View Full Version : emag or shocker?

11-30-2003, 05:09 PM
im trying to decide between an emag or one of the new shockers without vision

what im thinking is that the shocker is 700 an emag is quite a bit more the shocker is hella light and small, but the emag is also small accuracy is about equal on both, people say that both are top of the line guns, ive shot both and the emag was faster, so the bottom line is i cant decide, i know i wont be dissapointed either way. also because of dynasty signing with smart parts i think that there are gonna be upgrade parts out to fix the air efficiency problem with the shocker, and ive heard that otb is designing a 90* frame for the shocker so if you know anything about any upcoming upgrades please tell me.

please respond without bias to smart parts, i know im on automags .org but i want a opinion based on facts and not opinions or rumors


11-30-2003, 05:13 PM
I think if I had the choice I would take the shocker. But nothing wrong with the emag.

11-30-2003, 05:13 PM
Ill throw this is out for you, but if you plan on selling it soon get the shocker. The resale will be high because everyone will want one once they see Dynasty sporting them.

I would get the shocker. I like e-mags, but the shocker just felt smaller and more comfortbale to me.

11-30-2003, 05:24 PM
Id get the Emag, I cant stand how the new Shockers feel

11-30-2003, 05:34 PM
I'd go with the e-mag, The new shocker I got to handle seemed to be lacking in quality control. didn't work right out of the box and just seemed to be much lower quality workmanship than the e-mag. I'm sure properly tuned the shocker shoots nice, I just know I wouldn't be happy with it. Have fun with whatever you choose though!

11-30-2003, 05:39 PM
emag. The shocker i have seen has a taste for paint, and IMO, the ability to chop is as good as the deed itself.

11-30-2003, 05:50 PM
e-mag has level 10

new shockers dont come with lpr's yet, so your stuck with the bolt force, while it is low, it can still chop...

its up to you, both are pretty innefficient, but the shocker is worse than thew e-mag

have you looked into a speed? their new low price is out now, and they are rockin

11-30-2003, 05:55 PM
how much for a speed? im not a huge angel fan though

11-30-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by magman007
have you looked into a speed? their new low price is out now, and they are rockin

i Agree with that, My team mate has one and it is sick.

but emag or shocker? Emag all the way i cant stand having a gun that every where i look there is another.

11-30-2003, 05:56 PM
ive only seen one other shocker and i play in a place totaly filled with high end guns, plus i plan on getting a vert frame as soon as someone makes one for the shocker and that would be hella awesome

11-30-2003, 06:37 PM
E-Mag... because they are the shizniz. Nothing against the Shocker, great guns, but my thumbs up goes to the E-Mag.

11-30-2003, 06:41 PM
thats exactly the type of reason i dont want, could you back that up with some reasons or statistics?

11-30-2003, 06:45 PM
LoL... Weight = Reliability. The E-Mag is fast, looks better, more customizable, and all around sick. My point is this....

http://www.fragtek.com/pix/emag_left1.JPGhttp://www.fragtek.com/pix/emag_left2.JPG= way tighter than any Shocker.

11-30-2003, 06:49 PM
yeah but that also = a butt load of cash! im guessing 1000+ but the shocker im talking about (no vis. or air)is 700. but i do agree that the emag is more reliable, however the reason isnt the weight its the manual override switch

adam shannon
11-30-2003, 07:01 PM
before you jump on the '03 schlocker bandwagon talk to people who own them...or used to! some of the guys that play at my field have 2 at their store they use as team backup guns. they are always down. there are many maintenance issues that you wont know about till you buy it. like greasing the bolt every case of paint, and o-rings you have to change every other couple weeks. add to that that sp has pulled a sp and not even completed the marker before they started selling it...ie eyes arent on some of them, no lpr yet, bolt kits will be coming soon, and maintenance issues that are always being added to the list of things you have to do to keep it running...etc etc etc. think about all the $ your going to have to shell out upping it to get it to the current standard. yeah the shocker has the potential to be great...like the impulse finally was before they shelved it for the shocker. compare all the future ups your going to have to add in the price before you buy. if you go with the e-mag you will want to ad a ule body and your done!!!

11-30-2003, 07:03 PM
after owning both guns, i'd have to say shocker. i've never shot a gun faster than the shocker.

11-30-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Bucky
after owning both guns, i'd have to say shocker. i've never shot a gun faster than the shocker.

That's sad.

11-30-2003, 07:14 PM
fragtek dont talk anymore your exactly the kind of person i didnt want answering this.

11-30-2003, 07:29 PM
haha, right. im sure you think the 03 is like the older shockers. i could never get my emag to shoot 18bps, but i can with my shocker.

11-30-2003, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Bucky
haha, right. im sure you think the 03 is like the older shockers. i could never get my emag to shoot 18bps, but i can with my shocker.
ROFL! I'm a store owner buddy :) I sell '03 Shockers all day long. And if you didnt know, AGD released the 3.2 software, which will get you up and shooting 20bps in no time! (Which also happens to be the ROF cap on the '03 Shocker) Once Miscue gets his software released, the mags will be sitting with timmy's and trixes for speed.

And after repairing numerous Shockers, I know for a fact that the quality of these guns isn't up to par with the mags. Most of the problems are coming from faulty / cheap boards.

11-30-2003, 07:35 PM
I got hold of an 03 shocker, and used it some, when it came down to electronic guns there were very few on my list.

Viking or Excalibur
03 Shocker

I did not loike the E-mag, I did not like the Sandridge Autocockers I have had a chance to shoot. The Viking and Shocker felt right to me, in the end I decided I wanted the reliability of mechanical operation and did not need the speed of electronics. I have been totally happy with my choice.

