View Full Version : No automag

12-01-2003, 09:43 PM
Whats the piont on getting a automag for like $1000 when you could get probally better marker then an automag. Well i got a spyder sonix, which should have never been made, so ya i would like a automag but a tippmann a-5 is a perfectly good gun why should you spend $1000 when you can buy a perfectly good one for $300 or something and that marker can shoot 800 paintballs a minute (not like you would shoot that much) but why save for a automag when you can buy a great marker for 300?

12-01-2003, 09:47 PM
WOW! i am now 50% dumber *Edit* Thank you for going out of your way to give him a civil response. Try a little humility next time. Army

12-01-2003, 09:48 PM
:eek: holy crap did he just say what i think he said

ur in for it now buddy

12-01-2003, 09:48 PM
Thats to bad

12-01-2003, 09:49 PM
ya there is but its not like your going to take on the world with like your marker

12-01-2003, 09:51 PM
I, uhm...

12-01-2003, 09:53 PM
ya u can but i'm talking like after you get a new barrel and upgrade it your up to 400 or 500 and i'm not just saying o lets all get a a-5 like maby a impulse or something

12-01-2003, 09:56 PM
but i'm not saying that i don't like automags i think there sweet but i'm just saying there is other guns out there then just automags

12-01-2003, 09:56 PM
imo 400$ for a gun that is very reliable that has so many upgrade options is a heck of a deal.

12-01-2003, 09:57 PM
i kn but is it worth the money?

12-01-2003, 09:59 PM
i love this kid hes great

ok y would we spend 400 upgrading a gun that isnt worth it?

ps yea it is a mag can blow an a-5 out of the water

12-01-2003, 10:00 PM
its soo worth the money.i have a mag and everyone looking for a good quality gun that shoots fast and isn't looking to spend much i refer to mags. beacuse you can get a good working mag for cheap and you can upgrade it if you want. not saying everyone that has a mag has to have a ule body with a intelliframe and a lvl 10.

12-01-2003, 10:00 PM
um... I don't know about you but I got my rtpro for cheaper than ANY impulse, a5, used angel, bko, or electrospyder.

I got my rtp for 200 dollars and it's a hell of a lot better deal and an a5. I'd never touch an impulse or bushmaster either, they're too tall of a profile and I don't like that. I say mags are perfectly justifiable.

BTW: mags are capable of shooting 800 balls per minute and higher, mags are actually capable of somewhere around 1400 balls per minute... and that's still not even pushign them to their max.

12-01-2003, 10:02 PM
ya i know it can. And another thing about automags, ya they are nice but they break all the time so you can't play, there something always wrong with them. I have a friend that has an automag and he never plays because its always broken or something

12-01-2003, 10:03 PM
sorry then ur friend is an idoit mags dont break stupid people break them

12-01-2003, 10:03 PM
A-5's can die

but i mean i have the same thuoghts too...

brand new, 400$ on a mag goes really fast.

220 for it new
85 LX
70 2x frame
30 foregrip

i dont know if im making a clear point... because after typing that i just realized thats actually a nice deal... lol

12-01-2003, 10:05 PM
um... wtf are you smoking?

My old mag never broke... and it was made from SPARE PARTS.

My rtp is also in great condition. I'm sorry but your friend is an idiot if he can't even take care of a mag.

Mags are easier to take care of than well, ANYTHING. GAS UP AND GO. WOW, SO HARD.

12-01-2003, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by frost
sorry then ur friend is an idoit mags dont break stupid people break them

thats the best thing i've heard :D

12-01-2003, 10:07 PM
Everone is entitled to an opinion. But where are you finding Automags for $1000? Or do you mean an E/Xmag?

Originally posted by acepaintbller
ya i know it can. And another thing about automags, ya they are nice but they break all the time so you can't play, there something always wrong with them. I have a friend that has an automag and he never plays because its always broken or something Do you mean Autococker?

12-01-2003, 10:07 PM
breaking. like frost said your friend must be an idiot. yea i guess you are right. they do always break paint if you don't have a lvl 10!!!!!!1 i installed my lvl 10 with no problem knowing nothing about mags and it worked. and i adjusted and installed a new trigger. and i didn't have to be a rocket scientist to do that

12-01-2003, 10:08 PM
i have had my mag for 3 years. and not once have i found a way to break it. it works no matter what. your friend must be a complete idiot.

