View Full Version : what do u think about the gameboy advance?

11-30-2003, 12:19 AM
advance or sp it doesnt matter do u like or dont, why and why not?

11-30-2003, 12:20 AM
I have one. I don't use it. It's kinda neat though.

11-30-2003, 12:22 AM
I thought the gameboy advance is neat but I never use mine.. I only have one game.. if you wanna buy it name a price.. it was imported from japan before GBA was available in US but it plays US games and all, its exactly the same.
I think the SP is stupid but I am too tired to explain right now. Basically you are paying alot more for just a few worthless upgrades.

11-30-2003, 12:44 AM
I have one, never use it. Once you get to about 11, it's just not as cool as it used to be. It's the normal one though, not the sp thing (Which is ghey).

I'll tell ya though, I got into that Golden Sun game for awhile there big time. I beat it in a couple days, but a good game none the less. Still fun for long plane trips. Nothing beats some good ole mario when you're bored. Would I buy it right now if I didn't have one already? Nope.

11-30-2003, 12:48 AM
i have one but lost it, damn. i like it for long trips that we usually take and when im bored. the good thing about the sp is there is a built in light so you don't have to buy one.

so if you like the games that they have on them get one, and if you take long trips get one. otherwise, if you have a bigger game system and would just be home use, dont get one.

11-30-2003, 02:39 AM
I still have and use my game gear if that counts?

11-30-2003, 10:57 AM
I have one of the original GBA's, but I want one of those GBA SPs. I don't play it often enough now-a-days, but that's b/c I have my computer. I'm pretty sure that if I was to pick it up and start playing Zelda again, then I'd be hooked onto the GBA again. :) I love it! I followed it's development ever since word was first let out that Nintendo was developing a successor to the GameBoy Color.

11-30-2003, 11:03 AM
i like my nomad better.

11-30-2003, 11:30 AM
My friend has one, never uses it.

If you're feeling nostalgic, just download an emulator. I can give you a link to an awsome N64 one and some games (hosted by me), but I don't have any SNES ones. Or buy/find an old SNES.

11-30-2003, 01:08 PM
I have a platinum sp, with Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, I absolutely love it, the "play anywhere" backlight really does make a world of difference. Plus it just looks so cool.

11-30-2003, 06:03 PM
I have a SP, it is real nice. I like it a lot. I don't play it a lot, but it is good to take on long trips ect. I think the games are rip offs so I haven't bought one yet. You are all probably like huh, whats the point of having it then. Simple, get a flash card. You can download any game ever made for it and then some.

Basically the card works like an emulator does on your computer. If you have ever used an emulator, you would know that you need games to play on it. For the gameboy they are .gba files. You can play the emulator on your computer or, usb/printer port link it to your GBA and flash the thing an endless number of times. Also depending on you flash card size you can fit between 2 and 8 games most of the time to the card.

It is a real nice investment. The card and link cable will run you apx $120 for a 256mb card. That is what I have. The games are not always the easiest to find online, even if you look in the right places it is hard to find a 'good' site. I have the first 1100 or so on my comp, excluding the japanese versions simply because I can't read japanese, so I have 600-700 of them. The link that I have been using has died, so the 200 or so new ones I don't have all downloaded. I have the ones that I want though, and could get them all, with a little more effort.

Another nice thing about the flash cards is that the games you can get for them will sometimes be available a month before it hits store shelves. Many of the games are in american, european, and japanese versions. Some of the european games come out much before those in the US do, and you can play them all in english.

A further advantage is that you can play all sorts of other games and mp3 files with special .gba files that someone has wipped up. Some of those files mimic other emulators, and will compatably play on your GBA.

It's either that or pay $35 for each cheap cartridge, it's your choice. Things get a little more complicated with PS2 and XBox games, the unit requires a mod chip, and you can't easily do it to online games, simply because if the network picks up that you are using one you IP address could easily get banned. I could do this if I really wanted, but I don't mind supporting the big counsols. PS2 and XBox have done good, they give you your money's worth when you get a game. $50 is not that bad considering how much programing time and effort some of them took.

e mag
11-30-2003, 06:16 PM
As far as I know only xbox live is able to tell if you have a modchip because it can detect if there is a hacked bios. It is definatly worth it to mod an xbox though even if you don't want to pirate games. You can emulate just about every system except ps2, dreamcast, and gamecube and can also easily play almost every media format on your tv.

11-30-2003, 08:27 PM
PS2 can as well, they sell a mod chip with a sleeping mode for online play. I can't find the website, I will try and post later. Obviously there is not as many possabilities as with the XBox simply because the PS2 does not have a hard drive as of yet.