It comes down t owhat you like the feel of, yeh the 03 shocker is not efficient, but to me it was not an issue.

11-30-2003, 07:38 PM
Vikings are WONDERFUL guns. Very fast, very efficient, and very reliable. Extremely well built guns! They are unstopable with a WAS board and eyes. The new JMJ Featherlite Viking (and Excalibur) is a great example of a fine piece of machinery. If you get a chance do a search for the 40cps Viking Vid, its amazing!

The Viking's are on my top 3 list of favorite guns.

11-30-2003, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by FragTek

ROFL! I'm a store owner buddy :) I sell '03 Shockers all day long.

well pin a rose on your nose. no mines not faulty, no i haven't had problems, and regardless of what type of software is in the emag, -I'M- not going to be able to shoot the emag nearly as fast as i can my shocker.

11-30-2003, 07:44 PM
I never said they all were. But the numbers are higher than any other gun coming in for repairs, well not THE highest, we repair more Impulses than anything else (another fine piece of equipment by SP, lol), followed closely by the Shocker as they aren't quite as popular as the Impy at this point. I am also not saying that you personally will ever have a problem with your Shocker, because I know people that have owned them since day one and they are still ticking like a dream, but lots, and I mean LOTS of them have serious issues.

11-30-2003, 08:04 PM

11-30-2003, 08:05 PM
In the end AT THIS POINT of the Shockers lifespan, I think the Emag is the best choice. It seems you are leaning towards the Shocker, which IMO is a very nice marker, the quality is not yet up to par but they are indeed lighter than an Emag, with a stock trigger setup (no trigger messing) it is definately faster, and the balance of the marker is quite nice. The Emag is also very light now, balances out nicely, and can be set to be crazy crazy fast. As of now it seems the Shocker would win, but we have to factor in the almost lack of manual and support the marker has, the common problems assosciated with its delayed and untimed release, and quality control problems. If you dont plan to get Vision especially, the Emag will destroy the Shocker. I dont care how low you have that marker running, I can run my Timmy at 65 psi and turn off the eyes and still chop(rarely, but hey chop is chop), you WILL need an eye in the long run on that marker. The Emag really shouldnt chop with a finely tuned Level Ten, and that is the selling point. If you have the cash when Dynasty's Shocker comes out im sure it will be a marker of good taste, they only use stuff they want to use such as putting an ACE on their Angels, so im sure some innovations are going to be made with the Shocker sometime in the near future. :D

11-30-2003, 08:18 PM
yeah the thing is that i know that the shockers gonna become an incredible machine after some of those new parts like an otb vert frame and bolt kit and maybe a new board like the was come out. ive already emailed some of the companies that might make those and am waiting for replies.

now on the other hand the emag is an amazing machine as it is now but its not gonna be improved upon much more (unless agd makes something incredible which they very well might).

also speed is better on the emag but 15bps is easily reachable on both and thats about when people cant run through a stream or paint anymore after that i dont really care, the rest is just bragging rights

11-30-2003, 08:24 PM
Very true. If you really decide upon going with the Shocker, i recommend waiting maybe another month - 2 months to see if they get some of the common problems taken care of with them. I would love to see them redesign the board for the Shocker, that gun has serious potential.

11-30-2003, 08:37 PM
ill make it real easy for you.

smartparts = the devil
AGD (E Mag) = awesome

... I just read an article by Doc Nickel on how Smartparts is a greedy, evil company with money as their only interest.

Here it is. I encourage everyone to read it.


11-30-2003, 09:16 PM
okay again EXACTLY what i didnt want to hear because the way i see it is that the shocker is 700 the emag is 900 and i cant decide on the performance so who is really concerned about their money here AGD or SP? dont get me wrong i love AGD and mags (i own a classic) but i see the shocker as the next impulse, its not gonna go obsolete because it will be so upgradeable. but after the ule body the emag is as upgraded as its gonna get without dumping *** loads of money into it.

11-30-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by speedballjunky
ill make it real easy for you.

smartparts = the devil
AGD (E Mag) = awesome

... I just read an article by Doc Nickel on how Smartparts is a greedy, evil company with money as their only interest.

Here it is. I encourage everyone to read it.


Your point? How does your post help this thread as to which marker is a better buy.

Honestly if money was not an issue I would be where I am at now with my sfl emag. But If i go back and had to chose an emag or 03 shocker I would take the shocker because its saving me money and I can deal with problems down the line. There will be plenty of efficiency upgrades coming up, it shoots fast, its not as solid as a rock as an emag but I dont think its worth spending that extra money on the emag. My main complaint about the mag is efficiency... it used to be pretty good like 7 years ago... Now there are plenty of markers that you can get for less money that perform just as well and will shoot more paint out of a tank. The shocker will be more efficient in the future and there are no signs of AGD making a new valve design anytime soon to improve efficiency.

adam shannon
11-30-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by matt-o
but after the ule body the emag is as upgraded as its gonna get

precisely, YOUR DONE. unless your the kind of player that loves dumping hundreds of dollars into a never finished upgrade project...and dont get me wrong i did it with my old impulse...it was almost fun adding the next cool part each month...till i added it up and realized i had a $2000 gun that i got $500 for when i sold it, but with an e-mag you dont have to...it works great stock!

11-30-2003, 09:45 PM
Yeah, he has a very good point... I had a LOT of money tied up into both of my Impys... The Cricket Nasty was all ND'd out, for about a total of $1500 or so in ups and I got $750 back out of it, and the Cricketed Toxic had nearly all of the ND components, I put about $1400 into it, and got back $550 on it. I think the Shocker is going to turn out to be the same way, yet I could be wrong, we will never know until the time comes! :)