View Full Version : Need some Xmag information/help plz

11-30-2003, 12:46 PM
Ok I have the opportunity to get an xmag or a FF matrix, I'm not quite sure what I should get. So im doing my research on both, what kind of warranty does the xmag come with? are there any problems with them? I've heard things about run away with the new software or something. How reliable are they? I had one Emag a long time ago and it died on me, are these more reliable or less? I know the original mags are tough as can be. Can the feed neck be replaced with a locking one? does the stock neck fit a halo without sanding it? Thanks in advance.

11-30-2003, 12:54 PM
I'll answer what I can:

Stock feedneck really cannot be replaced with a clamping feedneck. A Halo needs to be sanded to fit. The good news is that the feedneck is stuck in there so well that you can really jam that Halo in for a secure fit.

Freeflow's warranty is way ahead of AGD's. I think the X's have one "star" on the valve, which lets you send it in for one complete overhaul, repair job. After that its gonna cost you. Freeflow's warranty is lifetime, and is transferrable. Freeflow also offers lifetime upgrade of parts as they make new ones, such as their ACE, but I believe freeflow is moving away from the Matrix, and is going to concentrate on the shocker, so I dont know how much more upgrading they will do.

Software version 3.2 for the X has some runaway issues, but they'll get those sorted out. The X is a solid and well engineered gun. Freeflow makes good stuff, but the matrix design itself is rather maintenance prone and fickle. A guy at a field I went to actually had the bolt on his ff trix break in half. Ouch. I think that,mechanically at least, the X is going to do better over the long run.

11-30-2003, 01:02 PM
You don't get much more reliable than the only gun with a mechanical backup ON GUN. No other gun has that.

If your electronics decide to die on field, you flip a switch and you're still in the game.

As for the runaway issue- it depends on the HES. And that's only on 3.2 software. 2.4 is stable.

11-30-2003, 01:19 PM
How reliable is the ACE and the level 10, reading through some of the posts on here some people have had trouble with both.

11-30-2003, 01:42 PM
I can't comment on the ACE, I just got mine. It looks similar to the one I had on my eblade, which worked just fine.

Level 10 works fine if set up properly. The problem is that some people do not set it up properly, and therefore it does not work well. It is a more complex system to use and set up than a typical ACE system. But it is a nice backup for those times the ACE lets you down.

11-30-2003, 02:31 PM
Have you considered something on the angel platform? Speeds now are lower in price, and the extra money you would spend purchasing an x mag or a FF matrix, you could get your gun Aced and never have a problem.

If you didnt want to go through all of that, then well, you could just stay with the sensi even. Sensi is much better than the old cops system