View Full Version : Darn you President Bush!

12-02-2003, 07:05 AM

Well, as much as I've always liked President Bush yesterday he declared WAR!

He had a fund raiser a few miles from my office right at the time I usually leave for work. Care to guess what that did for local traffic conditions?

Mr. President, I like you just fine. But do me a big favor, and try not to hold fund raisers that close major highways during rush hour. Think lunches.

12-02-2003, 12:23 PM
LoL. Go Bush!

I am happy that he made an appearance in Iraq, that was a good move for him.

12-02-2003, 02:42 PM
What I want to know is why does he have to raise money for his primary run? Also, He should have to pay for all the extra security and crap, not us:mad:

12-02-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Vendetta
What I want to know is why does he have to raise money for his primary run? Also, He should have to pay for all the extra security and crap, not us:mad:

Because even thoug he's the incumbent, there are still republicans that will seek the nomination.

As far as his security goes, fine he can pay for his as soon as the Clintons start paying some of their own bills.:rolleyes:

12-02-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt

Well, as much as I've always liked President Bush yesterday he declared WAR!

He had a fund raiser a few miles from my office right at the time I usually leave for work. Care to guess what that did for local traffic conditions?

Mr. President, I like you just fine. But do me a big favor, and try not to hold fund raisers that close major highways during rush hour. Think lunches. you think thats bad? in 1999 the secret service shut down interstate 4 in orlando heading from the orlando international airport. traffic was backed up for miles. just so al gore could visit an elementary school. they have helicopters. maybe they should USE them. oh and where do you work?

12-02-2003, 04:01 PM
Bush and Son, once know as The United States of America

12-02-2003, 05:46 PM
Bush in my opinion is the worst president weve ever had, where in huge national debt and he spends billions of dollars on over seas affairs and him going to iraq was not good because no one knew where he was and could of caused a panic( i would not have panicked of course) he talks about today in helping our nation but it only seems that he has his eyes set on other countries.

12-02-2003, 06:07 PM
honestly, howabout knowing the issues before you speak on their behalf...

the whole thing with fundraisers just proves that we don't need the federal election funding system (that's blatantly unconstitutional). He can raise plenty of money on his own.

12-02-2003, 07:32 PM
Looks like this thread went like the last Bush thread. It started as a simple gripe about traffic so lets leave it there before cpphilip closes this one too and gets yall in trouble.

12-02-2003, 07:56 PM
what do you expect? theres a reason they dont want politics on ao.

12-02-2003, 09:37 PM
colledge boy?? where is he? is he dead... ??? :confused:

12-02-2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Machina123
Bush in my opinion is the worst president weve ever had, where in huge national debt and he spends billions of dollars on over seas affairs and him going to iraq was not good because no one knew where he was and could of caused a panic( i would not have panicked of course) he talks about today in helping our nation but it only seems that he has his eyes set on other countries.

I was reading this and thinking about it. It seems to me that America should invest less in schools in other countries. It is all to obvious our ability to teach functional communication with the written word is lacking.

12-02-2003, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by Machina123
Bush in my opinion is the worst president weve ever had, where in huge national debt and he spends billions of dollars on over seas affairs and him going to iraq was not good because no one knew where he was and could of caused a panic( i would not have panicked of course) he talks about today in helping our nation but it only seems that he has his eyes set on other countries.

You dont know crap about crap do you (freakin' swear censors)

do you forget that the nation's economy was boarderline recession at the end of Clintons "reign"? And it was still going down? Bush's tax cuts SAVED us from a total depression! Gore would have instinctly raised taxes, like all good democrats do, and consumer confidence would've falled faster then your IQ just did.

Going into Iraq was NOT the best thing we could do.. we SHOULD have invaded Syria. But now the Syrian government is backing down and letting in US military due to the fact that we kicked the living *** of baghdad.

Do you remember the embasies (sp?) in africa that were blown up?? or the first attack on the world trade center?

Did anything come of that? Clinton promised retaliation... did he do anything?? NO, We finally have a president who has the BALLS to do something. And political idiots like you run around bashing him for making our lives safer...

So next time you run your mouth about bush "sucking" LOOK into the issues and you might learn something...

Wait, you sound like a fastidious liberal... you'll never learn.

12-03-2003, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Splat

You dont know crap about crap do you (freakin' swear censors)

do you forget that the nation's economy was boarderline recession at the end of Clintons "reign"? And it was still going down? Bush's tax cuts SAVED us from a total depression! Gore would have instinctly raised taxes, like all good democrats do, and consumer confidence would've falled faster then your IQ just did.

Going into Iraq was NOT the best thing we could do.. we SHOULD have invaded Syria. But now the Syrian government is backing down and letting in US military due to the fact that we kicked the living *** of baghdad.

Do you remember the embasies (sp?) in africa that were blown up?? or the first attack on the world trade center?

Did anything come of that? Clinton promised retaliation... did he do anything?? NO, We finally have a president who has the BALLS to do something. And political idiots like you run around bashing him for making our lives safer...

So next time you run your mouth about bush "sucking" LOOK into the issues and you might learn something...

Wait, you sound like a fastidious liberal... you'll never learn.

...and Splat makes the Christmas card list...:D

12-03-2003, 12:14 AM
It's too bad he presented no better an arguement than the other guy.

12-03-2003, 12:26 AM
I made points and proved them...

what more do you want??


Thanks fact of life...

I just hope your not like Trudy!!!

12-03-2003, 12:29 AM
I don't see any proof.

