View Full Version : Crappy Paint

12-01-2003, 11:21 PM
Had a BAD experience at a NorCal field (cough***Paintball Zone***cough) and wuz wondering if anybody ever experienced similar...Had to buy field paint (box o 2000) & when I cracked it open first noticed the Grooves/ seams were REALLY Bad. Then noticed all the dents - each ball closely resembled a golf ball:confused: Whent to exchange only to find 2 other boxes (& presumably all) were in same shape.:( Resigned myself to "play-on" when talking to other players revealed similar situations. Tried to match paint to barrel (Evil Pipe kit), even went a little large (.692), but spent the rest of the day cleaning out break after break. Balls were bursting halfway down the barrel. Accuracy down to about 20 feet. Got killed by those who brought own paint. Will NEVER make this mistake again (buying field paint). Any other fields in Cali with this prob?

12-01-2003, 11:23 PM
all i know is i looked at this paint my friend has, and boy oh boy it was 100% shnitzle.

i mean, he was shooting dice out of his emag. luckily none of them were breaking simply because the shell was too rubbery and hard to break in the barrel! ha!

field paint is the bad

never get premium field paint.. its just blech

Edit: Welcome to AO :D

12-01-2003, 11:44 PM
Thanks for the "Welcome", its good to be here.:D Anyway, Live&Learn.

12-02-2003, 12:03 AM
We had that problem once, and so we just resorted to vowing to never buying field paint ever again, or not playing at fields that are FPO. Unless it is a special event ie Shatnerball or an AO megameet thing like the one coming up.

We play in Nor Cal, along with quite a few of us, and we are having a AOCA meet in San Luis Obispo on the 17-18 of Jan. Check out meet and greet, the thread is a sticky. AND WELCOME TO AO!

12-02-2003, 08:58 AM
Field paint is good stuff here in VA :) They have a wide variety of quality balls to choose from.

However, back home in WA, the field paint sucked nutz. You could choose from Severe, Severe Hurricane, Big Ball, or White Box (u dun wanna know what's in the white box!). Needless to say all that paint is garbage.

If you have never seen or used Severe paint, its a complete joke!

Kaiser Bob
12-02-2003, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by FragTek

If you have never seen or used Severe paint, its a complete joke!

I beg to differ, severe's higher end paints, tempest and cyclone shoot friggen awesome, cyclone especially.

12-02-2003, 10:15 AM
We get that option on tourny days, and that paint blows too... The balls are dimpled, the fill is weak sauce, and theres usually a couple of broken balls per case.

Can't beat some good ol' Ultimate Chronic or Evil paint :) Heck, sometimes I don't mind Hellfire.

Kaiser Bob
12-02-2003, 08:15 PM
no way that is how its coming from severe, theres a problem with the distributor there, thats something i dont even see in the worst white box crap, also cyclone fill is like sparkly toothpaste here...

12-02-2003, 08:24 PM
Well I shoot the same paint my local field sells. Nitro Duck. I either use the Nitro Duck paint, or Nitro Duck Pro paint. Both of which shoots excellent. Not just saying it cause they are my teams sponsor. Am saying it cause I havent found a paint yet that I liked till I started shooting their paint. They also make two grades lower then what I shoot. First Choice, which is a good paint, but if you have a picky marker, when it comes to paint, go with Nitro Duck. Then they have the El Cheapo stuff, called Nitro Ball. Think its like $35 a case for Nitro Ball. Falls under the pay for what you get thing.

Had to use Tourney paint at all the tourneys I have been to except for my local tourneys. Worst paint was at IAO. DRAXXUS SUXKS AZZ. We were getting the $100 a case crap, and even the pros at X-Ball were complaining about it being junk paint. Should have heard Chris Lasoya talking about it. Was almost funny to hear him go at it about how chitty the Draxxus paint was.

Anyway, Ill stick with my Nitro Duck and Nitro Duck Pro paint as long as I can. Only use tourney paint when I have to.


12-02-2003, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Kaiser Bob
no way that is how its coming from severe, theres a problem with the distributor there, thats something i dont even see in the worst white box crap, also cyclone fill is like sparkly toothpaste here...

It's funny you mention about the white box paint, because it usually has less dimples and no breaks... But the white box balls suck, I wish it could be the other way around.

And yeah, the sparkley fill is pretty cool, but it's not as thick as I like in a fill. I'm pretty picky when it comes to paint going through my mag :)

12-02-2003, 08:52 PM
we shoot field blaze as our field paint

post 1000 yay im special

12-02-2003, 08:54 PM
Gratz Torbo :)

12-02-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by acropilot19
Thanks for the "Welcome", its good to be here.:D Anyway, Live&Learn.

and then get luvs!:D

12-03-2003, 12:35 AM
i shoot PMI Premiums at BFG Paintball in wisconsin... never had a problem with it in the year that i've been playing there :D

12-03-2003, 09:30 AM
My regular field is FPO but uses only RPS/PMI paints. Never had any problems with them, especially marbs and evil.

