View Full Version : mag or impy

12-01-2003, 11:07 AM
well i am going to start playing in a lot of tournaments, and i was wondering what you all think, should i get a mag or an impy.?? one of the main reasons, i wanted an impy was because of really good rate of fire. which mags are decent shooters like 12 13 bps? can i buy n e thing to make them shoot any faster? gimme some feed back, thanx a lot.

12-01-2003, 11:11 AM
X valve and ULT with help the gun shoot faster. I would say get the mag over the impulse.

12-01-2003, 11:32 AM
get it imp! i have a mag(which is in my sig) and i like it BUT all my friends have imps and they can shoot faster then the mag if you dont sweet spot the trigger. i would go with the imp

12-02-2003, 04:59 PM
It depends on what you mean by a "mag". Are you talking about an E-mag, or a stock automag?

It also depends on the upgrades you're talking about - ie a stock impulse (or with additional upgrades), a stock automag, or an Xvalve, ULT trigger, etc. Once you factor in upgrades, you'll need to decide which is a better value for the money.

In terms of rate of fire, I will say that for the majority of people, it's easier to shoot a higher rate of fire for longer periods with an electronic impulse than a stock automag.

12-02-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by 68Classic
X valve and ULT with help the gun shoot faster. I would say get the mag over the impulse.

i hate how one says that a product is better than another when he or she hasnt ever tried both. go impulse. i had a hypermag level 10 and all the fixins and it was not nearly as fast, smooth, upgradable, or light as the pulse. oh, and impulses have just about the same efficiency as a mag does except you can upgrade the impulse to make it insanely efficient.

12-02-2003, 05:18 PM
I have both and you should decide based on budget. I fyou don't have much money to upgrade get an impulse from www.e-paintballoutlet.com if you have plent of money for upgrades (ie xvalve, I frame etc) go mag. Other than that it's preference.

12-02-2003, 05:20 PM
im tippy hater's bud, and wut hes talkin bout is a non electro mag, just mechanical. and for an impy, just a basic prettymuch, he probably wont get an eye with it, just a normal impy and a non electro mag is wut hes askin about.
help him out!;)

12-02-2003, 05:28 PM
Problem is, you can't compare ROF between mechanical and electro. It's apples/oranges.

Will a Xvalve Mag keep up with an electro? To a certain point, yes.

I say try both and then decide. Remember, try a higher end Mag b/c that's what the mag CAN be(Xvalve), not what it is now (classic).

12-02-2003, 05:36 PM
get a bushmaster 2k3 damnit. Impulses are crap for the money, the b2k3 has so many more advantages over the imp.

if you have 500$ to spend, you could get a b2k3 with pds (eye) and will never chop, and be way lighter than an impulse, and will look cooler, and will be more consitent in the long run, and lower pressure, will be extremely fast, etc... I know people who prefer b2k3's over angels and vikings because they are so much smaller and lighter.

12-02-2003, 05:56 PM
Heres the thing, even an X mag is barely faster than an impulse.