12-01-2003, 10:09 PM

lets not flame the nub

maybe his friend has a lemon... i reckon he should *cough*send it to AGD*cough* that is, assuming its got at least 1 star on the valve:)

12-01-2003, 10:09 PM
ya but don't they break a lot?

12-01-2003, 10:12 PM
sheesh for 1000 dollars i would get a non lcd matrix, and upgrade it, that would be a hella good gun.:D

12-01-2003, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by acepaintbller
ya but don't they break a lot?

No, I've actually hit my mag with a wrench and it didn't break. Not even a ding, just a light scratch. And the marker shot just fine.

12-01-2003, 10:13 PM
hell no if a mag "breaks" 99% of the time it need a new oring

again mags dont break stupid people break them

12-01-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by UltimatePaintballer
sheesh for 1000 dollars i would get a non lcd matrix, and upgrade it, that would be a hella good gun.:D

Nooo, a hella good gun would be a very well priced immortal viking or destructive viking. lol

12-01-2003, 10:14 PM
ya i guess you guys are right well see ya i'm goin to hit the sack

12-01-2003, 10:15 PM
change ur username while ur at it

12-01-2003, 10:16 PM

12-01-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by acepaintbller
Whats the piont on getting a automag for like $1000 when you could get probally better marker then an automag. Well i got a spyder sonix, which should have never been made, so ya i would like a automag but a tippmann a-5 is a perfectly good gun why should you spend $1000 when you can buy a perfectly good one for $300 or something and that marker can shoot 800 paintballs a minute (not like you would shoot that much) but why save for a automag when you can buy a great marker for 300? funny. i have both and i paid a little more for the mag and it works a hell of a lot better. bye bye.

12-01-2003, 10:17 PM

12-01-2003, 10:18 PM

12-01-2003, 10:19 PM
frost cool it

mags break down a lot?? hmm... depends on how much you throw them :o

12-01-2003, 10:20 PM
man i wish you guys woulda told me too cool it. now i had to go on a rage and get warned by army.err me sad:(

12-01-2003, 10:21 PM
im cool im cool :p i just thought i would be a good idea thats all

12-01-2003, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by frost
im cool im cool :p i just thought i would be a good idea thats all

translation: "acepaintballer: change your sn since you are obviously a complete newb to paintball and you probably suck at paintball so you can't qualify in any way as an 'ace paintballer'"

12-01-2003, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by acepaintbller
Whats the piont on getting a automag for like $1000 when you could get probally better marker then an automag. Well i got a spyder sonix, which should have never been made, so ya i would like a automag but a tippmann a-5 is a perfectly good gun why should you spend $1000 when you can buy a perfectly good one for $300 or something and that marker can shoot 800 paintballs a minute (not like you would shoot that much) but why save for a automag when you can buy a great marker for 300? I finaly figured out what I should say:

I spend the money on mags cause I want to (save, what's that?).

as far as your comparison, you need to be more "apples to apples". a full decked emag (about $1k i wold guess) would most definately blow away a tippy.

It's really too bad that the mag has such a negative reputation in many areas. I have seen that around here too, until I showed them and let them use my LX rt, and when they got through drooling and asking if they could touch my xmag, that too was something of a paradigm shift for them.

The LX bolt is just teh miracle that was needed to resurect the mag (at least in my opinion). I wish more people knew about that.

12-01-2003, 10:28 PM
no i never said that i know many people at my school who think the same way and have play for just as long as me i dont like saying noob becuz we we're all noobs at one time and yea u know u didnt like being called it so y call other people that

12-01-2003, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by FooTemps

Nooo, a hella good gun would be a very well priced immortal viking or destructive viking. lol

yes yes yes, very nice:D

12-01-2003, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by acepaintbller
ya but don't they break a lot?

I accidently ran one of my first ones over....it worked fine afterwards.

12-01-2003, 10:47 PM
your my boy big chops your my boy

12-01-2003, 10:50 PM
i dont even know how to respond to the smattering of jibber jabber in that post...it made no sense...go back to first grade and come back and talk to us.

