View Full Version : PC Board Buttons Suck... HELP!

12-02-2003, 04:48 PM
Ok, for like the 800th time now my E-Mag's buttons on the board have come apart, leaving u with 3 little mircroscopic pieces to play with, I know which way they go in and how its all setup and what not... but the last metal piece, the cover for it all, just WONT stay locked down... does AGD have a little tool that snaps over it to push in the lock tabs or what? I am having a VERY hard time finding something with a small enough point to lock in the tabs with, any suggestion on how to do this with a common household item?

So far I have tried a knife tip, a midget tiny allen wrench, and some micro needle-nose pliers. I just want them to stay together FOR GOOD.

Does this happen frequently on other peoples E/X-Mags? I am getting fed up with the buttons now. I sent the gun to the factory once in hopes that they could install the cover tight enough to never have to worry about it again, and snap, it just popped off again 20 mins ago when I was scrolling through the menu's.

Thanks in advance for any advice u may have!

12-02-2003, 04:59 PM
Once the white buttons pop off, Its becomes hard to get them to stay put again. The solution is to replace the entire switch on the board. I have these here, and would be more than happy to fix it for you. Take special care in removing and installing the board in the future and it wont happen again. Let me know.;)

12-02-2003, 05:10 PM
Thx for the speey reply Tuna.

It's wierd though because they aren't popping off when I am taking out the board, they are popping off during standard use, does that seem right? I was scrolling through the shot buffer and when I pressed the bottom button the first time to start changing the setting i heard it come flying off and hit the grip... So I have it all pulled apart and I have everything in place I just need to lock that stupid little top bracket dealy down.

How much would a repair like that cost? I had it done once at AGD and they punched an star for it so I said screw it, never will I send it back in for something that simple. I even thought about just drilling a hole in the grip directly over the button with no pieces in the button so I could just stick an allen in the hole to adjust settings, lol. I dont want another star punched for that loser problem, hehe.

12-02-2003, 10:14 PM
I have a bunch of the switchs they require to be soldered on though. PM me if you intered.


12-02-2003, 10:43 PM
do I just rip the old one off? or just reheat the solder that's there?

how much are they, I am very interested, please LMK!

12-03-2003, 06:39 AM
They are a real biotch to remove and replace. You have to be careful or you melt the sloder pad right off the board and then its ruined. I will fix it no charge. Send it here if you like. Just the return shipping is all I ask.;)

12-03-2003, 08:10 AM
Hey that would be awesome Tuna, thanks!!!

Jet me a copy of your mailing address to matt@fragtek.com

$15 good enough for return shipping? U let me know how much u need.

I wont be able to send the gun out until after this weekend, I have to attend mini AO-VA day :)

A few more questions... U wanna flash me to Miscues's software?? muahaha... Been dieing to try that out! And I am also having the run-away problem with 3.2, would installing a new HES fix that? I really don't wanna have to downgrade, because it's just too nice with the 3.2 on it! (or Q's software should fix that :D)

Hit me up through E-Mail. Lata man. Thx again.

12-03-2003, 10:40 AM
One thing to keep in mind is to make sure that the board is properly positioned in the frame. There's the screw mount at the bottom, but also at the top is a centering mount that you need to make sure the board relief hole is fully pressed onto mount pin.

Yes, I've seen a couple of the button covers go flying off. To take them off and replace the broken white buttons (which happens more often than you think), I use a dental pick to pull back the tabs and lock them into place when I put it back on. If the cover won't stop popping off, you just need to get a new cover installed off of a new button assembly. That's what I do instead of desoldering the whole button from the board.

12-03-2003, 11:09 AM
I'll let Tuna replace it for me if he wants too do that :)

Because that bottom button really needs to get replaced, I noticed when I sent it to AGD the first time all they did was replace the cover, so it's still having some issues. I figure if I get a whole new button I might be better off and have more luck with that.

I just nothched my grip on the side in line with the button so I can stick an allen in the whole and press the button w/o having to take off the grip :D It's ghetto, but it works! lol.

12-03-2003, 12:12 PM
i want chrome plated buttons for my emag. Tuna? :)

also, may send mine too since the bottom switch is bent when i tried to put board back in one time

12-03-2003, 04:40 PM
No chrome buttons unfortunately. I will fix yours too. Email me and i will reply with my address. I am getting low on switches so if anyones got a few extras please let me know. Thanks:D

12-03-2003, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by FragTek
Hey that would be awesome Tuna, thanks!!!

Jet me a copy of your mailing address to matt@fragtek.com

$15 good enough for return shipping? U let me know how much u need.

I wont be able to send the gun out until after this weekend, I have to attend mini AO-VA day :)

A few more questions... U wanna flash me to Miscues's software?? muahaha... Been dieing to try that out! And I am also having the run-away problem with 3.2, would installing a new HES fix that? I really don't wanna have to downgrade, because it's just too nice with the 3.2 on it! (or Q's software should fix that :D)

Hit me up through E-Mail. Lata man. Thx again. I cant give anyone Miscues software yet. As soon as he gives the word...

12-03-2003, 04:43 PM
Get ahold of ah137, sounds like he has a whole bunch that he wouldn't mind giving up :)

Got your email too, thanks! I will more than likely send my gun on Monday.

Edit: *sniffle* I want Miscue's software... :(