View Full Version : PMI TEXAS THROWDOWN - Whos going?

11-30-2003, 04:55 PM
ok guys i have been asked by the general of the machines(the side tom is playing for) to help with the overall plan. what i need from you AO guys and gals is who is actually comming to this game. i need to know who has preregestered, and who is walking on. we need these numbers so we can have a good count of people from AO who will be comming. i am going to also need to know what kind of playing style you like(speedball, woods, missions) the event is next week(dec 6th&7th) info can be found here: http://www.mxstexasthrowdown.com/
please email me at sistinas1@hotmail.com or
my wifes email: mia_cary@yahoo.com
guys we really need this info from you so we can form a battle plan. thanks ya'll and will see ya this weekend

11-30-2003, 05:00 PM
Albinonewt and I will be in attendance. I'm a walkon. And our playing style is "relaxed" to say the least. Think "nap time."

11-30-2003, 05:49 PM
I will be there, but not playing, just taking pictures and hanging out. I will be a walk-on as I never got my lazy arse to actaully send in the registration form:)

If you look around there is another thread started that lists most of the AO people going. I'll see if I can find it.

11-30-2003, 07:10 PM
The MAYBERRYMARAUDERS will be there mags blazzing to help you win man call on us for whatever you need most of us are making up your roleplaying team so we are only a radio call away we will see you guys on Friday.

11-30-2003, 07:33 PM
ok im sorry if ive confused some people. i am not the general of this game. TB has been asked by the general:Dan "Aiki" (achy) Reynolds of The Moist Donuts, to come up with a game plan. TB has in turn asked me to get all the AOers who are comming to post or email me so we can get the numbers. i am simply a helping out TB whowas asked to help the general. sorry for the confusion. and flip, i think notbob had already emaild TB so the MMs are good to go...see ya in a few

11-30-2003, 08:12 PM
me and few others are going(not on AO tho)

he said we'll be running with MAYBERRYMARAUDERS so, Ironkong i guess i'll see you! lol

*we're the peeps from florida, you probably met him at either EMR's twin towers or the armageddon in chicago*

and well, all of us usually go around just looking for other people to help push on the other team, not really the mission oriented type people however we will occasionaly grab a mission to do

11-30-2003, 08:47 PM
Will be there... Icky Forest Represent!

11-30-2003, 09:01 PM
Icky forrest guys,Represent well! IM sorry i could not be there! I will miss you all! Newt, Check his junk for me! and when doing the dance, dont forget your Team mate!

11-30-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by rikkter
me and few others are going(not on AO tho)

he said we'll be running with MAYBERRYMARAUDERS so, Ironkong i guess i'll see you! lol

*we're the peeps from florida, you probably met him at either EMR's twin towers or the armageddon in chicago*

and well, all of us usually go around just looking for other people to help push on the other team, not really the mission oriented type people however we will occasionaly grab a mission to do
hey you are the guy we had pizza with at EMR correct? if so cool!!! how many are you gonna bring? and have ya pre reged?

edweird- how many from TIF are comming? what kind of play do ya'll like? are you pre reged?
thanks for all the responces guys..keep them comming..how would you guys feel about ahveing one big AO group to run as a team? just a thoughts....

11-30-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by judster

hey you are the guy we had pizza with at EMR correct? if so cool!!! how many are you gonna bring? and have ya pre reged?

yeah! lol, bobby, and alex(his wife) and his son, Tyler, will be coming to this game.
we're leaving this thursday to catch a flight, and we'll be hanging around the field most of the day friday. bobby got wind of the trade show going on and he got all excited about it lol
yeah, we all prereg back in october i believe(whatever it was for us to only pay 40 for registration)

12-01-2003, 02:47 AM
Arowmic and some others and I (from Deadlywind) should be around saturday. We are not playing, just chilling.

I'm supose to have something for rikkter... I cant remember what it was tho.. :-D


12-01-2003, 07:11 AM
Texas Throw Down Roll Call Thread (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=109842&highlight=texas)

12-01-2003, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by rikkter
me and few others are going(not on AO tho)

he said we'll be running with MAYBERRYMARAUDERS so, Ironkong i guess i'll see you! lol

*we're the peeps from florida, you probably met him at either EMR's twin towers or the armageddon in chicago*

and well, all of us usually go around just looking for other people to help push on the other team, not really the mission oriented type people however we will occasionaly grab a mission to do

Cool Deal I am formaly one of the Fl peeps myself from orlando its cool you guys are making the trip we will see you there with bells on just ask for the Monkey KIng
FLIP Da Rula

12-01-2003, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by nicad
Arowmic and some others and I (from Deadlywind) should be around saturday. We are not playing, just chilling.

I'm supose to have something for rikkter... I cant remember what it was tho.. :-D


check your PMs then :P
i did ask if you could ADD something to it, so i could be able to actually use it lol

oh, and i'll make you remember. :D

12-01-2003, 01:11 PM
I am the base ref for the Machines side, so if the game is running I will be on the field at the base.

Look forward to seeing everyone.

12-01-2003, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by judster

edweird- how many from TIF are comming? what kind of play do ya'll like? are you pre reged?

Well im just playing with them this time around... and from the TIF crew that was at Shatner you should expect Albinonewt and Clare... Mango wussed out, and its to far for Magman007. So im the standin junkchecker!

/brings his budgfs spay!

Oh and im not prereg'd cause it wasnt set in stone if I could go or not until last week

Moon Shadow
12-03-2003, 10:47 AM
Kaiser Bob and myself will be there. I guess we'll be walk-ons. since we didn't sign up sooner.

12-03-2003, 12:07 PM
Just dropping aline to anyone going to this game again the marauders have a couple spots left in our RV here is the information

its going to be $25.00 a night and you get full use of evrything we have at our disposal Tv, vcr, heater, microwave, stove,fridge/freezer, etc...

Need the money on Friday

If they are guys, they gotta use our private portajon outside, so that
the inside ones are kept nice for the ladies.
Let me know asao if you need a place to bunk better deal then a hotel ..

see you guys tommarow and the rest on friday