended up in a coma for 8 months :( shoulda listened to you...

Trust in the Miscue, the Miscue is good.

11-30-2003, 12:41 AM
A dentist nicknamed "Butterfingers"



11-30-2003, 12:52 AM
hey, welcome back.

goodluck in dental school and such!

11-30-2003, 01:00 AM
And Butters makes a grand re-entrance!


11-30-2003, 01:45 AM
[i]Daily schedule for the week 24/7 is: wake up, class, library, emotional breakdown, sleep... that is all...

Wow, sounds like me, and I'm just a undergraduate senior, with another year or so to go.

11-30-2003, 01:46 AM
Tom! My Main man!

Lots of changes in the AGD world glad to see the cogs turning in overdrive...

For those of you wondering whats next on my chopping block ive decided to go High Po... OLD SCHOOOL!!!

Yeah I know im hardcore im not gonna buy into this aluminum bidazzle :)

Ive got various parts lying around... along with a few modern things that I have on order from AGD.

Old school means all steel I know the aluminum bodies are cheaper but thats not the effect im going for...

My new gun will mix old school steel with new school NO RISE! Im contemplating having the body bead blasted to give it the classic look. I am also contemplating cutting the taper off the tip off the body so it looks like an old school classic body.

Old School means purely mechanical...

My new gun will include the retro ReTro valve with its original On/off fitting... of couse it will include a bit of my TLC :) For performance it will include L10.

Old School means the Original AA Raptor Airsystem of course this time in 4500 psi configuration for modern shot capacity.

Old school means no plastic lines the gun will include braided stainless painfully yet tastefully routed to give an artful yet neat accent to the gun.

Old school means no shiney sabre looking barrels. You have no idea how hard it is to find centerfeed mag barrels. Old school says the barrel will be classic mag grey performance considerations says its gonna be a J&J Kit.

Old school means no flashy triggerframes. Trigger frame will be dull black. Performance considerations say its gonna be an AGD inteli.

Externally this thing is gonna look like it was built in 1991... internally it will kick some electro butt.

The ultimate sleeper BWAHAHAHA!!!

11-30-2003, 02:00 AM
I remember the post about the mag(s) you modified to be uber fast. I think that was my home page for the entire time i had a mag. lol :)

11-30-2003, 04:01 PM
[i]Old school means all steel

Old School means purely mechanical...

Old School means the Original AA Raptor Airsystem of course this time in 4500 psi configuration for modern shot capacity.

Old school means the gun will include braided stainless

Old school means no shiney sabre looking barrels. Old school says the barrel will be classic mag grey performance considerations says its gonna be a J&J Kit.

Old School means it's going to weigh half a metric ton when it's fully set up. :(

Sorry, someone had to say it. :D

Sounds nice.

11-30-2003, 04:28 PM
best wiping technique: me wiping ur brains off my barrel if i catch you wiping

how to sweetspt your rt: have sex with it...its amazing what having sex with a round steel tube can do for you

to feed your mag 25 balls per second: i have to agree: qloader...maybe with warp feed?

and a field strip screw bushing is this bush on the field where you strip and screw! its amazing! (especially when those 25 balls per second are flying at you at the same time!)

11-30-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by lord1234
how to sweetspt your rt: have sex with it...its amazing what having sex with a round steel tube can do for you

:confused: a bit wrong if u ask me..

11-30-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by BajaBoy

:confused: a bit wrong if u ask me..

Who asked you?

11-30-2003, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by lew

Who asked you?

i did ;)

well since butters back, i guess i'll get to read more of his techincally posts and not understand a word of it :D

however, welcome back!

12-01-2003, 05:22 AM
Originally posted by lord1234
how to sweetspt your rt: have sex with it...its amazing what having sex with a round steel tube can do for you

to feed your mag 25 balls per second: i have to agree: qloader...maybe with warp feed?

I hope it has L10 lord1234...also, unless you've been gifted by the gods, having sex with your mag will only produce about 2 balls a second. ;) :D Also brings new meaning to the "pump" mag.

12-01-2003, 05:53 AM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
Just wondering?

I also want to know the best way to get an RT mag to sweetspot automaticly...

Also whats the best way to make my mag feed 25 balls per second?

Also what the heck is a field strip screw bushing?

... ;)

~Puts on flame suit~
1) Front to Back
2) Talk dirty to it.
3) Don’t feed it for a while and it will get VERY hungery.
4) Something an exotic dancer uses.

(And welcome back... ;))

12-01-2003, 06:43 AM
look at all teh ao noobs pwned lol welcome back butters!

12-01-2003, 10:07 AM
best wiping technique: don't wipe at all:rolleyes:

12-01-2003, 11:41 AM
I prefer to put my palm in front of my mask when I run off the break and then if I get hit in the hand, I slide on it and it wipes off. Also, depending on where you got hit, you can switch to the other side of the bunker and during the transition, you can wipe it off by rubbing on the bunker. Oh yeah and if you can't wipe it just run the tape and shoot as many people as possible...

Oh wait, this thread was a joke...

Welcome back.


Jack & Coke
12-01-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Butterfingers

Best Wiping Technique?

Back to front, then back and forth. Take care though, poor quality equipment will yield many unwanted dingle berries.

Welcome back :)

12-01-2003, 12:29 PM
BUTTERS!! WELCOME BACK!! Long time no see man. :D

12-01-2003, 03:45 PM
Depends on wether you got a clean drop or a mushy sphinxster slammin pinch off... :D

Heya Butters! Welcome back!

12-01-2003, 06:27 PM
Welcome back

12-02-2003, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
Just wondering?

I also want to know the best way to get an RT mag to sweetspot automaticly...

Also whats the best way to make my mag feed 25 balls per second?

Also what the heck is a field strip screw bushing?

... ;)

~Puts on flame suit~

lets see
1. answered it for you in a thread about 1-2 years ago...
2. you already know how to better then any of us.. DUH
3. see answer to question #1
4. im not even going to answer this one