Damned if the 32* crap at my regular field in NJ sucks though...and for that reason I went somwehere else, despite the fact it is a very nice field.

12-03-2003, 09:33 AM
RPS/PMI paint I have found is some good stuff. I really only shoot the Evil paint and the Polar Ice from RPS/PMI, but I have used Marballizer and what not, that was some good paint!

12-03-2003, 09:41 AM
The marbs shoot incredibly well and have a very nice fill. Evil is very comperable though, and just a touch cheaper.

12-03-2003, 09:46 AM
I haven't found the need to spend over $65 / case on paint, so I stick with the Evil, as it has some of the thickest brightest fill of any paint on the market. Very happy with it!

They need to have Evil Winter paint for us cold climate players :) I guess Polar Ice will have to do for now!

12-03-2003, 09:58 AM
You're in Virginia...we die up here in NY when we have a nice winter game.

The evil I find works better in my phantom, and the marbs work well in everything else (freak kits for all). On league days I'll go with marbs, but generally, I stick with evils. I'm pleased with them.

Bigballs will work too, especially if I want to be dirt cheap, but they are a little too variable.

12-03-2003, 10:03 AM
Unless I can't help it, I refuse to use anything other than marbalizers. Simply the best darn paint in existance! I mean, they break easy on target, NOT in your barrel. heck, I've had one pinched by my bolt before, and the ball showed NO DENTS from the pinch. I went into the breech on the next load (had to turn up LPR, that was why it pinched) and it shot laser straight. Also, the stuff lasts for months. I kept and used a case gradually from september all the way through november, and in between weekends of play, the marbs would just sit there. Normal paint would've settled and gotten dimples, but the marbs stayed perfectly round!

Basically, I'm so impressed with marbs that I never want to use anything else ever again!

12-03-2003, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by robdamanii
Bigballs will work too, especially if I want to be dirt cheap, but they are a little too variable.

The last time I shot Big Balls they were junk, I don't think I would personally buy them again, they were different sized, looked a little too much like an oval than a spere, and had some dimples.... I wasn't too impressed.

12-03-2003, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Sir_Brass
Unless I can't help it, I refuse to use anything other than marbalizers. Simply the best darn paint in existance! I mean, they break easy on target, NOT in your barrel. heck, I've had one pinched by my bolt before, and the ball showed NO DENTS from the pinch. I went into the breech on the next load (had to turn up LPR, that was why it pinched) and it shot laser straight. Also, the stuff lasts for months. I kept and used a case gradually from september all the way through november, and in between weekends of play, the marbs would just sit there. Normal paint would've settled and gotten dimples, but the marbs stayed perfectly round!

Basically, I'm so impressed with marbs that I never want to use anything else ever again!

If you like the marbs, I highly recommend you try the Evils. They are very very good as well. Don't know about maintining their shape very well, but they do shoot darts, and they have nice characteristics.

12-03-2003, 10:10 AM
I like how the upper end RPS/PMI paint has more of the plastic shell than the softer gelatin shell.

I have not ONCE bought a case of Evil and had a single dimpled ball that I noticed, or a ball that looked like an egg. To me, they are just as good as the Marbalizer, possibly a tad better! Price aint everything when it comes to paint :D

12-03-2003, 10:24 AM
I've tried the evils already. Good paint, but for some reason I just like the marbs ALOT better.

12-03-2003, 10:33 AM
We sell a lot of marbalizer back home at the shop. I am reluctant to buy paint around here for these outrageous prices when I'm used to being able to get 2 cases of Evil for $65... I just got my box of Polar Ice yesterday from back home, USPS did a decent job of not breaking any of my balls :D

Edit: USPS, not UPS.

12-03-2003, 10:38 AM
I use and trust Priority through the USPS. I'll use UPS or FedEx (or FedWrecks, as some have put it) for gear, but for paint, I'd trust getting at the pro shop MUCH MORE than I would buying it online. But if I did get it online, I'd do my best to get it through Priority Mail, since they do a good job of treating their packages very well.

12-03-2003, 11:07 AM
Yeah, I typoed on that last post. It was shipped USPS Priority, that is mainly what my business uses for shipping anything, basically due to treatment issus, and very competitive pricing (except when you need to insure something). USPS insurance is outrageously crazy, I usually will use UPS for guns over $1000.

12-03-2003, 11:56 AM
Actually, when I shipped my trunk out to Az. in August of last year, I found out that FedEx has the most competitive pricing when it comes to insurance. It only cost me about $30 more to insure up to $800!

12-03-2003, 04:51 PM
$30 MORE??? Thats outrageous! It only cost me like $9 extra to insure up to $1200 on a Lasoya Timmy someone bought from me through USPS.

