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12-02-2003, 03:56 PM
I was at the field i normally go to during the winter, its an indoor just saturday. I walked in and immediately noticed a group of about 5 kids, probably 5-6 years old. They all had e-orracle's and dragon timmy's. When i was chronoing in, i shot once, it was below 250, the limit, i shot again just to make sure it wouldnt spike or anything and one of the little kids yelled "your fine! get onto the field!" It sort've pissed me off that he was talking down to me. Later, off the break, i decided to play back, little did i know that these kids play nowhere but back. I was followed by 4 of these kids, pushing me out of the bunker to move up. It ended up that in this 5 on 5 game, it came down to 2 on 5, our team being the 5. The kids were ordering me to rush and all 4 of them hadnt moved the whole game. I finally ended up bunkering the last of the other team. As we were walking off the little kids were making fun of me for taking so long before i rushed and bunkered the last 2! I later found out through overhearing that the kids dad had just bought Donald Trump's estate. It made me so mad that these spoiled brats thought they were so great but all they did was sit there with their crazy guns that their dad bought them. Anyway, just wanted to know if anybody else has a similar story.

btw i never got to bunker them cuz they always ended up on my team :(

12-02-2003, 04:06 PM
lol, although I kind of doubt the 5-6 year old estimation, I know exactly what you mean... it's frustrating. Just remember that A) you're better than them, B) you KNOW what the crap you're doing, and probably enjoy it more than them, and C) you've EARNED everything of yours... making you feel that much better about yourself as well. :)

12-02-2003, 04:09 PM
hah, thats true, but seriously that estimation is like right on, it was bad...lol

12-02-2003, 04:18 PM
I would have told them, "I'm older, slower and taller than you. You move up." :D

12-02-2003, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by PBCapo
I When i was chronoing in, i shot once, it was below 250, the limit, i shot again just to make sure it wouldnt spike or anything and one of the little kids yelled "your fine! get onto the field!"

you should have shot again, checked, shot again, checked, shot again, checked. oh that would be funny. When they were on the field telling you to move up, say you can't your a back player and they should move up. do something so they get out and look like an arse:D

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-02-2003, 05:19 PM
sometimes it's best if you just shoot your own players.

12-02-2003, 05:28 PM
Theres a kid at my field that is 5 years old(I know his family he really is 5) But he is really really good! Better than most players at the field infact... He's so small and fast nobody can hit him. Its wierd though because his dad has to build a custom harness for him cause he was so small. He has to run remote too cause he cant handle the wieght.

12-02-2003, 05:40 PM
Ya, I have seen some kids around that had their dad buy them everything. Can’t stand it when some 12-year-old shows up with a $1000 gun and thinks he can take every one on.
Any way there are some cool kids that just like to rush the middle of the field. It’s funny to see. Some times they make it and shoot 2 or 3 people before getting out.

12-02-2003, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
sometimes it's best of you just shoot your own players.


SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-02-2003, 06:06 PM
lol python please correct my spelling
-it should be IF instead of OF

team unwanted
12-02-2003, 06:15 PM
what i hate is when big guys come up to me and tell me to move up.i'm 14years of age,5 foot 6 and weight 120pounds so i'm a pretty small person. I play back for my team so when i play rec i play back,But no i have to move up so some fat guy with a tippmann can play the bunker, and then call me a "rich boy" cuz i have a timmy.i think that is retarded. And the fat guys thing i suck cuz i cant stay tight enough to play it so i get shot.:mad:

12-02-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by BobTheCow63
C) you've EARNED everything of yours... making you feel that much better about yourself as well. :)
ya, the kids at my local field that have angels, trixs, e-cockers and such throw them around like they are worth nothing, but the kids with the spyder compacts that they bought themselves always clean them and won't let them out of their sight.

12-02-2003, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
sometimes it's best if you just shoot your own players. seriously, i agree too

12-02-2003, 07:17 PM
establish a rule, If they talk to you, you shoot them. If they come near you, you shoot them, if they don't do what you say, you shoot them. sound good?

oh yah,and if they leave their gun unattended, steal it. they probibly will just get their daddy to buy them a better one in a week anyways. (jks, I don't condone anybody stealing anything, even if they do deserve it):D

12-02-2003, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Lopy-slopy
establish a rule, If they talk to you, you shoot them. If they come near you, you shoot them, if they don't do what you say, you shoot them. sound good?