12-01-2003, 11:03 PM
Hey Ace, I'm gonna give you a quick suggestion; Clean up your grammer a little bit. It's ok to have a few errors here and their <--(example) but, you're writing like Bush talks. It's not a nitpick or an attack on you. It's just that some people may misinterperate what you're trying to get across, if they interperate it at all.

In terms of reliability of mags, I've crashed my mag into wood bunkers, trees, and branches playing in the woods. It still shot like a dream. If something is broken, most likely, an o-ring needs to be replaced. You can take a standard AIR valve and use it to beat on any tippmann, and most likely both markers will still function.

12-01-2003, 11:13 PM

how do we know what the "ace" in "acepaintballer" means??

thats right, we dont.

it could mean Anti-Chop Eye, making him anti-chop eye paintballer.

perhaps hes got an ACE on his a-5?:confused: '

and just for the record, mags break more than glass being dropped 10 stories up:p

12-01-2003, 11:15 PM
Ignorance is bliss, I would know.

12-01-2003, 11:18 PM
i never really did understand that expression

12-01-2003, 11:19 PM
I actually managed to toss my emag about ten feet once after being hot-shot right in my arm's tendon as I was sprinting upfield... it didn't even skip a beat.

I got that bastage out the next game ;)


12-01-2003, 11:39 PM
go ahead and get a tippy. but if your going to get a tippy get a 98c. why not just downgrade to the sl-11? or, wait I got it! ...
get a mag anyway!
considering the only way you will spen $1000 on a mag is if you 1) get an emag or xmag or 2) upgrade the heck outta a classic.
I don't know.
get a mag, you'll be happy

12-02-2003, 12:05 AM
For liek 500$ you can get a nice X/retrovalve'd mag, and mabey an intelli frame, wich would blow away any tippy.

12-02-2003, 12:09 AM
Y'all need to know a troll when you see one.

What is a troll? (http://www.angelfire.com/space/usenet/#two)

12-02-2003, 12:11 AM
man i should have known. i got in trouble cus of some idiot??!!!!! err me very angry>:(

12-02-2003, 12:20 AM
i know i dont post on AO a lot but i thought id throw in my 2 cents anyways... ive owned many guns in my paintball life, a bunch of low end spyders, tipp, brass eagle, and ive owned some nicer ones, mags, cockers, imps, and now a dark ir3 angel... and honestly out of all of them, the most reliable has definitely got to be the mag. any gun is a piece of junk if you dont take care of it, but i have gotten so mad in a game before and thrown my mag against a tree, picked it back up and its was still shooting fine. im actually in the middle of deciding weather or not to sell my almost brand new (4500 shots) ir3 to get another mechanical mag...
they are definitely worth the money... once again, just my 2 cents

12-02-2003, 12:33 AM
Y'all need to know a troll when you see one.

nice one biggin. not sure wut it meant but i guess thats not the point. A-5 suck dont waste ur money on them

12-02-2003, 01:06 AM
Hey FooTemps $200 for a rtpro? I just starting to build one. Where did you find such a deal?:cool:

come on guys give the nuby a little break..sooner or later he will come around like I did. But he will keep the other compaines in busniess for awhile:D

12-02-2003, 02:25 AM
Yeah, he was a troll it was pretty obvious since he tried to get on everyones nerves. First by attacking price, then by basically calling mags crap, then by using crap grammar.

BUT, it's still fun to yell at people. :D

12-02-2003, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by acepaintbller
Whats the piont on getting a automag for like $1000 when you could get probally better marker then an automag. Well i got a spyder sonix, which should have never been made, so ya i would like a automag but a tippmann a-5 is a perfectly good gun why should you spend $1000 when you can buy a perfectly good one for $300 or something and that marker can shoot 800 paintballs a minute (not like you would shoot that much) but why save for a automag when you can buy a great marker for 300?

Sweet Criminey! Im gone 1 day....Oh Snap! Troll Baited!

Iam Brian Fellowes

12-02-2003, 10:17 AM
Uhh, I think we scared him away. Ohh yeah and 800 rds a min is only 13 shots a second, which last time I checked wasnt a very special rof. Thats why I hate that tipman add, it is soo misleading. They claim the a-5 is the fastest marker/feed system in the world. They only reason they can claim that is because the a-5 is the only marker with a feedsystem built on it. Geeze i hate tipman.

