View Full Version : Hey Tom, help us (ME) out here!

12-01-2003, 10:15 PM
-Ok... I am an AGD fan and think of Airgun as the top dog in the paintball industry. As a tournament player, I need to use top of the line gear that is very versatile and works no matter what. I have been using mags since I had the sufficient funds to purchase one. As I grew as a paintball player I began accumulating more paintball markers and became accustomed with nearly every marker made for the sport. As I became more involved with the sport, I had to pick gear that would work like an "animal". This term is my generic word for nearly anything that works non stop with amazing flawlessness. Of course I was still juggling between AGD markers and other high end markers like intimidators, ebladed cockers, angels, vikings, and trixes. I had to finally pick a primary and I came down to the Xmag vs. the Matrix. I went back and forth on the pros and cons and in the end chose the Matrix. Some would have picked the Xmag, and I don’t blame them... but for my style of play the matrix had one more thing that I liked over the emag. That one thing was the trigger style. I have talked to many paintball players and many feel that the Xmag is a great marker but would personally not choose it. When I would ask the million dollar question, “Why?” they would respond, "The trigger". In response I have been trying to make my ultimate marker by using an Emag body with the trigger frame of a Matrix, and hope to complete it by the end of winter. Unfortunately I am a very busy person and time is my greatest nemesis. Hence it will take some time before this project is completed. I understand that a micro switch can ware down as opposed to the Emags magnet setup, but nevertheless I feel that it is worth it in the long run.

-So my question to you, Tom, is this. Although you already make amazing markers as is, would you be willing to make a micro switch Xmag/ Emag version that is either A. a mod that any Emag user could easily install themselves. or B. an E/Xmag that comes stock with a micro switch or has the option to have a micro switch installed instead. Thanks for reading and I hope AGD will last through the coming decades and prosper.


12-01-2003, 10:31 PM

This isn't exactly AGD sanctioned, but have you seen what s Hyperframe and the ULT can do together? Microswitch trigger, amazing battery life, and a one-tube profile--it doesn't get any better.

12-01-2003, 10:37 PM
Yea, I know what you are talking about but I'd still love to see what Tom has to say... A guy has to try! Thats also why I'm starting the project myself. Keeps the disapointment from hurting as much. :)



12-04-2003, 01:42 AM
after reading this thread i thought of another question for Tom. i guess anyone that knows the answer could answer it. and im not sure if it has been answered on ao before.
What was the initial reason for going with the magnetic trigger rather than a microswitch like everyone else, is is just to be different or is there an actual scientific or logical reason for going with it?

12-04-2003, 10:32 AM
Swithes = parts that wear out.

AGD = parts that don't wear out.

HES = part that doesn't wear out.


12-04-2003, 04:53 PM

12-04-2003, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by athomas
Swithes = parts that wear out.

AGD = parts that don't wear out.

HES = part that doesn't wear out.

AGD = HES:D Now THAT is some serious logic! I agree 100%. The quality is STILL unbelievable....;) :D

12-04-2003, 06:02 PM
Yea I was aware of micro switches pooping out but if it were a mod of some sort then its not attatched to the marker and agd can say... Warning: Micro switches suck.
Hehe, I had to see. There is just something about the feeling of a microswitch that make my walking fingers happy.


12-06-2003, 12:18 PM
also i think that with the microswitch, agd would have to eliminate the capability of switching between mech mode and e-mode, the reason is because, to make a microswitch pull pretty short means pulling it closer to the frame, well if you think about that with still keeping the mech mode possible, that would be kind of hard, mainly because with mech mode the trigger has to go much farther forward in movement. i'm thinking this could be solved with spacers that are placed above the trigger to stop the movement forward in e-mode, but then it would be a major hastle to switch between the modes, or if the actual microswitch can be moved closer to the trigger by making it stick out of the frame a little more, but now that risks breaking the microswitch.