oh yah,and if they leave their gun unattended, steal it. they probibly will just get their daddy to buy them a better one in a week anyways. (jks, I don't condone anybody stealing anything, even if they do deserve it):D

hahaha if i see them this weekend i'll take that into consideration

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
12-02-2003, 07:39 PM
pbcapo - let me point out the lovely hit spots for annoying little brats

1. Left nut - VERY PAINFUL! (i learned in health class that the left one is bigger than the right one, which is normal)
2. Right nut - VERY PAINFUL! (but get the left one if possible)
4. Neck - this might be a good thing or a bad thing to the person you shoot (i got hit in the neck by team aftershock and i just love showing it off)
5. Back of the Head - Just painful and very scary to the person you shoot
6. Mouth - hit them in the mask and let the paint go flying into their mouth :)
7. Inside of the thigh - IT HURTS!

12-02-2003, 09:34 PM
Whats always funny is when your on the other team, you slide into your bunker and you look up... your trying to figure the call

Umm... four went left... there all in the back stand up

12-02-2003, 09:55 PM
I acidently hit my friend in the back of the head from like two feet away, I was shooting out of a window of a house and he was sitting below the window, as I was firing, he decided to stand up. He was fine though, the balls would be MUCH MUCH worse.

Mag Master 04
12-02-2003, 10:12 PM
see i made a thread similar to this and got flamed like ceazy ppl saying to get over it and whatnot, it still pisses me off cuz i see it so often, easier to get over it than it is to say get over it.

12-02-2003, 10:58 PM
dont know why but i found this whole story pretty damn funny.
Here you are pining away about it a few days later. What are you 14 / 15 years old in high school.

And all i can see is some 5 and 6 year old kids talking smack about you during their milk and cookie breaks during kindergarten.

just found it quite amusing.

12-02-2003, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by wimag

And all i can see is some 5 and 6 year old kids talking smack about you during their milk and cookie breaks during kindergarten.



12-03-2003, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Blennidae
I would have told them, "I'm older, slower and taller than you. You move up." :D


I'm using that one next time I play with someone like that.

12-03-2003, 09:52 AM
I haven't been caught in this EXACT scenario before, but I do see a lot of lil' chillin' running around with $1000+ dollar guns that they OBVIOUSLY couldn't afford on their own at age 5 or 6... or all the way up to 15 or 16 even!

I have seen some attitude from these little kiddies because they think they own the place because they have some uber-nice gat that they have no idea how to use... And don't even know how to play paintball for that matter.

U put 5 5 year olds with Dragon Timmies on a supair field agains me and my E-Mag, and those chillin' be dropping like flies :)

Ya just gotta let 'em know who's boss!!!

12-03-2003, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by the_next_guy_

ya, the kids at my local field that have angels, trixs, e-cockers and such throw them around like they are worth nothing, but the kids with the spyder compacts that they bought themselves always clean them and won't let them out of their sight.

There's a lot of truth to this. I've purchased all my markers (6 as of now) and upgrades for them with all my own money. I am deadly protective of my gear, and treat it like a child.

It really does make a difference if you pay for it yourself, and you can really tell who has done that.

12-03-2003, 10:04 AM
I guess skipped over that post by the_next_guy_ on accident, but that is such a true statement. I see that all of the time back home in WA. There are a lot of kids with rich parents that will literally buy them whatever they want, I had a friend who was like that.... I remember when I bought my first FF Race Cocker, and he was so jealous that he had his dad by him one the next day with a more expensive ano on it to one-up me...

You know what happened to that gun? He LOST it... yes, thats right, LOST a $1500 FF Race cocker. He didn't even care, "hey dad get me another" was his answer to that.

Me, I would never let a thing like that happen to me, every gun I own is my precious :) Currently that would be my E-Mag, I love it more than any gun I have ever owned or shot...

12-03-2003, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by team unwanted
what i hate is when big guys come up to me and tell me to move up.i'm 14years of age,5 foot 6 and weight 120pounds so i'm a pretty small person. I play back for my team so when i play rec i play back,But no i have to move up so some fat guy with a tippmann can play the bunker, and then call me a "rich boy" cuz i have a timmy.i think that is retarded. And the fat guys thing i suck cuz i cant stay tight enough to play it so i get shot.:mad:

That sucks dude. I'm kind of in the same boat size-wise (not age wise. I'm nearly 20). I'm 6'1" and 137: I'm a featherweight. HOWEVER, I'm long and lanky, so I don't get small in a bunker very easilly at all. If I'm scrunched up all nice and tight, I'll still get nailed, b/c my knees are sticking up OVER the bunker. I find that IF I play speedball, I do better as a backman or midman. But I'll play front and sides if I'm using my phantom, for utility's sake. But if I'm using my blazer, I'm playing back or mid ONLY, b/c I can keep a small profile while standing up (like I said, I'm long and lanky), but not while I'm up in the front bunkers. I can't keep small enough there, b/c I'm just too darn LONG.