12-02-2003, 11:17 AM
Your right, mags can be a little pricey. However when you take into consideration what you are getting for the price they become one of the cheapest guns to own. Comparing an A-5 to even a 68 classic is like comparing a Chevy to a rolls.

TO start with an A-5 WILL NOT shoot 800 bpm out of the box. (800 bps = 13.3 bps) you must have HPA and some type of reg as well the electronic trigger frame. Not counting the HPA you’re at 600 bucks.

The A-5 is a nice marker, however tippmann will be the first to admit the its not its cracked up to be, the cyclone feed has some problems, the reactive trigger has problems, the electronic frame is a nightmare to fix and all of the above break all the time.

I purchased my first mag used for about 200 bucks, I spent 15 bucks on an oring kit and it worked great.

I built A mag yesterday, Y grip, X valve, Dye 10" boom stick datapimp drop with a splash kit.

Guess what? 19 bps that’s 1140 bpm. Now I built this gun to sell, I work in a paintball store and I can shoot whatever gun I want, I choose to shoot a mag, why? Because they are the best guns ever made, sometimes they do break, not often but when they do it has never taken me more than about 10 min to figure out whats wrong and get back to having fun.

BTW that 19 bps, that a NON-electronic marker that will sell for about 650

12-02-2003, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by acepaintbller
ya but don't they break a lot?

I started out with a tippy 68 carbine. Running on CO2 at the time it cost me I think just under $200. two years later I had bought a Automag clasic with a lvl 7 valve (about 200). About 4 years ago I bought a micromag ($300).
Currently playing with the micromag with a lvl 10 ($60). The only problems I've had with the tippy is I broke the front reciever (to be exact stripped the thread on it so the stainless steel line doesn't screw in any more). Problems I've had with the mag classic: ball breaks and old orings in the valve (mind you shooting this with CO2).

Problems with my lvl 10 micromag: absolutely none after I got the lvl 10 tuned.
around $800 worth of guns one is broken however all of them worked fine. In general I found that mags reputation as a paintblender has stayed around too long. But to say that mags break down a lot would be inconsistent with what my experience with them.

There are 2 brands of guns I consider workhorse guns. Tippmanns and Mags. This is thru experience of either me or someone else I know abusing them to an extreme (ever empty out a hopper of paint after you fell into a river or swamp with the gun going in first) and the paint shot straight after the water drained out of the hopper my mag has done it so had my friends 68 carbine).

Now my question is how much did you spend on your spyder sonix. Does the price compare more to my automag classic than an E/X mag.

12-02-2003, 03:52 PM
The classic mag is far better than a fully decked out A-5. I decided to see how different they were, so I took a classic and put an Intell frame on it, then I put it aside and took an A-5 and put the response trigger, flatline, and every other upgrade I could think of on it. I then took them to the feild and let 25 people try both. 21 said they liked the mag better, those that didn't liked the military look of the A-5 so they went with it. All in all the mag is just better.

12-02-2003, 05:50 PM
well, lets see, for 500$ lets compare a mag to a bushy

used mag on ebay: 200$
lvl 10 80$
2x trigger frame 100$
front grip: 30$
an lets say a ult: 100$


a stock b2k3 with pds: 500$
electric 2x trigger
low pressure reg
high pressure inline reg
derlin bolt
gun wieghs 2 pounds

its pretty clear that the bushy is a better deal, but for 300$, a mag will get you a long way.

12-02-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by fancynapkin
well, lets see, for 500$ lets compare a mag to a bushy

used mag on ebay: 200$
lvl 10 80$
2x trigger frame 100$
front grip: 30$
an lets say a ult: 100$


a stock b2k3 with pds: 500$
electric 2x trigger
low pressure reg
high pressure inline reg
derlin bolt
gun wieghs 2 pounds

its pretty clear that the bushy is a better deal, but for 300$, a mag will get you a long way.

Um, your prices are way off...
used mag: $175 or cheaper
lx: $65 or cheaper
front grip: $20 or cheaper or you're being ripped
ult: on sale from tunaman for $39

That's $299. :) 300 does go a long way.