12-06-2003, 09:09 PM
About how many shots would a microswitch last? I thought older Angels, Timmys, and Matrix's all used microswitches. I've never heard of any problems with switches wearing out. Also, maybe AGD could do something similair to the optoswitch WDP has. I'm pretty sure WDP has patened the optoswitch (not like it matters with the whole SP thing) so I'm not sure about that idea.

Regardless, I have shot my fair share of X/E-mags and I agree with nato. I can fire an Angel or Matrix much faster and more comfortably. To me the E-mag's trigger seems too mushy, it's not as crisp as some of the other gun's triggers. Like nato said, ALOT of people do not consider the E-mag because of the unconventional trigger. Right now I'm looking at getting either an Angel 4 or Viking, I've always wanted an E-mag - until I shot one.

12-06-2003, 09:57 PM
My old shocker from 00 microswitch worked fine when I sold it.....I have never heard of micro swtiches "wearing" out, thats what as always brought me away from emags, the trigger

12-06-2003, 11:13 PM
A: they are mechanical (see athomas)
b: they are big, we cant fit one into the emag frame
c: they are noisy

Thats why.


12-07-2003, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by AcemanPB
About how many shots would a microswitch last? I thought older Angels, Timmys, and Matrix's all used microswitches. I've never heard of any problems with switches wearing out. Also, maybe AGD could do something similair to the optoswitch WDP has. I'm pretty sure WDP has patened the optoswitch (not like it matters with the whole SP thing) so I'm not sure about that idea.

Regardless, I have shot my fair share of X/E-mags and I agree with nato. I can fire an Angel or Matrix much faster and more comfortably. To me the E-mag's trigger seems too mushy, it's not as crisp as some of the other gun's triggers. Like nato said, ALOT of people do not consider the E-mag because of the unconventional trigger. Right now I'm looking at getting either an Angel 4 or Viking, I've always wanted an E-mag - until I shot one.

Well if u want your x/e mag trigger to be crisp like and angel/trix, put one or two magnets in it and it will feel very crisp. Thats the way i had my e-mag trigger set up, if i remember correctly.

12-07-2003, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by danheneise
also i think that with the microswitch, agd would have to eliminate the capability of switching between mech mode and e-mode

When I asked my son if he wanted to keep his retro mag as a backup to his emag, he told me he didn't need one, as he was carrying his backup all the time.

12-07-2003, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by AGD
A: they are mechanical (see athomas)
b: they are big, we cant fit one into the emag frame
c: they are noisy

Thats why.


if you want a trigger pull to feel more like a microswitch, throw some more return magnets in the frame and make the pull a bit shorter

i'm running 1 o-ring and 1 magnet right now with a 1 mm pull

can hit 20bps WHEVER i deside, in game or out of game :eek:

and many people can testify to that fact at my field :D

heck, i doesnt even feel like a magnetic trigger anymore... it just kinda feels like its floating in the frame :cool:

well... afterall i am the god of all triggers :p

12-07-2003, 02:11 AM
They are noisy?

I am so glad that one manufacturer has the uncanny hearing abilities to distinguish the noise of a microswitch clicking over the noise of the paintball marker firing. I wish my hearing was that good.

12-07-2003, 05:17 AM
Hunter, you are messing with a Pyro... and you are GOING to get burned.

12-07-2003, 11:47 AM
Uh Oh... I fear that I may have wakend the angry paintball fighting giant.:)

Its all understandable, I'll do the project myself and check it out.

I understand that the emag is amazing and I agree. I understand why most wouldn't want to change it. But I'm not like most!!!

Later Fellas (Ladies),


12-07-2003, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by AGD
A: they are mechanical (see athomas)
b: they are big, we cant fit one into the emag frame
c: they are noisy

Thats why.


Do you mean noisy as in switch bounce?

12-07-2003, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by hunter100
They are noisy?

I am so glad that one manufacturer has the uncanny hearing abilities to distinguish the noise of a microswitch clicking over the noise of the paintball marker firing. I wish my hearing was that good.

think electrical noise.