And UPS is really really cheap for extra insurance... Last time I shipped with UPS it was $.10 for every $100 insured past the initial $100 that comes for free.

12-03-2003, 06:00 PM
dont play at the paintball zone, go to extreme ;)..unless your into the whole woodsball type stuff. i almost always bring paint, i dont trust field paint most of the time, plus its alot mroe expensive.

12-03-2003, 06:53 PM
unfortunatly we all at one point or another have to learn to live with crappy field paint :( :(:(

12-03-2003, 06:55 PM
I ususally don't use Marbs. They shoot straight like most RPS/PMI paint but don't always break. They are good woods ball paint but not good tourney paint.

EVIL is alot more brittle and if you can score Ultra EVIL even better.

I ususally shoot Chronic or Ultimate Chronic. Only problem is the ZAP uses a more gelatin based shell so when the temps and humidity go up the regular Chronic gets bouncy.

The Ultimate Chornic uses a diffrent shell that is VERY brittle and fill that is one of the thickest out there. Problem is that as the paint gets older the shells get even more brittle and you can get barrel breaks. But I guarentee you will not get a bounce off of it.

12-04-2003, 02:31 AM
Dont know why you all are baggin on bigball...I think its just about all I use...along with pmi premium every once in a while (i get free cases from my local store), and once a few months ago I used blaze...and it was horrible...dimpled like mad after sitting for 3 days...but the price was right (2 orings and 20 minutes fixing a spyder).

12-04-2003, 08:45 AM
I think paint varies greatly from place to place.

I have gotten cases of Blaze that were supreme from a local shop, and then gone 3 hours away and gotten Blaze that was pure junk. Same with the Big Ball, it could be great were you are, but in my hometown's main shop, the Big Ball really licks dong. Not trying to bash the paint itself, my personal experiences with it just havent been all that good.

12-04-2003, 03:12 PM
I have a bag of marbs from 16 months ago... kept open-to-air for all that time, never rolled.

I put some through my phantom yesterday - shot beautifully.

I just ordered two more cases.

marbs = awesome.

premiums = when I'm being cheap.


12-04-2003, 08:32 PM
Hey Frag, how do you like those polar ices? I usually shoot evil, but have been having lotsa barrel breaks with them in the cold. I was thinking of trying out a new "winter" paint.

12-04-2003, 09:56 PM
afran, I absolutely love it for cold weather play, it has eliminated ALL of my barrel breaks. Whenever I use the stuff barrel breaks are a thing of the past, and they are accurate as all hell too. I like it alot! Give it a shot sometime, i'm sure it will save you some squeegeeing!

12-04-2003, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by FragTek
Field paint is good stuff here in VA :) They have a wide variety of quality balls to choose from.

However, back home in WA, the field paint sucked nutz. You could choose from Severe, Severe Hurricane, Big Ball, or White Box (u dun wanna know what's in the white box!). Needless to say all that paint is garbage.

If you have never seen or used Severe paint, its a complete joke!

Field paint in VA? Where are you playing where it is FPO? Cause to the best of my knowledge field paint at pevs is overpriced 32* competetion

Luckily its not FPO :)

12-04-2003, 10:02 PM
What I meant to say is the paint that they sell at Pev's :) It's not FPO, youre right, but they carry Evil and what not :D

12-04-2003, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by FragTek
What I meant to say is the paint that they sell at Pev's :) It's not FPO, youre right, but they carry Evil and what not :D

Pevs the stores do, but do you mean the field also? Cause that would be a recent improvement :) (but then again, everything has been a recent improvement ever since they moved in)

Do you go to Fairfax Pevs?

12-04-2003, 10:13 PM
all fields should use blaze, or nelson hot shot. maybe even diablo 2nds.

those are the best medium to low priced paints

but then there's the BE stuff... Dick's can't keep the shelves full of it! :D

12-04-2003, 10:13 PM
the place i go to is atomix (look at pbreview.com under michigan) they have PMI primium feildpaint at 55bux a case, ive only chopped it, nothing else. FPO and they got good FP so its all good

12-04-2003, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016

Pevs the stores do, but do you mean the field also? Cause that would be a recent improvement :) (but then again, everything has been a recent improvement ever since they moved in)

Do you go to Fairfax Pevs?

That i'm not sure about, haven't bought paint from Pev's @ AG... Only from Pev's Fairfax, so maybe I'm wrong :)

12-05-2003, 04:05 AM
i usually only use RPS allstars i had no differences between them and marbilizers and for 8$ less why not get the allstars although marbilizers have a better thicker fill its no big deal for woods ball... but at the local places around here draxxus hellfire is some good stuff its only feild paint around here and ihavent been disappointed yet. and rps premiums arnt bad either and i only have one barrel and have never had problems with breaks with the feild paint

12-05-2003, 06:12 AM
A lot of the RPS/PMI paint I have been seeing at the field lately has been crap. Oversized, huge uneven seams, and dimples.