View Full Version : about my minimag

11-30-2003, 11:15 PM
i was wondering if the accuracy and ball chopping problem with my gun would get better if i got an x-valve.

i went out with my mag 2 days ago and realized that it's not all that great. i was comparing it to my friend's spyder and it just didn't seem all that better.

specs on my mag are at the bottom.

i'm kinda thinking of just picking up an 03 shocker or a matrix or something.

11-30-2003, 11:24 PM
Ball chopping can be solved by the level 10. Easy fix.

As for accuracy...

Accuracy is a measure of paint to barrel match, good paint and a consistent air source.

If the paint is too big or small for the barrel (or vice versa) you'll have accruacy issues.

If the paint just sucks, or is too brittle, you'll have problems.

If the air source is not consistent, your velocity will be erratic and therefore your accuracy will vary from shot to shot.

11-30-2003, 11:25 PM
Keep the mag, trust me. Buy a retro valve with LX OR an X Valve if you are concerned about weight. Then buy an Intelliframe and you will have a great gun that rips fast and is reliable.

11-30-2003, 11:37 PM
buy a barrel kit so you can shoot paints if they are different sizes

11-30-2003, 11:47 PM
Prioritize -

stop chopping - level 10 will work.

Increase accuracy - get your paint to barrel match settled. A kit, or just buying paint that matches the barrel you already have.

You didn't mention it, but an xvalve or retro valve will help you shoot faster.

Also - at the field this weekend, there was a constant line of fix-my-spyder guys, all being helped out by guys with mags. Kinda funny, they had plenty of time on their hands between games as their stuff worked.

12-01-2003, 02:08 AM
".:x-valve? (should i even or just get lvl 10?)" If you want a lighter valve, the ability to shoot faster, and fewer chops get the x-valve. If you are just looking to reduce chops, get only the lvl 10 upgrade.

".:adjustable nitrogen tank (flatline?)" I'd only get the adjustable tank if you picked the X-valve upgrade and not the lvl 10 one.

".:ule body (black)" Great upgrade, looks better than the stock minimag body, lighter, and cocker threaded barrels.

".:black intelliframe w/ blade trigger" This would probably be the second upgrade I did, after the x-valve\lvl 10 one.

As far as accuracy, Id just get one of the many barrel systems out there so you can match the bore of your barrel to the paint you will be using that day.