View Full Version : need help with ball breakage!!

12-01-2003, 05:05 PM
yo i was just playin around shootin my mag, and i broke a ball i cleaned out the barrel and tryed to clean out the inside but i didn't take it apart. Should i take it apart? or do u have any suggestions on what i should do. Thanx for the help.

12-01-2003, 05:19 PM
If there's paint in the breech I'd clean it out. After de-gassing remove the feild strip screw, the one in the back, and the whole valve assembly and bolt will slide out. Oh, I'd take the barrel off to so it's even easier to get in there:)

12-01-2003, 05:21 PM
and you should get a level 10 bolt so you wont have breaks

12-01-2003, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Mr.mike
and you should get a level 10 bolt so you wont have breaks

It makes a world of difference. Buy one, you will not be sorry.