12-03-2003, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by robdamanii

There's a lot of truth to this. I've purchased all my markers (6 as of now) and upgrades for them with all my own money. I am deadly protective of my gear, and treat it like a child.

It really does make a difference if you pay for it yourself, and you can really tell who has done that.

Dear lord, the way I've protected and babied ALL of my guns is almost near to obscene! Especially with my first guns, my RayII's. Now, we all know that a stock StingrayII is next to useless in performance, but it was what I had, and I had to pay my mom back for it b/c I didn't have enough money for it at the time. Good lord I protected and loved that marker! When I played, it was either in my hands or kept VERY close by. I didn't let it out of my sight. Why? Because it was all I had in the way of a paintball gun.

That habit continues on. I've been a total gun WHORE of late, going through a mag, A5, and some others VERY quickly. I now own a phantom and a blazer. I baby both. When NOT playing, they are either in my hands being worked on or they are in their PROTECTIVE cases. I bought a $110 gun case just to store them in so that 1) they couldn't be stolen (dual key locks) and 2) they'd be protected no matter what.

Sure, my blazer is worth around $700, and that's nothing compared to some setups, but it took me this entire summer to save up for it, and had my heart set on it. I love that gun to pieces. Sure, it's not the fastest marker, but she's MY marker, and I BOUGHT her with my own HARD EARNED money. I traded my A5 for the phantom, but that A5 still cost me a pretty penny as well (once again, out of the money I'd saved up over the summer). My parents have never bought me my gear and not had me pay them back.

Who else is in the same boat? If you got your gun as a gift, well, congrats, I'm sure you take care of it. But who here has had to scrimp and save and fast and starve themselves (ok ok, not to that extreme, obviously :p) to save up the money needed to buy their guns?

12-03-2003, 10:40 AM
Damn straight.

I keep them all stored very protectively, and there is ALWAYS one on my desk being worked on.

They get their fair share of abuse through regular play, but that translates into being much more loved as they keep working and taking abuse, and such. But they always get meticulously cleaned at the end of the day, and they haven't let me down yet.

But these people that toss around angels and timmys like they were a marauder...makes me sick. If you're going to treat that marker like that, then give it to me, and I'll respect it like it's due.

12-03-2003, 11:12 AM
I always buy a new Redz gun bag for any gun that I get... Yet, I lost mine in transport to VA, I don't have a clue where it is, so my gun just sits out in the open (ahhhh!) lol.

It gets the front seat on the way to the field, even if I am giving someone a ride, they get to sit in the back, the paintball gun travels first class before my friends! ;)

12-03-2003, 11:53 AM
I don't put my guns in the front seat, b/c if I have to stop somewhere, someone might see the case and think "OOOO, expensive camera" or even worse, "OOO, pistol case!" and break in and steal my $1000 worth of gun (well, with what I'm having done to the blazer and what I have with it in the case, there's over $1000 worth of equipment when the blazer's in there) and equipment :(. Instead, the case is LOCKED (good ole' dual key locked field locks :D), and put in the trunk along with the rest of my gear. That way, no potential thief will have added incentive to steal my car or the stuff in my car should I have to stop for food or something along the way.

12-03-2003, 05:48 PM
In the good old days the minimum age to play was 15 (In Miami anyway). I miss those days.

12-03-2003, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Sir_Brass
I don't put my guns in the front seat, b/c if I have to stop somewhere, someone might see the case and think "OOOO, expensive camera" or even worse, "OOO, pistol case!" and break in and steal my $1000 worth of gun (well, with what I'm having done to the blazer and what I have with it in the case, there's over $1000 worth of equipment when the blazer's in there) and equipment :(. Instead, the case is LOCKED (good ole' dual key locked field locks :D), and put in the trunk along with the rest of my gear. That way, no potential thief will have added incentive to steal my car or the stuff in my car should I have to stop for food or something along the way.

That's only when i'm in motion :) When the car is parked everything gets hidden, hehe.

And min. play age of 15? Man, I'm glad we never had that rule! I started when I was 10, so that would've meant I woulda had to wait a lot longer than I wanted to to start gettin' into it... ouch. But, now, I think that rule would be awesome :D