12-03-2003, 12:37 AM
Iraq, Baghdad has been a hotbed and a shelter to Islamic Jihad for decades. Many groups found Iraq their home because the government would do nothing to stop them, because the government was more anti-american then the fundamentalist groups. So attacking Iraq was killing two birds with one stone... both figuativly and literaly.

Finance, EVERYONE knows that the consumers run this country. As is the point of a capitolist nation. Over taxation causes less money in the pockets of those who make things run. Employers sell fewer items because more money is used in taxes, so the employer can't hire more workers or has to downsize. If people lose jobs and they can't find work they can't purchase wants and desires then more companies are making less money, which means MORE people out of work, which means MORE people on welfare and other government programs, which means higher taxes yet...
are you following me here?
Reaganomics works... NEVER forget that.

12-03-2003, 12:40 AM
Mhmm, you still didn't prove all of your points.

The Iraq stuff, though I agree, you did not prove.

I'm under the impression the economy still isn't as good as it was under Clinton, but I haven't been paying much attention.

12-03-2003, 12:41 AM
let's see...

republican majority in house AND senate during most of the Clinton era...

what questions do you have about Iraq?

12-03-2003, 12:44 AM
Splat i think i love you.
People bash Bush over issues they know nothing about, if they were to look deeper than what the midia tells them than they would see Bush has done EVERYTHING right.

**EDIT** Bummer about the traffic Albinonewt

12-03-2003, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by Splat
let's see...

republican majority in house AND senate during most of the Clinton era...

what questions do you have about Iraq?

I don't know what that has to do with anything.

I don't have any questions about Iraq. I was only pointing out that you didn't prove everything like he said.

Bush hasn't done everything right, otherwise we'd have no deficit and everyone would be happy.

12-03-2003, 12:51 AM
media... I think that's the first time I've ever seen media misspelled!!! cool!!

anyhoo, I am a part of the "liberal media." But I do what I can to make things right (get it? right?? oh I crack me up).

I get really tired of people making claims and arguing about things they don't know or understand... (like the originator of this thread)

(btw, don't love me... just appreciate me, honor me, and worship me!!! WOOT!)

you can never please everyone. You just have to try to piss off as few as you can...
The republican majority had the power to pass economic bill through with more right wing ideals (lower tax, less government) then with a Democratic led government. Plus, they had the power to overrule vetos that clinton would sign... He knew this, so things we able to slide through...

I have nothing against democrats and liberals. Everybody has their side... I just want people to do some simple research before making comments about things that they don't understand.

12-03-2003, 12:53 AM
If a person has limited choices and all of them have negitive affects than that person must choose the option that has the least negitive effects. To the best of my limited knowledge Bush has chosen the options with the least negitive affects.

12-03-2003, 12:58 AM
Waiting for this thread to explode into another ugly debate...

But, personally, speaking from the point of view of an actual service man (been in the Air Force since 1999): I approve of what Bush did when he went to Iraq. It's not something that I can explain to someone who has never had friends or family deployed. But, if you have had friends or family in harm's way, then you will know.

Still it was quite a security risk.

12-03-2003, 12:58 AM
If you can say that it was the house and congress that made Clinton appear the be a good president then I can say the same thing for BUsh.

12-03-2003, 01:05 AM
And you have a right to make that statement...

48 dems

51 repub

1 ind

205 Democrats

229 Republicans

1 ind


(go conservatives!)

Breg, my dad was in Japan in the 80's in the air force. Radio communications... I've asked him what he did in the service... All he ever says is, "If I told you, then I'de have to kill you." I didn't believe him until last year when I found out a little more of what he did...

Now I know it's true!!! He still hates Russians!!!

12-03-2003, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by Machina123
Bush in my opinion is the worst president weve ever had, where in huge national debt and he spends billions of dollars on over seas affairs and him going to iraq was not good because no one knew where he was and could of caused a panic( i would not have panicked of course) he talks about today in helping our nation but it only seems that he has his eyes set on other countries.

Judging by your post, I'd say it's quite possible that he's the second worst president we've had in your lifetime.

Bush hasn't done everything right, otherwise we'd have no deficit and everyone would be happy.

I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about President George W. Bush, not King George the Omnipotent.

Let's see here..
Republican (H. W. Bush) in office, economy headed for boom by end of term.
Democrat (Clinton) in office, economy heading down by end of second term.
Republican (W. Bush) in office, economy headed up near end of first term DESPITE his predecessor AND despite the worst terrorist attack in history aimed directly at our economy.

And Newt, if it's between you having some tough traffic for a day and myself having Howard Dean or one of his ilk as my National Command Authority for four years.. Forgive me for being a little selfish. :D I am a republican, after all. That sunset looks like a great place for a condominium.. :p ;)

12-03-2003, 02:19 AM
Bush will win this election... there is no stronghold in the democratic party.
But afer bush's second term it's going to be Hillary... OOhh great... How she won the senate seat in New York is beyond me... She has NO POLITICAL BACKGROUND!!!

I would actually like to see Conaleeza Rice run if possible!!! She's a hell of a lot better then Hillary, that's for DAMN sure!

12-03-2003, 06:59 AM
Originally posted by Splat
I get really tired of people making claims and arguing about things they don't know or understand... (like the originator of this thread)

Whoo a moment there buddy, and just when I thought I was going to like you.

What don't I understand? That closing roads creates congestion which becomes grid lock traffic? I think I understand the dynamics of that just fine.

12-03-2003, 10:34 AM
Albino does these things just to get ole unka phil off his arse and help me increase my post closed count. We got a competition ya know!

It started fine but as one very intelligent member pointed out another unintelligent member HAD to go completely political with it.

Sigh.... Try again Newt! :D

One more for me!